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Life and Times in 1776. I might eat... a hamburger salt pork macaroni & cheese.

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Presentation on theme: "Life and Times in 1776. I might eat... a hamburger salt pork macaroni & cheese."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life and Times in 1776

2 I might eat... a hamburger salt pork macaroni & cheese

3 Oops, you got that one wrong. :-( Hamburgers did not start showing up in restaurants until the 1800’s. TRY AGAIN

4 Yeah! You GOT it!!! By curing the pork with salt it kept it from spoiling since they did not have reliable refrigeration at that time. NEXT QUESTION

5 No, silly. Macaroni and cheese first started to show up in cookbooks in the United States in the mid-1800’s. TRY AGAIN

6 Select your gender: Girl Boy

7 I would spend my time... Shopping at the mall Having sleep- overs Weaving cloth

8 I would spend my time... Rollerskating Playing video games Hunting and fishing

9 Nope, try again.try again

10 Yes, you are AWESOME !

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