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Mathematics George Edwards

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1 Mathematics George Edwards
Cell: Tel: Fax: Opleiding: Opstel van vraestelle; Verdeel in groepe: Grade 10, 11 en 12 apart. Laptops moet saamkom. Handboeke saam. Twee persone per groep. Stel vraestel 1 op volgens template. Voltooi templaat; Voltooi memo; Memo met verduidelikings. Vraestel word getik. Memo word getik. @georgeedwards99

2 Reflection December 2015 Analysis of results



5 PAPER 1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Total MAX 26 10 12 6 19 13
17 7 150 WCED 15.5 6.4 3.7 5.6 5.9 6.2 5 4.8 1.1 5.1 65.7 OED 15.6 6.6 7.2 4.1 5.8 6.5 5.3 4 67.4 Gee huiswerk aan onderwysers

6 PAPER 2 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Total MAX 11 9 18 20 24 8
14 17 150 WCED 7.7 3.1 7.4 10.8 8.8 3.3 3 3.7 2.7 5.7 57.5 OED 8.1 7.8 11.4 8.9 3.6 3.5 3.8 2.9 6.3 61.1 Gee huiswerk aan onderwysers

7 Programme of assessment 2016 - Guidelines

8 Assessment Grades 10, 11 & 12 Time allocation
CASS tasks and weight distribution Minimum CASS requirements Marks distribution Cognitive levels Annual Assessment Plan Exam and Test Templates Assessment exemplars

9 TIME ALLOCATION 4½ hours per week. Six(6) periods of 45 minutes each.
Make sure you get the time on your roster.

Project/Invest Test 20 10 Project/Invest Test Assign Term 2 Test/Assign Examination 30 15 Term 3 25 Term 4 Programme of Assessment mark 100 Programme of Assessment mark (as % of promotion mark) 25% End-of-year examinations 75% Promotion mark 100%

11 ELECTRONIC MARKSHEET Implications of CAPS document:
Choice to record project/investigation in term 1 or 2. Combination (25% & 75%) applies to term I or term 2. This term weighting only applies to the term where the project/investigation is done. Where there are three tasks in the term where the project/investigation is done, the project/investigation must contribute 25% and the other two tasks 37,5% each to the term mark.

12 The 7 Formal Assessment Tasks : Grade 10-11
5 tests 1 project / investigation June examination Final examination Or 4 tests 1 assignment

13 The 7 Formal Assessment Tasks : Grade 12
3 tests 1 assignment 1 project / investigation June examination Trial examination

Tests should be at least ONE hour long and count at least 50 marks. Project or investigation must contribute 25% of term 1 marks while the test marks contribute 75% of the term 1 marks. The combination (25% and 75%) of the marks must appear in the learner’s report. Formula sheet must not be provided for tests and for final examinations in grade

Mid-year examination: Grade 10 : One paper of 2 hours (100 marks) OR two papers of hour each (50 marks each). Grade 11 : Paper 1 : 2 hours (100 marks made up as follows: general algebra (25+/-3);equations and inequalities (35+/-3); number patterns (15+/-3);functions (25+/-3) Paper 2 : 2 hours (100 marks made up as follows: analytical geometry (30+/-3) and trigonometry (70+/-3) Grade 12 : Two papers of 3 hours (150 marks each) – June and Sep.

Final examination: Grade 10 : Two papers of 2 hours each (100 marks per paper). Grade 11 : Two papers of 3 hours each (150 marks per paper). Grade 12 : Two papers of 3 hours each (150 marks per paper).

17 Weighting of Content Areas : End-of-year papers

18 Weighting of Content Areas
Description Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 PAPER 1 (Grades 12:bookwork: maximum 6 marks) Algebra and Equations (and inequalities) 30 ± 3 45 ± 3 25 ± 3 Patterns and Sequences 15 ± 3 Finance, growth and decay 10 ± 3 (not decay) Functions and Graphs 35 ± 3 Differential Calculus Probability 20 ± 3 TOTAL 100 150 Weighting of Content Areas

19 Weighting of Content Areas
Description Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade. 12 PAPER 2: Gr 11 and 12: theorems and/or trigonometric proofs: maximum 12 marks Statistics 15 ± 3 20 ± 3 Analytical Geometry 30 ± 3 40 ± 3 Trigonometry 50 ± 3 Euclidean Geometry and Measurement TOTAL 100 150 Weighting of Content Areas

20 Bookwork Grade 12 Paper 1 – maximum 6 marks
Paper 2 – Theorems and/or trigonometric proofs – maximum 12 marks Grade 11 Paper 2 - Theorems and/or trigonometric proofs – maximum 12 marks Grade 10 No bookwork

21 Cognitive levels for Grade 10-12
Knowledge 20% Routine Procedures 35% Complex Procedures 30% Problem Solving 15%

22 Knowledge (20%) Straight recall.
Identification of correct formula on the information sheet(no changing of the subject). Use of mathematical facts. Appropriate use of mathematical vocabulary.

23 Routine Procedures (35%)
Estimation and appropriate rounding of numbers. Proofs of prescribed theorems and derivation of formulae. Identification and direct use of correct formula on the information sheet(no changing of the subjects). Perform well known procedures. Simple applications and calculations which might involve few steps. Derivation from given information may be involved. Identification and use (after changing the subject) of correct formula. Generally similar to those encountered in class.

24 Complex Procedures (30%)
Problems involve complex calculations and/or higher order reasoning. There is often not an obvious route to the solution. Problems need not be based on a real world context. Could involve making significant connections between different representations. Require conceptual understanding.

25 Problem Solving (15%) Non-routine problems (which are not necessarily difficult). Higher order reasoning and processes are involved. Might require the ability to break the problem down into its constituent parts.

26 Annual Assessment Plan
Annual Assessment Plan should be given to learners at beginning of year. Include dates, task, maximum mark

27 Exam and Test Templates
End of year exam Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Tests

28 Assessment Exemplars PLEASE VISIT MY WEBSITE.

29 Moderation : 2016 Internal Moderation Curriculum Adviser: First Round
Curriculum Adviser : Final Moderation and Verification:

30 INTERNAL MODERATION HOD(or subject head) if HOD not subject specialist
Moderation of tasks and assessment tools BEFORE task is given to learners Moderation of completed tasks of learners – 10% Record the moderated tasks (Names & Marks) Please record on electronic sheets. Moderation of the recorded marks Content page by teacher Report by CA

31 Moderation: What to look for?
Instrument to be used. Duration, length Weighting of content Weighting of cognitive levels Language – mathematical vs layman Use of pictures, diagrams, graphs to facilitate language Technical care : Typed; Same font; NO copy and paste. Memoranda : Neatness; marks allocation; explanation for marks given. Hyperlink.

32 Moderation School: Internal Moderation
Teacher portfolio and sample of learner performance – twice a year by Subject Head District: Curriculum Adviser / HO Teacher portfolio and sample of learner performance – twice during year Provincial: Umalusi Once per year WILL HAPPEN IN 2015. Schools will once again be selected Cluster moderation

33 Provincial Moderation 2015 REPORT

34 Moderation of Exam Papers
Second term : Gr Third term : Gr Fourth term : Gr. 9 & 11 Schools will be selected. Deadlines to be met. Exam/test templates to be used and submitted as well– not negiotable. Format of memo.

35 Portfolio Management Subject Recource File Teacher Portfolio
Learner Portfolio

36 Important documents: Subject Resource File
Standard Setting notes Grade : CAPS document Work schedules/Pace setters planned daily Plan of Assessment Circulars Exemplar Tasks, Exemplar Papers Maak folder wat al hierdie bevat.

37 Important documents: Educators’ Portfolio
What should be in the teacher’s file? - policy documents (3 documents) - personal time-table - work schedule (micro plan – that is daily) - OED teacher training programme and register of attendance - assessment plan - assessment tasks and tools - mark sheets - targets for each grade (March, Jul, Sep, Dec) - analysis of results - intervention strategies

38 POLICY DOCUMENTS National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Mathematics (also available in Afrikaans) National Policy pertaining to the Programme and Promotion requirements of the National Curriculum Statements Grades R – 12(NPR). National Protocol for Assessment Grades R – 12(NPA). All these documents available on

39 Learner Evidence of Performance
Cover page Table of content( Afr. or Eng ) Assessment Tasks per Term (clearly indicated) Statement of Authenticity (signed by learner)

40 Will be added to Final CASS mark
Reporting per term TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 TERM 4 G R A D E 10 & 11 Invest/Proj Test Assign/Test Exam 25% 75% 50% Will be added to Final CASS mark CASS 10 & 30 CASS 10&10 CASS 20 & 10 CASS 10

41 Reporting per term(Option 1)
A D E 12 Assignment (Can be test as well) Invest/ Project Test Exam Trial Year mark External 37,5% 25% 50% 75%

42 Reporting per term(Option 2)
A D E 12 Assignment (Can be test as well) Test Project/ Invest Exam Trial Year mark External 50% 25% 37,5% 75% Hyperlink na voorlopige elektroniese blad

43 FINAL MARK Year mark External Exam 25% 75%

44 Planning for 2016 Work schedule 2016: Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Textbooks: X-Factor ; Die Antwoordreeks Oorhandig kopieë van X-Faktor

45 Daily Lesson Plan Daily Preparation Book Learner’s Book
Planning for 2016 Daily Lesson Plan Daily Preparation Book Learner’s Book Wys een van die werkskedules

46 Challenges for 2016 Content knowledge Teaching methodology
Quality test/exam papers Quality memoranda Quality of passes Attracting learners to the subject and retaining learners within the subject

Assignment Term 1 Investigation Term 1 Investigation Term 2 Project Term 2

48 TEACHER TUTORING GR Grade 10 Geometry training – 6 February 2016 Grade 11 Geometry training – 20 February 2016 Grade 12 Geometry training – 12 March 2016 Exam Paper setting Gr (P1) - 23 April 2016 Exam Paper setting Gr (P2) – 10 September 2016

49 Grade 12 SoE – Saturday 14 May. Grade 12 SoE – Saturday 27 August.
LEARNER TUTORING Grade 12 SoE – Saturday 14 May. Grade 12 SoE – Saturday 27 August.

50 MATHROCKS (grade 8-10) Aim:
To incorporate materials used in Mathrocks into regular classroom curriculum. Learners to learn problem-solving techniques. Learners to develop critical thinking skills. Participation in Mathrocks to be a challenging and fun experience.

51 MATHROCKS Competition date 23 August 2016

52 MATHROCKS Participants: Learners in grade 8, 9,10 and 11.
Learners may participate individually, in pairs or as teams of 4. Preparation rounds. School’s competition

Bredasdorp HS De Villiers Graaff HS Gansbaai Academia Hermanus HS Overberg HS

54 M&S SCHOOLS Meeting dates: Thursday 11 February 2016
Wednesday 20 April 2016 Wednesday 3 August 2016

55 Teacher Tutoring 2016 Training for grade 8-12 teachers in 2016 :
Establishing of 6 PLC’s(old name Study Groups) Towns: Caledon Swellendam Bredasdorp Villiersdorp Grabouw Hermanus Dates: 24 Feb; 28 Apr; 1 June; 20 July; 31 August; 28 September; 27 Oct


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