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January 25, 2016 AP Mock Exam: Rhetorical Analysis ■Take out a sheet of paper when you are seated. ■This exam should take you 40 minutes ■Write your name.

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Presentation on theme: "January 25, 2016 AP Mock Exam: Rhetorical Analysis ■Take out a sheet of paper when you are seated. ■This exam should take you 40 minutes ■Write your name."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 25, 2016 AP Mock Exam: Rhetorical Analysis ■Take out a sheet of paper when you are seated. ■This exam should take you 40 minutes ■Write your name on the back of the cover sheet, and only your initials on your paper ■When the stapler comes to you, staple the cover sheet to your lined paper and pass the stapler. DO NOT LEAVE IT SITTING ON YOUR DESK. ■Consider starting a sentence with an AAAWWUBBIS word, use proper punctuation. ■Remember: theme, appeals, repetition, symbolism, imagery, etc… Agenda: AP Mock Exam: Rhetorical Analysis Vocabulary Learning Target: I can analyze rhetoric Reminders: First literature circle due Friday. We will start the rotation Wednesday (I think)

2 January 26, 2015 ■Agenda: ■Multiple Choice mock exam –You will not be given extra time Learning Target: I can use close reading strategies to analyze a complex text. Reminders:  Vocab Quiz Friday!  Rotations tomorrow  You will have your room assignment by the end of class  Lit Circle 1 Friday!  Missed on of the essays? Make-ups need to be done by tomorrow.

3 Vocabulary Week 1 ACT! YAY!!! ■1. Abject- hopeless or miserable ■2. Abstract- beyond concrete thought or being ■3. Acrimonious- Caustic, stinging, or bitter ■4. Acumen- Keen insight or shrewdness ■5, Aesthetic- pertaining to beauty ■6. Affinity- a natural liking for or attraction to. ■7. Aficionado- a devoted fan or enthusiast ■8. Affluence- An abundance of money, property, or other matieral goods; rich. ■9. Alacrity- Cheerful readiness ■10. Alchemy- The way two individuals relate to one another; chemistry.

4 January 25, 2016 The Kite Runner (graphic novel) ■Focus Question: We will resume last week’s reading log on WEDNESDAY. ■Independent reading begins with the bell, have your book out and begin reading This is not optional. Agenda: IR The Kite Runner Learning Target: I can use close reading strategies to comprehend a complex text. Reminders: Begin reading on page 3 Through page 46 is due tomorrow. Reading logs due Friday, you can revise as needed. Remediation Wednesday. Sign ups are posted on the chalkboard.

5 January 28, 2016 Synthesis Essay Review ■Journal: Develop a position on the ethics of offering incentives for charitable acts and support your position with evidence from your reading, observation, and/or experience. (released prompt, 2007) Agenda: Journal De-coding the synthesis essay Learning Target: I can form a new understanding of an essay question based on reviewing various answers. Reminders: Lit Circle 1 tomorrow! Vocab Quiz tomorrow!

6 Deconstructing the synthesis essay… ■Color 1: facts from the prompt’s sources. ■Color 2: facts from sources not in the prompt (outside knowledge) ■Color 3: analysis and/or evaluation of the sources ■Color 4: opinion statements ■Color 5: thesis statement ■Finally, score the essays using the AP rubric, no two essays will have the same score.

7 February 1, 2016 ■Journal: American essayist and social critic H.L. Mencken (1880-1956) wrote, “the average man does not want to be free. He simply wants to be safe.” Examine the extent to which Mencken’s observation applies to contemporary society, supporting your position with appropriate evidence. –Released prompt 2011 form B Agenda: Journal Vocab Lit circle 1 Essay review Learning Target: I can form a new understanding of a text based on peer discussion Reminders: Tomorrow is rotation day! 1 st and 4 th : Group A: Drager Group B: Heston Group C: Slagle Group D: VanderMeer Group E: Bowen 6 th : Group A: Slagle Group B: VanderMeer Group C: Drager

8 Vocabulary week 2: ■1. ambiance: the mood, character, quality or atmosphere (usually of a place or moment of time). ■2. analogous: corresponding to something (able to be compared with) ■3. apathy: absence of passion or emotion. ■4. arbitrary: subject to individual will or judgement without restriction or regulation ■5. avatar: a new personification of a familiar idea. ■6. benevolent: expressing generosity, goodwill, and kindly feelings. ■7. bourgeois: a member of the middle class. ■8. candid: frank, open, or honest ■9. capricious: erratic; whimsical ■10. chaparral: dense grouping of shrubbery; a hot, dry wind.

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