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Rhetoric The art of speaking, writing and communicating effectively. Rhetoric is a tool writers and speakers use in order to influence the judgment or.

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Presentation on theme: "Rhetoric The art of speaking, writing and communicating effectively. Rhetoric is a tool writers and speakers use in order to influence the judgment or."— Presentation transcript:


2 Rhetoric The art of speaking, writing and communicating effectively. Rhetoric is a tool writers and speakers use in order to influence the judgment or feelings of the readers and listeners.

3 Ex: “…yourselves from those narrow prejudices which you have imbibed with respect to them and as Job proposed to his friends, ‘put yourself in their souls stead,’…” Job- who who suffers a great deal but remains faithful; from an OT character whose faith in God was tested by Satan; though he lost his family and belongings, he remained patient and faithful Def: literary, historical, religious, or mythological REFERENCE to something well-known by many.

4 Def: IMPLIED, underlying meaning of a word Def: DICTIONARY DEFINITION of a word

5 Def: WORD CHOICE High level, low level, emotional, vehement, etc.

6 Def: EXTREME EXAGGERATION Look, there’s an allusion too!

7 Def: SENSORY DETAIL to evoke feeling or emotion or to describe; the 5 senses Ex: “Her cheeks were rosy and so was my love – bursting with fragrance and softness.”

8 AN IMPLIED DIFFERENCE. VERBAL: Difference between what is said and what is meant SITUATIONAL: Difference between what you are led to expect and what actually happens DRAMATIC: Difference between what one character knows and what the audience knows (We know something the character does not know.) Clarification: If I say, “Gee, I really wish it would snow,” and it starts snowing immediately, that is apropos (too perfect). It is NOT ironic. (There is no DIFFERENCE between what I wanted and what happened.)

9 Direct: A sea of troubles. OR Indirect: His depression was vast, swelled by troubles that perpetually crested and fell. Def: comparison WITHOUT USING LIKE OR AS

10 Def: question asked merely for effect, NOT expected to be answered "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to live in an institution?" (H. L. Mencken)

11 Def: Usually hurtful or personally attacking. Such as CRITICAL PRAISE. Def: human failings/ negative societal attitudes are RIDICULED, sometimes by false agreement or praise.

12 He is as pretty as your mom. Def: comparison using LIKE OR AS

13 Def: person, place, or thing that REPRESENTS something Ex: Golden Arches represent McDonald’s

14 The way words and sentences are arranged. Sentences can be short and choppy or long and flowing. Pay close attention to the punctuation.

15 Def: author’s FEELINGS/ Tone of voice in his piece of writing

16 President Bush 9/11 Speech

17 Background 4:45

18 Lsiten as President Bush delivered this speech to the entire nation on the night of 9/11 XbqCquDl4k4 XbqCquDl4k4 4:24 Reaction:

19 Now, read the speech The printed speech has left out some small portions of the recorded speech Analyze the speech for SOAPS/G Ethos/Pathos/Logos

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