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Study or examine closely scrutinize. hint, clue, indication intimation.

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Presentation on theme: "Study or examine closely scrutinize. hint, clue, indication intimation."— Presentation transcript:

1 study or examine closely scrutinize

2 hint, clue, indication intimation

3 uncertain, inconclusive tentative

4 unproductive, dormant fallow

5 trickery, ruse artifice

6 untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

7 praise, glorify extol

8 workable, possible feasible

9 punishing, retaliatory punitive

10 omit, remove, expunge delete

11 pester, annoy, disturb harass

12 sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

13 skillful, clever adroit

14 repeat, restate reiterate

15 position, station, organize deploy

16 luxurious, wealthy opulent

17 mask, semblance guise

18 painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

19 longing, homesickness nostalgia

20 friendly amicable

21 continue, prolong perpetuate

22 harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

23 wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

24 unemotional, unresponsive stolid

25 cowardly craven

26 increase, make larger augment

27 adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

28 pained look, facial distortion grimace

29 impure, corrupt adulterate

30 cheer, excite exhilarating

31 kindly, charitable benevolent

32 remedy, rectify redress

33 word for word verbatim

34 courage, steadfastness fortitude

35 skillful with both hands ambidextrous

36 related to cooking culinary

37 cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

38 example, model precedent

39 stimulus, impulse impetus

40 snub, turn away, estrange alienate

41 essence, exemplar quintessence

42 dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

43 stay, visit, stopover sojourn

44 insult, ridicule, mock gibe

45 gloomy, bleak dour

46 death, passing away demise

47 opposed, disinclined averse

48 lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

49 suave, elegant urbane

50 lacking, deprived of bereft

51 hasty, not thorough cursory

52 hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

53 stare with open mouth gape

54 danger, risk, peril jeopardy

55 revert, move backward retrogress

56 unaffected, impenetrable impervious

57 think, daydream, contemplate muse

58 hint, clue, indication intimation

59 unimportant, trivial negligible

60 opponent, rival, foe adversary

61 force, compel coerce

62 uncertain, inconclusive tentative

63 study or examine closely scrutinize

64 unproductive, dormant fallow

65 untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

66 trickery, ruse artifice

67 praise, glorify extol

68 workable, possible feasible

69 punishing, retaliatory punitive

70 position, station, organize deploy

71 omit, remove, expunge delete

72 pester, annoy, disturb harass

73 sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

74 repeat, restate reiterate

75 skillful, clever adroit

76 luxurious, wealthy opulent

77 mask, semblance guise

78 friendly amicable

79 painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

80 harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

81 longing, homesickness nostalgia

82 continue, prolong perpetuate

83 cowardly craven

84 wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

85 unemotional, unresponsive stolid

86 increase, make larger augment

87 kindly, charitable benevolent

88 adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

89 pained look, facial distortion grimace

90 impure, corrupt adulterate

91 cheer, excite exhilarating

92 remedy, rectify redress

93 word for word verbatim

94 snub, turn away, estrange alienate

95 skillful with both hands ambidextrous

96 courage, steadfastness fortitude

97 related to cooking culinary

98 example, model precedent

99 cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

100 stimulus, impulse impetus

101 dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

102 opposed, disinclined averse

103 essence, exemplar quintessence

104 stay, visit, stopover sojourn

105 insult, ridicule, mock gibe

106 gloomy, bleak dour

107 death, passing away demise

108 suave, elegant urbane

109 lacking, deprived of bereft

110 lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

111 hasty, not thorough cursory

112 force, compel coerce

113 hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

114 stare with open mouth gape

115 danger, risk, peril jeopardy

116 unaffected, impenetrable impervious

117 think, daydream, contemplate muse

118 revert, move backward retrogress

119 unimportant, trivial negligible

120 opponent, rival, foe adversary

121 study or examine closely scrutinize

122 hint, clue, indication intimation

123 uncertain, inconclusive tentative

124 unproductive, dormant fallow

125 trickery, ruse artifice

126 untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

127 praise, glorify extol

128 workable, possible feasible

129 punishing, retaliatory punitive

130 omit, remove, expunge delete

131 pester, annoy, disturb harass

132 sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

133 skillful, clever adroit

134 repeat, restate reiterate

135 position, station, organize deploy

136 luxurious, wealthy opulent

137 mask, semblance guise

138 painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

139 longing, homesickness nostalgia

140 friendly amicable

141 continue, prolong perpetuate

142 harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

143 wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

144 unemotional, unresponsive stolid

145 cowardly craven

146 increase, make larger augment

147 adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

148 pained look, facial distortion grimace

149 impure, corrupt adulterate

150 cheer, excite exhilarating

151 kindly, charitable benevolent

152 remedy, rectify redress

153 word for word verbatim

154 courage, steadfastness fortitude

155 skillful with both hands ambidextrous

156 related to cooking culinary

157 cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

158 example, model precedent

159 stimulus, impulse impetus

160 snub, turn away, estrange alienate

161 essence, exemplar quintessence

162 dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

163 stay, visit, stopover sojourn

164 insult, ridicule, mock gibe

165 gloomy, bleak dour

166 death, passing away demise

167 opposed, disinclined averse

168 lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

169 suave, elegant urbane

170 lacking, deprived of bereft

171 hasty, not thorough cursory

172 hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

173 stare with open mouth gape

174 danger, risk, peril jeopardy

175 revert, move backward retrogress

176 unaffected, impenetrable impervious

177 think, daydream, contemplate muse

178 hint, clue, indication intimation

179 unimportant, trivial negligible

180 opponent, rival, foe adversary

181 force, compel coerce

182 uncertain, inconclusive tentative

183 study or examine closely scrutinize

184 unproductive, dormant fallow

185 untidy, sloppy, disheveled unkempt

186 trickery, ruse artifice

187 praise, glorify extol

188 workable, possible feasible

189 punishing, retaliatory punitive

190 position, station, organize deploy

191 omit, remove, expunge delete

192 pester, annoy, disturb harass

193 sneaky, sly, underhanded insidious

194 repeat, restate reiterate

195 skillful, clever adroit

196 luxurious, wealthy opulent

197 mask, semblance guise

198 friendly amicable

199 painstaking, extremely careful meticulous

200 harsh, blustery, stormy inclement

201 longing, homesickness nostalgia

202 continue, prolong perpetuate

203 cowardly craven

204 wildfire, large scale destruction holocaust

205 unemotional, unresponsive stolid

206 increase, make larger augment

207 kindly, charitable benevolent

208 adaptable, flexible, supple pliable

209 pained look, facial distortion grimace

210 impure, corrupt adulterate

211 cheer, excite exhilarating

212 remedy, rectify redress

213 word for word verbatim

214 snub, turn away, estrange alienate

215 skillful with both hands ambidextrous

216 courage, steadfastness fortitude

217 related to cooking culinary

218 example, model precedent

219 cautiously, carefully, prudently warily

220 stimulus, impulse impetus

221 dishonesty, fraud, double-dealing duplicity

222 opposed, disinclined averse

223 essence, exemplar quintessence

224 stay, visit, stopover sojourn

225 insult, ridicule, mock gibe

226 gloomy, bleak dour

227 death, passing away demise

228 suave, elegant urbane

229 lacking, deprived of bereft

230 lukewarm; unenthusiastic tepid

231 hasty, not thorough cursory

232 force, compel coerce

233 hostile, combative, pugnacious belligerent

234 stare with open mouth gape

235 danger, risk, peril jeopardy

236 unaffected, impenetrable impervious

237 think, daydream, contemplate muse

238 revert, move backward retrogress

239 unimportant, trivial negligible

240 opponent, rival, foe adversary

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