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A future in finance. Sub-sectors and careers Management accountancy, payroll and benefits, corporate recovery, audit Branch management, business banking,

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Presentation on theme: "A future in finance. Sub-sectors and careers Management accountancy, payroll and benefits, corporate recovery, audit Branch management, business banking,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A future in finance

2 Sub-sectors and careers

3 Management accountancy, payroll and benefits, corporate recovery, audit Branch management, business banking, mergers & acquisitions, customer service Financial adviser, paraplanner, mortgage advice, compliance, sales, risk management Claims management, underwriting, broking, loss adjusting, relationship management Investment analysis, global custody, corporate actions, investment accounting, settlements Accountancy and finance Banks and building societies Financial planning Insurance Investments and pensions The opportunities

4 Navigating a route Finance, accountancy and financial services Apprenticeships School leaver scheme Sponsored degree Internship & sandwich Graduate training scheme WORK EXPERIENCE

5 Barclays Sponsored degree with Nottingham and Anglia Ruskin University whilst training to become a Branch Manager PWC Professional qualifications route to assurance and tax KPMG Sponsored degree and professional qualification route into Audit HSBC Apprenticeships leading through to higher level training Register with Directions to get all opportunities! Some examples

6 NEW ENTRANTS > Team work > Willing to learn > Professionalism INDUSTRY SPECIFIC > Analytical > Industry knowledge > Client needs > Commerciality PROFESSIONAL > Management > Leadership > Client focus > Ethics > Risk management Skills for the future

7 A mindset that counts Loyalty TrustInnovation Adaptability

8 Get ahead of the curve Register for updates on work experience, school leaver schemes, apprenticeships, careers events and much more!

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