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Hosted by the NFHS Counseling Department CLASS OF 2019 STUDENT & PARENT NIGHT.

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1 Hosted by the NFHS Counseling Department CLASS OF 2019 STUDENT & PARENT NIGHT


3 TONIGHT’S AGENDA  This presentation will cover  High School 101  Registration 101  Pathways at North Forsyth High School  Move On When Ready  PSAT  Post Secondary Planning  Financial Planning: HOPE Scholarship, Zell Miller Scholarship, HOPE Grant

4 YOUR PACKET  What is in your packet:  Planning for Success  High School 101  Four Year Academic Plan

5 PLANNING FOR SUCCESS  Get Involved  Advocate  Commit  Work Hard  Be Accountable  Stay Motivated  And remember EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE

6 RAIDER ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE  We encourage parents to consistently check progress via parent portal.parent portal  We encourage students to meet with teachers to discuss their academic progress and develop a student success plan.  Each department has a before and after school tutoring schedule:  Career Tech Career Tech  ELA ELA  Fine Arts Fine Arts  Math Math  PE & Health PE & Health  Science Science  Social Studies Social Studies  World Language World Language

7 HIGH SCHOOL 101  Minimum Graduation Requirements  Class Schedule  Formative vs. Summative Grades  Grading Scale  Cumulative vs. Core GPA  College Admissions Testing Resources



10 GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA) HOPE/Core GPA vs. Cumulative GPA  HOPE/CORE - Only includes courses from these areas:  English  Math  Science  Social Studies  Foreign Language  Cumulative:  Counts all courses  Determines class rank  Determines “Honor Graduate” status (3.5 GPA)  Prints on transcript


12 COURSE SELECTION FOR SOPHOMORE YEAR  On level  Advanced Placement (AP)  Move on When Ready/Dual Enrollment  Core classes/tech classes

13 SOPHOMORE YEAR SCHEDULING OPTIONS  10 th Literature  Analytic Geometry & Analytic Geometry Support  Environmental Science, Earth Systems, Chemistry, Physical Science, Physics  World History  Honors 10 th Literature  Accel Geo B/Adv. Algebra or Accel Pre-Calculus  Honors Chemistry, AP Biology  AP World History On – LevelAdvanced  Language/CTAE/Fine Arts Pathway Electives  General Electives: AP Psychology * application required

14 ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) How to determine if AP is the right fit for your student:  Consider current grades/study habits.  Consider strengths/interests.  How busy are you?  Talk with current teachers and students.  Can I get into college without AP?  Benefits of AP classes.

15 ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) How do I register for an AP class?  Teacher recommendation  Waive in or out  Extra quality point on cumulative GPA  AP classes are an excellent way to try more college prep courses.  We offer 23 AP courses

16 ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP)  AP Literature/Composition  AP American Lit Language/Composition  AP Calculus AB  AP Calculus BC  AP Statistics  AP Human Geography  AP World History  AP Spanish Language  AP Studio: 3D  AP Studio: 2D  AP Studio: Drawing Portfolio  AP Music Theory  AP Computer Science  AP Computer Principles  AP US History  AP Macroeconomics  AP Microeconomics  AP Government  AP Psychology  AP Biology  AP Chemistry  AP Environmental Science  AP Physics

17 NFHS PATHWAYS  Advanced Academic Pathways  World Language Pathways  Fine Arts Pathways  Career Tech (CTAE) Pathways  Students are encouraged to complete a pathway.  A sequence of 3 or 4 courses is needed to be a “Pathway Completer.”  Students can complete more than one pathway.  Some pathways require an End of Pathway Assessment.

18 ADVANCED ACADEMIC PATHWAYS English, Math, Science  Earn 4 required credits  1 credit needs to be AP/IB/MOWR  Earn 2 sequential credits in a world language Social Studies  Earn 3 required credits  1 credit needs to be AP/IB/MOWR  Earn 2 sequential credits in a world language

19 WORLD LANGUAGE PATHWAYS  Earn 3 credits in the same World Language  AP & MOWR courses will also count  Spanish  French  Russian  German  Latin

20 FINE ARTS PATHWAYS Music  Earn 3 Band credits or 3 Chorus credits Drama  Earn 3 Acting, Tech Theatre, or Musical Theatre credits Visual Arts  Earn 3 Visual Arts, Drawing, Painting, Photography, or Ceramics credits Journalism  Earn 3 Journalism credits (Yearbook or Newspaper)

21 CAREER TECH (CTAE) PATHWAYS  Agriculture Leadership in Horticulture  Audio Video Technology and Film  Business Technology  Computer Science  Food and Nutrition  Engineering and Technology  Healthcare – Sports Medicine  Information Support and Service  Animation & Digital Media  Marketing and Management  Sports & Entertainment Marketing  Teaching as a Profession  Marine Corps - JROTC


23 MOVE ON WHEN READY (MOWR)  Previously referred to as Dual Enrollment.  Provides opportunities to earn credit at BOTH at the high school and at the postsecondary institution.  Attend class on college campus.  Shorten the amount of time to earn a degree.  Paid for by MOWR funds that do not count toward HOPE hours.  1 Extra Quality point added to Cumulative GPA,.5 for HOPE.  Must apply to the college and meet admission requirements.  Interested? Ask your counselor for more information.

24 UNG – CUMMING MOWR PROGRAM  High School Required Core GPA of 3.25.  480 Critical Reading and 440 Math on the SAT with at least a combined 970, OR 20 English and 18 Mathematics on the ACT with composite score of at least 20.  MOWR funds pay for tuition/fees/books.  You will pay any course-specific fees, such as lab fees.  Preferred Deadline May 1 st and Final Deadline is July 1 st.

25 LANIER TECH MOWR PROGRAM  Earn CTAE course credit and Technical Certificate or Associate Degree.  Graduate from high school with employable skill and certification.  Students do NOT need the SAT or ACT but must take the Compass.  MOWR funds pay for tuition/fees/books.

26 LANIER TECH MOWR PROGRAM Tentative Course Offerings:  Nurse Assisting  Criminal Justice  Design and Media Production  Interior Design  Horticulture  Child Development  Accounting  PC and Network Tech Forsyth CampusDawson Campus  Welding  Shampoo Tech (Cosmetology)  Residential Wiring  Design and Media Production  Automotive

27 POSTSECONDARY PLANNING  Career Interest Surveys, job shadowing.  Check for schools that have program in your area of interest.  Visit campuses.  Talk with admission reps at lunch.  Check admission requirements and freshman profile statistics.  Begin preparation for college entrance exams.  Choose courses based on goals for the future. (Rigor vs. GPA)  College websites.

28 POSTSECONDARY PLANNING What are colleges looking for when making admission decisions?  Each college can value different things  Courses taken  GPA  Class Rank  SAT or ACT Scores  Personal Statements and Essays  Extracurricular Activities  Interviews  Expert: Do Colleges Want Quality or Quantity of Activities? Expert: Do Colleges Want Quality or Quantity of Activities?

29 POSTSECONDARY PLANNING GEORGIA SCHOOL AVERAGES SAT SCORES BELOW ARE BASED ON “OLD” SAT TEST SchoolGPASAT ACT UGA3.81-4.061810-2060 27-31 Georgia TechA average2060-2250 30-33 Emory3.7-3.972020-2260 30-34 Mercer3.811210 28 UNG (4 year)3.631117 24 Kennesaw State3.221070 22 GCSU3.26-3.371100-1240 23-27 Georgia Southern3.241113 24 Georgia State3.341053 22 Valdosta State3.151050 22

30 PSAT  All Sophomores are automatically registered to take this exam.  As Juniors, the PSAT is the qualifying exam for National Merit Scholar Program.  The PSAT is also the qualifying exam for several other scholarship opportunities.  The PSAT will be administered at NFHS in October 2016.  Look for free PSAT Study Guides on the College Board website.  Great way to preview and prepare for the SAT.  You will receive a detailed score report that analyzes your strengths and areas of growth.

31 POSTSECONDARY PLANNING Ways to explore your career interest:  North Forsyth Pathways  Dual Enrollment – Lanier Tech  Online resources:     Georgia's Hot Careers to 2020 Georgia's Hot Careers to 2020

32 FINANCIAL PLANNING  Determine the cost of a college.  Don't let the cost of a particular college keep you from applying.  Investigate all resources for funding.  Resources:     NFHS Counseling Website NFHS Counseling Website

33 FINANCIAL PLANNING  HOPE Program  College Scholarships  Local Scholarships  National Merit Scholarships  Government Financial Aid – Loans, Grants  NFHS Scholarship Page  Attend Financial Aid Info Night (Fall 2016)

34 HOPE PROGRAM Hope Scholarship Zell Miller Scholarship  3.0 Core GPA (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, World Language)  Rigor Requirements  Covers a portion of standard tuition for public and some private institutions  For a tuition award chart visit  3.7 Core GPA  Rigor Requirements  Test Component – (no super score)  1200 SAT combined score* (Critical Reading & Math)  26 ACT composite score  Covers Full Standard Tuition  For a tuition award chart visit

35 HOPE PROGRAM The class of 2019 must pass four (4) courses from the approved list. Examples  Math: Algebra II, Pre calculus, AMDM  Science: Chemistry, Physics, Human Anatomy, Forensic Science  Language: Spanish II, French II, German II, Russian II, Latin II, or higher  Any AP or dual enrollment core course  For a complete list visit

36 HOPE GRANT  High School GPA and/or test scores are not considered.  Must be enrolled in a certificate or diploma program at a technical school.  Pays a portion of standard tuition.  Students enrolled in an approved program may receive the SIWDG.  Strategic Industries Work Force Development Grant.  Examples: Commercial Truck Driving, PC and Network Repair Tech, Heavy Diesel Service Technician, Welding, Pharmacy Assistant, among many others

37 YOUR FUTURE BEGINS TODAY  Do well in your classes  Seek help when needed  Participate in extracurricular activities  Seek leadership opportunities  Start a resume to track involvement  Consider rigorous courses  Explore funding for college  Explore interests, strengths for careers  Consider summer activities

38 2016-2017 REGISTRATION  February 17 th at 8:00am - Parent Portal OPENS for Registration.  Students will receive detailed registration instructions during IF on the 17th.  Registration packets will be sent home with students with Parent Portal written and visual instructions on the 17 th as well.  Teachers will recommend core classes for next year.  It is the student’s responsibility to request electives in Parent Portal during the open registration window.  February 29 th from 4:00-6:00pm - NFHS Counseling Department will be in the NFHS Media Center Computer Lab to help students and parents with the registration process.  March 4 th at 4:00pm - Parent Portal CLOSES for registration.  March 23 rd - FINAL course verifications sent home through IF.  April 1 st at 4:00pm - DEADLINE for submitting an Online Course Waiver.  Click here for Registration Information & Timeline Click here

39 STAY CONNECTED NFHS Counseling Department Communicates Through:  NFHS School Messenger (update portal info if not receiving communication from school)  NFHS Facebook/Twitter  Counseling Webpage – tonight’s presentation is located on our website under “Freshman News” tab  ItsLearning  Auto Dialer  NFHS Marquee  School Video Announcements  Follow us on Twitter @NFHSCounseling  Call/Email/Appt. Slip


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