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April results - Europe STS O2C Scorecard Metrics package.

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Presentation on theme: "April results - Europe STS O2C Scorecard Metrics package."— Presentation transcript:

1 April results - Europe STS O2C Scorecard Metrics package

2 Table of contents O2C results Root Cause Analysis templates DSO results Seller Engagement Survey results 2

3 Table of contents O2C results Root Cause Analysis templates  T3 indicators – IOT level – IMT level – Blue Harmony  T4 indicators – IOT level – IMT level – Blue Harmony DSO results Seller Engagement Survey results 3

4 T3 indicators IOT level

5 5 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Open Aged Disputes >30 Days (%) EP IOT 45% 50% Result includes Germany data from now on! Main drivers based on indicative Lob/Brand split: 1) TSS @52% - driven by 2 IMTs: UKI (almost all STS-owned), Germany 2) PBS @50% - IMTs mainly impacted: UKI (50-50% STS- & non-STS owned), Germany, France, Nordics (for last 2: majority of aging are non-STS owned) 3) SystemX @91% (small volumes, but very high percent of aging) – main contributing IMTs: Germany, France BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA All Open Aged Disputes >30 Days (%) 45%50% X

6 6 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Open Aged Disputes >30 Days (%) MEA IOT 45% 66% Overall, only 13 open disputes owned by STS (of which 4 are aging). Main drivers (indicative Lob/geo split): 1) PBS @82% - driven by 2 EBUs mainly: Egypt, MEP; all non-STS owned: 2) TSS @76% - EBUs mainly impacted: Egypt (all non-STS), North Africa (3 of 15 disputes STS-owned, all 3 aging) Top value aging disputes: -Saudi Arabia; Metag Alarabia; ~1.5M$; aged for 234 days; reason: incomplete HW-delivery -Kenya; National Police HQ; ~3M$; aged for 155 days; reason: Cust. disputing IBM terms >> negotiations, solution close Main driver of aging volume is Egypt >>> -Problematic nature of collection activities -Many of collectors hardly speak English -Many of older disputes are "false" BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA All Open Aged Disputes >30 Days (%) 45%66% X

7 T3 indicators IMT level

8 8 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Svcs-AS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) Nordics IMT 98%97% out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) 98%97% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

9 9 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Svcs-AS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) SPGI IMT 98%97% out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) 98%97% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

10 10 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Svcs-PBS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) Italy IMT 99%98% out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-PBS Contract Registration Timeliness (%) 99%98% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

11 11 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Svcs-PBS Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View CEE IMT 97%96% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-PBS Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%96% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

12 12 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date SW-ESW Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View BNL IMT 97%96% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA SW-ESWInvoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%96% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

13 13 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date SW-ESW Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View Italy IMT 97%95% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA SW-ESWInvoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%95% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

14 14 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date SW-ESW Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View UKI IMT 97%95% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA SW-ESWInvoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%95% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

15 15 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Order Management (Days) CEE IMT 1,51,8 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHW Order Management (Days) 1,51,8 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

16 16 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Order Management (Days) DACH IMT 1,51,6 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHW Order Management (Days) 1,51,6 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

17 17 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View BNL IMT 97%96% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHWInvoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%96% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

18 18 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View CEE IMT 97%96% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHWInvoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%96% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

19 T3 indicators Blue Harmony

20 20 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Svcs-PBS Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View Germany 97%96% credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-PBS Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View 97%96% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

21 T4 indicators IOT level

22 22 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResult Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) EP IOT 1012 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1012 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

23 23 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Invoice Timeliness (Days) MEA IOT 4,04,8 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHW Order Management (Days) 4,04,8 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

24 24 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Dispute resolution Cycle Time (Days) MEA IOT 30 43 42 disputes closed in April. 50% STS-owned - average resolution CT: 16 days 50% non-STS - average resolution CT: 71 days Various reason codes for now closed long time open disputes. Results impacted by limited CDMS tool usage and unstable dispute management process, causing identification delays. BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA All Dispute resolution Cycle Time (Days) 3043 X

25 T4 indicators IMT level

26 26 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) BNL IMT 1012 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1012 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

27 27 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) CEE IMT 1012 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1012 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

28 28 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) DACH IMT 1015 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1015 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

29 29 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) France IMT 1013 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1013 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

30 30 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) Nordics IMT 1014 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1014 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

31 31 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) UKI IMT 1015 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-AS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1015 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

32 32 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-PBS E2E Cycle Time (WD) Italy IMT 1012 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-PBS E2E Cycle Time (WD) 1012 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

33 33 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolutio n Date Svcs-PBS Contract Closure Timeliness (%) BNL IMT 7%17% out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Svcs-PBS Contract Closure Timeliness (%) 7%17% X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

34 34 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date HW-CHW Invoice Timeliness (Days) CEE IMT 4,06,8 out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA HW-CHW Order Management (Days) 4,06,8 X Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

35 T4 indicators Blue Harmony

36 Table of contents O2C results Root Cause Analysis templates DSO results Seller Engagement Survey results 36

37 Table of contents O2C results Root Cause Analysis templates DSO results Seller Engagement Survey results 37

38 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan MetricTargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwnerResolution Date GTS Europe 93%92% Main driver: IS EP @92% (TSS green @93%)

39 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan MetricTargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwnerResolution Date Systems Europe 93%91% Main driver: Systems SW EP @89% (Systems HW green @94%)

40 Templates

41 41 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View credits vs. invoices Admin accuracy: Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Pattern of Brand-caused errors: Customer impact: DSO / cash impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Invoice Accuracy (%) – Customer View Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

42 42 Root Cause Analysis and Action Plan Brand / Metric TargetResultDescription / RCAAction PlanOwner Resolution Date Contract Registration Timeliness / Order Management / E2E Cycle Time / Contract Closure Timeliness out of target Main driver: Root cause with major impact: Business impact: HINTS: How to define actions? -Focus on the outcome to achieve! -Make sure you involve whoever holds accountability for the item! (STS Sales Support, STS Brand Management, STS Transformation, etc.) -Outline how you will DRIVE LoB / Aligned Functions to take action! - A good example: „Every case gets discussed with the business. We receive a related action plan from them per each issue.” HINTS: -1 owner only (Tower Leader for T3 KPIs) -If owner is from other STS team / AF / LoB, get their agreement to be mentioned here BrandMetricTargetActualNALAJPGCGAPEPMEA Legend: replace with your own; read, then delete hints; don’t delete black text (unless optional and nothing to add)

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