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Reconstruction Unit 1. Reconstruction 40 Acres and a Mule.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction Unit 1. Reconstruction 40 Acres and a Mule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction Unit 1

2 Reconstruction

3 40 Acres and a Mule

4 The Freedman’s Bureau

5 Sectionalism

6 Sharecropper

7 Freedmen

8 13 th Amendment

9 14 th Amendment

10 15 th Amendment

11 Conquest of the West Unit 2

12 The Homestead Act

13 The Transcontinental Railroad

14 The Ghost Dance

15 Barbed Wire

16 The Transcontinental Railroad

17 Boomtown

18 Sharecropping

19 The Dawes Act

20 Ghost Town

21 Custer’s Last Stand

22 Little Big Horn

23 Hunters and Warriors

24 The Rain will Follow the Plow

25 The 14 th Amendment

26 Vigilante Committee

27 Assimilation

28 Promontory Point, Utah

29 Treaty

30 The 15 th Amendment

31 Immigrant

32 Wounded Knee

33 Plessy v. Ferguson

34 Hunting Ground

35 Manifest Destiny

36 Dredd Scott

37 The Bozeman Trail

38 Scarcity of Water

39 Reconstruction

40 The Extermination of the Buffalo

41 Indian Land

42 160 Acres for 5 years

43 Promontory Spike

44 Chinese Immigrants

45 Gold

46 Reservation

47 The Treaty of Ft. Laramie

48 Opportunities Out West

49 The Gold Rush

50 Pacific Railroad Act

51 The Long Drive

52 Plessy v. Ferguson

53 The Compromise of 1877

54 The Buffalo

55 The 13 th Amendment

56 George Custer

57 40 Acres and a Mule

58 Sod

59 Barbed Wire

60 160 Acres to the Head of the Family and 80 Acres to each unmarried adult

61 Kill the Indian, Save the man

62 The Gilded Age Unit 3

63 The Gilded Age Industrialization

64 Vertical Integration

65 John D. Rockefeller

66 Populism

67 Horizontal Integration

68 The Knights of Labor

69 The Bessemer Process

70 Laissez Faire

71 Social Darwinism

72 Standard Time Zone

73 U.S. Steel

74 Standard Oil

75 Haymarket Square

76 Corporation

77 Andrew Carnegie

78 The Gilded Age Immigration

79 Tenement

80 The Melting Pot

81 Chinese Exclusion Act

82 The Gilded Age The Age of Progressivism

83 Suffrage

84 Square Deal

85 The 17 th amendment

86 Robert La Follette

87 The Jungle

88 Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890

89 Muckraker

90 The Progressive Movement

91 The 17 th Amendment

92 Recall

93 Referendum

94 The 16 th Amendment

95 Initiative

96 Political Bosses

97 The 19 th Amendment

98 Meat Inspection Act

99 Prohibition

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