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Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 14:30 - 16:30 Fri 29/06/2001 Stream: Management issues Topic:

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Presentation on theme: "Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 14:30 - 16:30 Fri 29/06/2001 Stream: Management issues Topic:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 14:30 - 16:30 Fri 29/06/2001 Stream: Management issues Topic: DEWRSB EoI 2001/10 E-commerce Initiative QANTAS Theatre AAPT Building 259 George Street SYDNEY 2000

2 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 2 Agenda 14:30 IntroductionStephen GOULD 14:45 DEWRSB E2001/10 E-commerce Initiative Stevan GILLMORE E-commerce Initiative Stevan GILLMORE 15:05Funding EC projectsKeith FINKELDE 15:35 DEWRSB Local Phil HUNNISETT Government Initiative 16:00 Options for EC profits Stephen GOULD 16:10Questions 16:30Networking - drinks & light refreshments

3 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 3 Background OIC *Formed in 1994 *Forum to raise awareness of Electronic Information Technology (EIT) issues like E-commerce & the Internet *3 years quarterly lunch lectures 1994Gary JACKSON past MD Microsoft, Sybase and Cisco 1996Senator Richard ALSTON - Federal Minister for Communication 1997Dean BROWN - South Australian Minister Information Technology *1997 1st member project - EAIM *1999 2nd member project won 1st prize in “IT for SME” Category of Global Bangemann Challenge - 86 Competitors *2000 formation EIT Special Interest Groups

4 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 4 Objectives meeting 1To review the potential returns for participating in E-commerce projects for the DEWRSB E-commerce initiative 2To outline why the proposed Roadshow to Local Councils ROC meetings is possibly the best opportunity to promote E-commerce products and services to Small and Medium size Enterprises 3To be able to confirm to DEWRSB within 4 weeks that the OIC LZIG Roadshow is a viable initiative with support from the Business community as a Public/Private Partnership

5 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 5 DEWRSB EoI 2001/10 Key Issues: *EoI but no tender or budget - Public/Private Partnership *4 stages: 1Develop EC ABN registries for different industry categories 2Market, promote and recruit members to Registries 3Develop EC products/services to encourage members to join Registries 4Issue EC ABN Digital Certificates *Agreement/Memorandum understanding with lead member of unincorporated association Stevan GILLMORE will review the EoI in more detail

6 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 6 Funding for EC projects Funding for EC projects from a number of sources including: aGrants from NOIE & ITOL for collaborative projects bFederal, State and Local Government initiative - TIMS market intelligence reports highlighting these projects cClients financial services organisations dInvestment companies Keith FINKELDE will outline the funding options for EC projects

7 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 7 Government & E-Tendering A review of the Electronic Tenders published over the last 6 months provides the following statistics : 1st qtr 2001 4th qtr 20003rd qtr 2000 Federal Gov30 17.54%27 12.44%33 18.75% State Gov74 43.27%95 43.78%67 48.07% LocalGov23 13.54%36 16.59%24 13.64% Land, Housing 5 2.92% 3 1.38% 0 0.00% Health 2 1.17%11 5.07% 8 4.55% Education 5 2.92%12 5.53%17 9.66% Utilities & Energy 8 4.68%17 7.83% 8 4.55% Commercial 15 8.77%13 5.99%16 9.09% Associations 9 5.26% 3 1.38% 3 1.70% TOTAL171217176

8 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 8 DEWRSB Local Government Contract with OIC DEWRSB Feb - May 2001 Commissioned 3 surveys with 171 NSW Local Government Councils: S 1:Which councils interested to appoint Internet Policy officer 38 % response S2:Councils interest and priorities with Internet applications 56% response S3:Current software and web/XML compliance 59 % response

9 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 9 Survey 3 57 Councils responded to 11 questions survey to identify Council main applications. The Yes responses: A1A2B2C2C4 1Whether computerised91%18%82%61%5% 2Inhouse or Supplied 3Age of installation 4Web capability 5XML Compliance This information shared with members prepared to sign commercial-in- confidence deed to protect Councils

10 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 10 LZIG Participation 1Membership of OIC - Project Participation Member $ 2,500 These fees include contributions to the development and maintenance of the OIC Web based infrastructure and TIMS 2Membership LZIG - shareholder in OIC LZIG Roadshow Pty Ltd $ 2,500 - contributions to sharing the costs of the roadshow preparations - sharing funding and rewards 3 Regular attendance at LZIG meetings and contributions to the success of the OIC LZIG Roadshow - OIC E-credits recognition of contributions to understanding issues and passing on knowledge

11 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 11 OIC Membership options Membership Level1998199920002001 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Events & newsletter 125 250 250 500 E&N + notice projects 250 500 7501,000 E&N + project papers 7501,0001,5002,000 Project participation1,2501,5002,0002,500 Membership fee fixed for 3 years from date of joining. Long term Intellectual Property Royalties for project participation

12 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 29/06/2001 12 Membership Registrations Membership applications can be registered on E: T: (02) 9953-3583 W:

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