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10/28/14 Warm up question……… How does a persons’ sense of self emerge?

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Presentation on theme: "10/28/14 Warm up question……… How does a persons’ sense of self emerge?"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/28/14 Warm up question……… How does a persons’ sense of self emerge?

2 Personality Development Heredity—physical traits, aptitudes, inherited characteristics, biological drives, limits Parents—parental characteristics, such as age, education, religion, and economic status Birth order—personalities are shaped by siblings and the order in which we are born Cultural environment—determines the basic personality types found in a society


4 Question How does isolation in childhood affect development?

5 Answer Isolation can have severe consequences such as developmental disabilities (mental, physical, social, and psychological), malnutrition, and death.

6 Reflection 1. In your view, who or what defines your identity? 2. How does the way you define yourself compare with the way that others define you? How does this affect your relationships with others? 3. Can identity change over time? Why or why not?

7 Listen to the following poem. Answer: What do you learn about the author from the poem? Can you tell clearly where they are from? What in the poem tells you that? What questions do you have for the author? Which author do you relate to most and why? Anything else you find interesting…

8 I am from tea and sugar From Palmolive and dust I am from the large backyard (clean and musty) I am from the ivy The fig tree Whose fruit laden branches lined the driveway every summer I am from 4 am Christmases and night time stories From Pandora and Gary I’m from talkative and quiet And from workaholics I am from work hard and try your best And success is 90% perspiration I’m from a heart and soul of it all state of mind Baked potatoes and hot dish and sauerkraut balls From a great grandmothers strength to journey across an ocean To a coal mine in West Virginia These moments hang on the walls, Or stored in musty yellowed photo albums I am from these moments.

9 Create your own poem… Using the template prepare your own “Where I’m from…” poem. 20 minutes to work. You will present poem to class.

10 Section 2: The Social Self How Sense of Self Emerges – Through interaction with social and cultural environments, people are transformed into members of society. – The interactive process through which people learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior patterns of a society is called socialization.

11 John Locke—The Tabula Rasa Each person is a blank slate at birth, with no personality. People develop personality as a result of their social experiences. Infants can be molded into any type of person.

12 Charles Horton Cooley—The Looking- Glass Self Infants have no sense of person or place. Children develop an image of themselves based on how others see them. Other people act as a mirror, reflecting back the image a child projects through their reactions to the child’s behavior.

13 George Herbert Mead—Role-Taking People not only come to see themselves as others see them, but also take on or pretend to take on the roles of others through imitation, play, and games. This process enables people to anticipate what others expect of them.

14 Individual Quiet Work (formal grade) 1.You will create a T-Chart where you will match 3 theories with social scientists that we have covered for your graphic organizers. 2.You will then create a trifold/brochure to further elaborate what you have learned. It needs to be informative, visually appealing and accurate.

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