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Fermat’s Little Theorem The RSA Cryptosystem will require exponentiation to decrypt messages. Exponentiation Notation Example 1: Compute Exponentials Example.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermat’s Little Theorem The RSA Cryptosystem will require exponentiation to decrypt messages. Exponentiation Notation Example 1: Compute Exponentials Example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermat’s Little Theorem The RSA Cryptosystem will require exponentiation to decrypt messages. Exponentiation Notation Example 1: Compute Exponentials Example 1 Example 2: compute Exponential Mod Example 2 In Example 2 it is seen that modulus arithmetic on small exponentials is easy. However, Modular arithmetic on large numbers can be quite difficult and is subject to computer errors due to computer round off. – Example: Large exponential… Example

2 Exponential Notation All laws of exponents in the real number system carry over to MOD arithmetic, except division. Laws of Exponents Method of Successive Squaring for Arithmetic Modulo m – Step 1: Break the exponent down into the sum of powers of 2. – Step 2: Write the base as a succession of the same base with the exponents from step 1. – Step 3: Write the base to each power of 2, up to the highest one used from step 1 (1, 2, 4, 8, …, highest), and perform the modular arithmetic on these. – Step 4: Multiply the numbers obtained in 3 modulo m. – Example 3: Compute Modulo 23 Example 3 – Example 4: Compute Modulo 41… Example 4

3 Fermat’s Little Theorem Example 5: Compute powers modulo m Example 5 Example 6: Solve Equation…! Example 6

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