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Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN1 * The research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN1 * The research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN1 * The research project has been supported by a Marie Curie Early Initial Training Network Fellowship of the European Community’s Seventh Programme under contract number (PITN-GA-2010- 264330-CATHI) CATHI Marie Curie Initial Training Network Cryogenics, Accelerators and Targets at HIE-ISOLDE Mathieu Augustin (EN/STI-RBS)* WP8, ESR 15 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012

2 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN2 Outline  Background  Activity at CERN  Project Status and Achievements  Future Work  Training  Conclusions

3 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN3 Background  2005-2009: Master degree in Applied Physics Major Nuclear engineering and instrumentation  2011: Intern at the IAEA Member of the Incident and Emergency Centre, in charge of data monitoring and analysis in the framework of Fukushima Daiichi NPP crisis.  2009-2010: Vulcanus in Japan, supported by EC, EUJC and METI-Japan

4 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN4 Activity at CERN Courtesy of T. Giles

5 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN5 Project Status and Achievements  “D36: Off-line Separator Specifications”: layout proposed, beamline items are being gathered, finite element design software simulations to be carried out;  “M36: Assembly and commissioning of off-line separator”: magnet test certifications to be performed within the coming weeks ;  “TC16 : Beam optics simulation codes” : numerical simulations completed for off-separator, ongoing activity for HRS magnet  “I17 : Secondment to associated partners” : postponed to second year of activity, due to the time already devoted to school courses WP8 (Radioactive Ion Beam Quality Improvement)

6 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN6 Project Status and Achievements  Proposal of a mechanical layout for the off-line test  Beam optics simulations performed D36 (Off-line Separator Specifications) Courtesy of T. Giles

7 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN7 Project Status and Achievements D36 (Off-line Separator Specifications)  Necessary items being gathered/designed  Definition of magnet controls requirements in progress (with M. Colciago, STI-ECE section)  Contact with IVM group for vacuum requirements

8 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN8 Future work  Mapping of the magnetic field of the off-line separator “M36: Assembly and commissioning of off-line separator”:  Magnet certification tests to start soon (with P. Farantatos, MSC-MNC section)

9 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN9 Future work  Proposal of a new layout for the separator room (need of a new magnet?)  Beam optics simulation code  Numerical design and field mapping Current situation Courtesy of V. Barozier New RFQ location foreseen Layout view of the separator room

10 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN10 Training  SPES school on experimental techniques  Joint University Accelerator School  CERN Accelerator School  EURORIB conference (radioactive ion beam)  62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Courses and conferences Technical visits  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility  Nuclear Medicine Department of Geneva hospital  Paul Scherrer institute Technical training  Radiological courses  Electrical awareness training

11 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN11 Conclusion The Marie Curie fellowship is a great opportunity for those who want to get the most out of a professional experience  Personal and professional enhancement  Supporting fellowship budget particularly helpful THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND ATTENTION  Permanent teamwork  Great possibility of networking

12 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN12 Training  SPES school on experimental techniques  Joint University Accelerator School  CERN Accelerator School  EURORIB conference (radioactive ion beam)  62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Courses and conferences Technical visits  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility  Nuclear Medicine Department of Geneva hospital  Paul Scherrer insitute Technical training  Radiological courses  Habilitation Electricien

13 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN13 Training  SPES school on experimental techniques  Joint University Accelerator School  CERN Accelerator School  EURORIB conference (radioactive ion beam)  62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting Courses and conferences Technical visits  European Synchrotron Radiation Facility  Nuclear Medicine Department of Geneva hospital  Paul Scherrer insitute Technical training  Radiological courses  Habilitation Electricien

14 Mid Term Review Meeting, 26 September 2012M.AUGUSTIN14 Activity at CERN WP8 (Radioactive Ion Beam Quality Improvement) Work package number 8 Start date or starting event:Month 10 Work package title Radioactive Ion Beam Quality Improvements Activity Type RTD Person-months 96 (ESR15: 36 months; ESR16: 36 months and ER3: 24 months) Associated Partners JYFI, MPIK, NSCL-MSU, Scientific Magnetics Objectives The ESRs will acquire the necessary knowledge and collaborate to the different studies for the improvements of the radioactive ion beam quality in both resolution and purity. Description of work 1.ESR15: Define the functional and technical specifications for the production of an off-line separator 2.ESR15: Assembly and commissioning of the off-line separator 3.ESR15: Carry out design study of a high resolution magnet including the integration of multi-pole corrections 4.ESR15 : Elaborate the technical specifications and participate in the call for tender for the procurement in industry Deliverables D36.Specifications for Off-line separator D37.Full design Report of high resolution magnet D38. Specifications for call for tender

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