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NOAA’s Program Support FY 2008 OMB Budget Submission Briefing to OMB Budget Office Steven Gallagher September 27, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA’s Program Support FY 2008 OMB Budget Submission Briefing to OMB Budget Office Steven Gallagher September 27, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA’s Program Support FY 2008 OMB Budget Submission Briefing to OMB Budget Office Steven Gallagher September 27, 2006

2 2 Agenda FY 2006 Accomplishments FY 2008 Budget Overview Program Change Request Summary FY 2008 Program Change Descriptions Summary

3 3 PS Mission Overview MAJOR PROGRAMS Under Secretary and Associate Offices NOAA Wide Corporate Services & Agency Management NOAA Education Office Facilities PROGRAM SUPPORT MISSION The ultimate mission of the Program Support activities is to support the people (and, in turn, the programs) of NOAA, ensuring they have the proper work environment, the necessary tools and equipment, and the vital personnel, legal and financial services which, in turn, allow them to provide the finest possible service to the American people, our economy and our environment.

4 4 Program Support Overview In FY 2006 NOAA PS OFFICES EXPECTS TO: Office of the Chief Financial Officer Process over 5,600 funding Allotments Process 321,000 vendor payments Support over 6,000 CBS users Process over 1,000 Q&As; 45 briefings to Congress; 19 Congressional Reports Execute a $3.7 billion budget Process more than 980,000 accounting transactions, excluding labor Under Secretary and Associate Offices 21,000 emails/phone calls with Congressional Members/staff 1,000 Congressional briefings/meetings 51 Congressional Hearings; 368 follow-up questions 125 incoming Legislative correspondence 500 NOAA enforcement cases prosecuted 270 fisheries regulations provided legal review 300 biological opinions reviewed, represented half of required workload

5 5 NOAA Wide Corporate Services & Agencies Management Program Planning and Integration Manage performance evaluation and policy integration for 20 NOAA offices, 8 Goals and 45 Programs Review 150 NEPA actions Office of Human Resources Process 43,000 personnel actions Issue 2,000 certificate of eligible applicants Provide Human Resource support for approximately 12,800 employees Office of Chief Administrative Officer Process nearly 500 FOIA requests and 60 IG/GAO audits and corrective action plans Negotiate and awards over 100 lease actions Process over 1900 correspondence items Review and approve nearly 200 requests for foreign national access to NOAA facilities Program Support Overview

6 6 Office of Program Analysis and Evaluation Develop and manage 45 integrated and fiscally-balanced Program Plans 8 Independent Program Analysis conducted Prepare 10 presentations to constituent groups Office of the Chief Information Officer and High Performance Computing and Communication Provides network support for the dissemination of NOAA’s watches, warning and information Oversee an IT investment portfolio of $500M Host and service 180 public web sites Support 9,000 centrally-managed email accounts Manage 34 NOAA Enterprise IT systems on 69 servers Process 6,000 help desk request Office of Acquisition and Grants Process 22,300 acquisitions at a value of $1.1B Awards over 1,900 grants at a value close to $1B Awards 5,600 contract actions and 15,000 simplified acquisition actions

7 7 NOAA EDUCATION OFFICE Implement Congressionally appropriated Education Programs on behalf of the Agency (e.g., Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program, Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions) Award 26 Grants Award 9 Graduate scholarships Award 116 Undergraduate Scholarships Provide 700 students with NOAA related training FACILITIES Manage 50-60 facility repair and modernization projects designed to improve mission continuity and employee safety Conduct facility condition assessments on all (370) occupied buildings Complete 26 Safety & Environmental Compliance assessments Manage $4B in capital assets (real property across all 50 states and territories), involving over 800 owned and leased buildings Provide inventory management for 97,000 personal property items Program Support Overview

8 8 FY 2006 Accomplishments Unqualified Audit Opinion for NOAA for 8 th straight year Completed planning for temporary relocation of at-risk LaJolla staff and programs Utilized NOAA-Wide Grants Online System for all FY 2006 grants processed, resulting in savings of 6,300 staff hours per year (staff hours used to process additional grants) Achieved a green rating for the PMA for Financial Management and Budget and Performance Integration Completed planning for Expansion of the DOC Demonstration Project, moving 3,000 NOAA employees into a pay for performance system

9 9 FY 2006 Accomplishments Awarded 116 NOAA Undergraduates Scholarships (101 Ernest F. Hollings and 15 Educational Partnership Program undergraduate scholars) representing 37 states and Puerto Rico Improved mission continuity and employee safety by completing 27 backlog facilities repair and modernization projects; and managing 21 projects in process Conducted facility condition assessments at all NOAA-owned and occupied facilities, allowing more effective prioritization of repair funding Pacific Region Center – Contract award for renovation of piers and ship operations building (NAVFAC award in February 2006); NEPA analyses completed

10 10 FY 2008 Budget provides $255.6M for Program Support, a $21.3M (8%) increase over the FY 2007 President’s Budget. $5.1M for Adjustments to Base $16.2M for Program Changes Maintains current services Support U. S. Ocean Action Plan through Education funding Supports facilities repair/renovation projects to improve mission sustainability and employee safety Supports President’s Management Agenda FY 2008 PS Budget Overview

11 11 FY 2008 PS Budget Overview Line Item/Account ($ in millions) FY 07 President’s Budget ChangeFY 08 OMB Submission Corporate Services$192.0$4.6$196.6 NOAA Education Office$19.3$0$19.3 Facilities$23.0($3.6)$19.4 Total OR&F$234.3$1.0$235.3 Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction (PAC) $0$20.3 Program Support TOTAL$234.3$21.3$255.6

12 12 FY 2008 PS Budget Program Change PS Priority Ranking GoalBudget Line FY 2007 Pres Budget FY 2008 Change FY 2008 OMB Submission 1 Adjustments to Base$5.1 2 MSProgram Support construction - PRC$0$20.3 3 MSEnd to End Resource Management$0$2.0 4 MSFacilities$23.0($4.0)$19.0 5 MSNOAA Wide Corporate Services & Agency Management Base $160.6($2.0)$158.6

13 13 Adjustments to Base +$5.1M Highest PS Priority. Under-funding erodes PS available budget. Maintains current critical operations PS operations budget is 40% labor. Assumes 2.2% Pay Raise.

14 14 Pacific Region Center FY 07 PB Program Change FY 08 Request FY 2009 Estimate FY 2010 Estimate FY 2011 Estimate FY 2012 Estimate Total Estimate $0$20.250 $76.646$70.555$68.950$0$299.999 Addresses critical facility issues due to overcrowded and failing facilities in Hawaii Responds to long-standing Congressional priorities Supports DOC and NOAA facilities priorities by consolidation of NOAA programs and offices that support Pacific Region operations Saves $3.4M per year (increasing annually) in non- recoverable rent expense Addresses facilities at risk in future due to local redevelopment plans Avoids costly capital investments ($+90M) to repair/renovate facilities (e.g. Dole Street Lab) that have outlived useful life Kewalo Basin

15 15 Pacific Region Center FY 2008 Budget Request supports initial renovation cost (completion of design and exterior shell) of Building 176 Full renovation of Building 176 (including interior build-out and renovation) will enable NOAA to relocate its operations from the current Kewalo Basin facility and Dole Street Lab; –allowing NOAA to vacate this site This represents the second site consolidation at the Ford Island facility –first site consolidation being the ship operations facility that will be consolidated at Ford Island with completion of the pier renovations in FY 2007

16 16 Pacific Region Center BLDG 176: - PIFSC (Dole Street Lab) - Kewalo Basin - Shipping/Receiving BLDG A: - PIRO- ADMIN - PTWC- OGC - ITIC- Public Space - NESDIS- Cafeteria - IT & Computer Center BLDG 175: - NMSP- OAR - PIRO- NWS - NESDIS- NMFS OLE - NOS PSC - Health Unit

17 17 BLDG 176--$76.7M BLDG 175--$69.0M BLDG A--$71.0M MAIN FACILITY FUNDED: $63.6M BLDG 130Design for Main FacilityShip Operations: PIERS/BLDG 184 Pacific Region Center

18 18 Pacific Region Center FUNDED

19 19 End to End Resource Management System FY 06 EnactedFY 07 PBATBsBaseProgram ChangeFY 08 Request $0 $2,000 Why Eliminates separate system inefficiency and costly labor-intensive processes Addresses mandated PMA requirements for financial management and budget and performance integration Leverages integrated investment by connecting to mission support system support architecture for NOAA’s planning, programming, budgeting and execution processes Addresses critical staff attrition and retention What Automated NOAA-Wide interactive database Provides software, support services and end user training Supports timely budget development and production Provides ability to conduct analysis with comparison across various processes and cycles Supports request for hardware: database server(s) and application servers

20 20 End to End Resource Management System E2E Detailed tech specs RFP Selection Design phase Build phase Eval & training Operational FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10  Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Efficiencies Gained: Improves the availability and quality of data available for PPBES Saves time/labor by avoiding the need to compile data from multiple sources and compare data from various cycles Modernizes and streamlines the formulation, execution, and presentation of NOAA’s budget Moves NOAA from a time and labor intensive manual process to an efficient, streamlined process Improves timeliness of delivery of information to DOC, OMB, and Congress

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