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Peer Learning and The Beauty of Simplicity Simon Tepper Northport Consulting.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Learning and The Beauty of Simplicity Simon Tepper Northport Consulting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Learning and The Beauty of Simplicity Simon Tepper Northport Consulting

2 Overview Peer learning networks and technologies – Defining the issue – The spread of technology – Uses and abuses A real world solution

3 Defining the Issue How many peer networks do you belong to? How do you communicate with each other? What do you want to use these networks for?

4 The spread of technology Data re use of technology –Social class –Age –Gender –Place of access –Impact on productivity Source: MORI, ONS Dec. ’05 What do you use to access peer knowledge?

5 Social Class

6 Age

7 Gender

8 Place of access

9 Impact on productivity

10 Uses and abuses What can you do with available technologies? What features, benefits and qualities would you prioritise? What are the problems? What robs the network of value?

11 What can you do with available technologies? Mail to individuals/some/all Post questions, respond, comment Store and share documents online Discuss online (realtime, asynchronous) Build communities of interest Look for like-minded souls, check profiles Search for information, ideas, etc.

12 Typical problems Complexityv Simplicity Speed (lack of ….)vSpeed CostvValue for money Technology-drivenvUser-driven Lack of integrationvIntegration Feast or faminevModeration of content Anonymity

13 By way of illustration




17 editas: a real world solution In use with guidance workers adult education providers professional development network business support networks

18 Key benefits Integration with everyday practice Optional anonymity Moderation Ease of use





23 Any questions?

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