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Mr. Mara 10 th Hope/Physical Education (Health and P.E.) Portfolio.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Mara 10 th Hope/Physical Education (Health and P.E.) Portfolio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Mara 10 th Hope/Physical Education (Health and P.E.) Portfolio

2 Rule 1 We act on our best behavior in class. We will be on our best behavior in class. I will not tolerate disrespect. I will discipline kids according to what part of the rule they break. Students will write sentences depending on the rule they broke. Over time students will get tired of writing. If I catch students cursing they will do twenty pushups in front of their peers.

3 Rule 2/3 We treat our peers with respect. We treat our peers with respect because it is the golden rule you will not get treated well if you are not being respectful to others. If this rule is broken it can lead to steps in the wrong direction such as a Warning, Call home, Referral determining the extent of the action. We participate in class. No matter what we will participate in the gym activities. There is no excuse for not participating in some way. If kids do not participate they will lose major points on there grade.

4 Rule 4 We have FUN!!!!! High school only comes once there are not many things I demand besides respect to everyone. We will have a great year.

5 Classroom Chart Board Door Teachers Desk Projector Problem Student Pencil Sharpener Supplies Book Shelve ESOL Student

6 Classroom Chart Rational My desk will be in the back so students will not look at my desk. Pencil Sharpener and Supplies will be somewhere where students wont be looking. It will not be a distraction. Board will be at the front I prefer teaching in the front of the classroom. E.S.O.L student will be close to me but behind the problem student I don’t feel comfortable with them sitting side by side. Problem student will be close to where im teaching which is the board.

7 Rewards/ Consequences Every month the student who displays the most respect and works the hardest in my class will receive five dollars. If students do not participate there grade will suffer heavily. If students decide to disrespect there classmates they will deal with the three strike program. A warning, Call home, Referral. As elementary as it is it works. If students use a inappropriate word they will do 10 pushups for the inappropriate word that they said.

8 Routines and Procedures Passing out papers: I will pass out papers to every individual in the class. Leaving to go to the restroom: The student will raise there hand and say may I please use the restroom. If it is a appropriate time I will say bring me your planner which will be signed or else the student will have to go back to there desk and sign it. I will sign it and they will be very quiet coming back in the room. Sharpening Pencils: Students who need a pencil sharpened will put it at the end of their desk which therefore I will proceed to sharpen it so the student does not leave their desk.

9 Routines and Procedures Getting Supplies and books: If the student needs a book they will raise their hand and ask for a book or supplies. I will give them what they ask if it is appropriate. Dismissing the class: The students will stay in their seats until the bell rings. Turning in work: The student will have to turn in their work in a bin located on my desk. The student will have to turn it in on the day it is due. If they are absent they will have one day to make up the assignment they missed. Taking attendance: I will take attendance before the student’s come in class.

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