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AQUATICS UNIT REVIEW *Check your study guide as we go through the slides.

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Presentation on theme: "AQUATICS UNIT REVIEW *Check your study guide as we go through the slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 AQUATICS UNIT REVIEW *Check your study guide as we go through the slides.

2 QUESTION 1a Breakdown of Earth’s Fresh Water Is there an unlimited supply of freshwater on Earth? Explain. Saltwater 97.5% Freshwater 2.5% Ice77.197% Ground Water22.260% Soil Moisture0.180% Lakes0.323% River & Streams0.004% Atmosphere0.036% Total100.00%

3 ANSWER 1a Breakdown of Earth’s Fresh Water Is there an unlimited supply of freshwater on Earth? Explain. No – freshwater only makes up 2.5% of all water on Earth; the majority is saltwater Saltwater 97.5% Freshwater 2.5% Ice77.197% Ground Water22.260% Soil Moisture0.180% Lakes0.323% River & Streams0.004% Atmosphere0.036% Total100.00%

4 QUESTION 1b Breakdown of Earth’s Fresh Water Why is the majority of freshwater on earth unusable by humans? Saltwater 97.5% Freshwater 2.5% Ice77.197% Ground Water22.260% Soil Moisture0.180% Lakes0.323% River & Streams0.004% Atmosphere0.036% Total100.00%

5 ANSWER 1b Breakdown of Earth’s Fresh Water Why is the majority of freshwater on earth unusable by humans? It is frozen in polar ice caps and glaciers. Saltwater 97.5% Freshwater 2.5% Ice77.197% Ground Water22.260% Soil Moisture0.180% Lakes0.323% River & Streams0.004% Atmosphere0.036% Total100.00%

6 QUESTION 2a How is freshwater replenished on Earth?

7 ANSWER 2a How is freshwater replenished on Earth? PRECIPITATION

8 QUESTION 2b What is the term for the underground supply of freshwater?

9 ANSWER 2b What is the term for the underground supply of freshwater? AQUIFER

10 QUESTION 3 Identify 1 way you can reduce your personal water consumption.

11 ANSWER 3 Identify 1 way you can reduce your personal water consumption. Use low-flow showerheads, use low flush toilets, take shorter showers, only run dishwasher & washing machine when full, turn off faucet while brushing teeth

12 QUESTION 4a Name the type of water. A mixture of salt and freshwater Salinity ranges from 2-17ppt Example: Estuary

13 ANSWER 4a Name the type of water. A mixture of salt and freshwater Salinity ranges from 2-17ppt Example: Estuary BRACKISH

14 QUESTION 4b Name the type of water. Contains no salt or very little salt Salinity ranges from 0 – 1 ppt Example: River, Lake, Stream

15 ANSWER 4b Name the type of water. Contains no salt or very little salt Salinity ranges from 0 – 1 ppt Example: River, Lake, Stream FRESH

16 QUESTION 4c Name the type of water. Water has a salt concentration over 17ppt Average salinity of the ocean is 35ppt Example: Ocean

17 ANSWER 4c Name the type of water. Water has a salt concentration over 17ppt Average salinity of the ocean is 35ppt Example: Ocean SALT

18 QUESTION 5a What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? pH

19 ANSWER 5a What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? pH6.7-8.6

20 QUESTION 5b What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? DO

21 ANSWER 5b What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? DO5-8.5ppm

22 QUESTION 5c What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? CO2

23 ANSWER 5c What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? CO2<20ppm

24 QUESTION 5d What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Nitrates

25 ANSWER 5d What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Nitrates<0.3ppm

26 QUESTION 5e What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Phosphates

27 ANSWER 5e What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Phosphates<0.015

28 QUESTION 5f What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Hardness

29 ANSWER 5f What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Hardness 60-120 ppm (0-60 is soft, 120-180 is hard)

30 QUESTION 5g What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Mayflies, Stoneflies & Caddisflies

31 ANSWER 5g What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Mayflies, Stoneflies & Caddisflies PRESENT

32 QUESTION 5h What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? Coliform

33 ANSWER 5h What is the acceptable level for the following water quality indicator? ColiformABSENT

34 QUESTION 6a WATER QUALITY DATA Which site has the worst water quality? Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

35 ANSWER 6a WATER QUALITY DATA Which site has the worst water quality? A – populations of macroinvertebrates are very low, pH is too acidic, water hardness is low, nitrates and phosphates are elevated, DO is too low, and coliform bacteria is present Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

36 QUESTION 6b WATER QUALITY DATA Which site has the best water quality? Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

37 ANSWER 6b WATER QUALITY DATA Which site has the best water quality? C – it has the most macroinvertebrates, all chemical tests are in the acceptable range, absence of coliform Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

38 QUESTION 6c WATER QUALITY DATA Rank all 4 sites in order from best to worst quality. Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

39 ANSWER 6c WATER QUALITY DATA Rank all 4 sites in order from best to worst quality. Site C → Site D → Site B → Site A Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

40 QUESTION 6d WATER QUALITY DATA Describe the relationship between water temperature and the amount of dissolved oxygen. Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

41 ANSWER 6d WATER QUALITY DATA Describe the relationship between water temperature and the amount of dissolved oxygen. As water temperature decreases, the amount of dissolved oxygen increases. Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

42 QUESTION 6e WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is most affected by eutrophication? Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

43 ANSWER 6e WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is most affected by eutrophication? A – highest levels of nitrates and phosphates, low dissolve oxygen is indicative of eutrophication Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

44 QUESTION 6f WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is most affected by acid rain? Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

45 ANSWER 6f WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is most affected by acid rain? A – lowest pH and lowest water hardness; indicates little limestone in soil to buffer against acid rain Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

46 QUESTION 6g WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is contaminated with animal waste? Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

47 ANSWER 6g WATER QUALITY DATA Which site is contaminated with animal waste? A – presence of coliform bacteria Water Temp (°C) # of Mayflies # of Stoneflies # of Caddisflies pHHardness (ppm) Nitrates (ppm) Phosphates (ppm) DO (ppm) Coliform Site A246256. Site B242931562487.2102. Site C15157162413917. Site D15155861313547.2114.

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