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Parts of a Book. Title Page Identifies bibliographical information concerning the book, to include: name of author(s), title of book, number of edition,

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a Book. Title Page Identifies bibliographical information concerning the book, to include: name of author(s), title of book, number of edition,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a Book

2 Title Page Identifies bibliographical information concerning the book, to include: name of author(s), title of book, number of edition, place of publication, name of publisher, and date of Publication.

3 Table of Contents Outline of information contained in the book, listed in the order information occurs; located at the front of the book.

4 Atlas A collection of maps – generally political and physical relief maps for 6 of the 7 continents plus a world map. Sometimes climate and resource distribution maps are also included.

5 Glossary Is an alphabetical listing of terms used in a book, with short definitions; located at the back of the book.

6 Index Is an alphabetical listing of major people, places, and things discussed in a book, with each page identified where the item occurs, It is located in the back of the Book.

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