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Early College MC Friday September 7, 2012. Employee of the Month Mr. Howard, our new Physics teacher, showed desire and dedication for his profession.

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Presentation on theme: "Early College MC Friday September 7, 2012. Employee of the Month Mr. Howard, our new Physics teacher, showed desire and dedication for his profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early College HS @ MC Friday September 7, 2012

2 Employee of the Month Mr. Howard, our new Physics teacher, showed desire and dedication for his profession when he voluntarily switched classes with Mrs. Kite’s sub during advisory so that the students could continue to receive Chemistry instruction while Mrs. Kite had to be away.

3 Students of the Week SENIOR: Senior Brittany Frantz showed kindness when she voluntarily spent her 7 th period off time organizing laptops for the students and faculty so that they could have access to them faster. JUNIOR: Junior Hailey Bermea showed responsibility every day when she came to class prepared. She always does what is asked of her without a moment of complaint. SOPHOMORE: Sophomore Nicky Vu shows desire when she is diligently researching information and going the extra mile on projects. FRESHMAN: Freshman Sarah Adams shows respect for herself and others. She is always willing to help others and speaks with a kind voice and a smile.

4 Core Value of the Day DESIRE: doing your best in order to be your best

5 Campus Tidbits We pick up our own trash! We do not eat in the gym or any hallways attached to the gym! We do not block the entry way into any buildings We use our private voice when entering/leaving buildings You can not workout in the Midland College gym until you have attended gym training with Mrs. Coleman. Watch the announcements for dates for upcoming Gym training opportunities in the next couple of weeks.

6 Community Service Opportunities Make a Difference Day annual fall clean up. October 20 th Further details coming as they become available

7 Y&G September Club News SUNDAYMONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAY 1 2345678 Mandatory Senior meeting before school 8:15or afterschool 4:20 Mandatory Junior meeting after school 4:20-5:00 9101112131415 Mandatory Sophomore meeting after school 4:20-5:00 Mandatory Freshman meeting after School 4:20-5:00 OFFICER MEETING 8:15-8:45 16171819202122 Keep Midland Beautiful Fundraising Event 23242526272829 30

8 Attention ALL Youth and Government Members and Incoming Members We will have our first mandatory General meetings starting Sept 5 th thru Sept 12 th. We will meet by grade level so will need to check the calendar for the appropriate day and time. These meetings are open to all existing and new members, but you must attend if you plan on participating this year. We will be limiting the team to 25 students per grade level, so we will take the first 25 through the door each day.

9 Club News Anime Club starts back this Friday after school! Location: Meet by the AFA vending machines after school & we will go over together Activity: The first episodes of the nominated animes. Length: Please have rides to pick you up by 7:00pm

10 Class Elections Are you ready for a leadership role among your peers? You must complete a form to run for office! See your class sponsor for more information When: Next Week 9 th : Mrs. Miller 10th: Mrs. Langford 11th: Mrs. Kite 12 th : Coach Rhoads

11 Sophomores If you haven’t passed your THEA reading, writing, or math section now is the time to be working with a tutor!

12 Juniors If you haven’t passed your math section of THEA now is the time to be working with a tutor!

13 Seniors Don’t forget to get your recommendation letters. If you haven’t reached your Math placement score now is the time to be working with a tutor!

14 Explore the rest of our website: Give us a call at: 432-685-4641 Questions? More Information?

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