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Principal Learning Teams S.I.M. May 1 st, 2013 Principal Learning Teams.

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Presentation on theme: "Principal Learning Teams S.I.M. May 1 st, 2013 Principal Learning Teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principal Learning Teams S.I.M. May 1 st, 2013 Principal Learning Teams

2 Learning Goal To understand how the Principal Learning Team (PLT) structure can support the instructional leadership capacity of administrators(function).

3 Provide job-embedded professional learning for leaders and teachers to prepare them for the challenges they face. Leithwood (2009)

4 District Effectiveness Framework

5 A.Core Processes B.Supporting Conditions C.Approaches to Leadership Development D.Relationships


7 The 5 Dimensions 1: Learning-focused partnerships with school principals to deepen principals’ instructional leadership practice. 2: Assistance to the central office–principal partnerships. 3: Reorganizing and re-culturing of each central office unit, to support the central office–principal partnerships and teaching and learning improvement. 4: Stewardship of the overall central office transformation process. 5: Use of evidence throughout the central office to support continual improvement of work practices and relationships with schools.

8 Minds On The power …is that members of the group… engage together in challenges of practice so that their understanding of those challenges grows deeper and is more unified. Through their investigations, proposed solutions emerge that are then tested to see if they help…. Through such a repeated process, practice grows more sophisticated and powerful and the group develops a tighter sense of camaraderie and common purpose. As a result they can construct common understanding, share knowledge and experience, and develop common goals. Steven Katz – adapted from Supovitz 2006

9 Inquiry Question How do we build instructional leadership capacity of all administrators?

10 Theory of Action: WHY DO WE HAVE PLTs? If we create Principal Learning Teams that exercise: collaboration, inquiry, and coaching, then we will positively impact the instructional leadership capacity of all administrators across the system.

11 Four Requirements of an Effective PLT Norms of Collaboration The Inquiry Framework Coaching stance questioning The PLT format

12 Norms of Collaboration Pausing Paraphrasing Posing Questions Putting Ideas on the Table Providing Data Paying Attention to Self and Others Presuming Positive Intentions How do the Norms serve as a reference guide for your work in a Collaborative Inquiry? How do you self assess your skills in these areas?


14 Steven Katz’s Six Questions Who is your class? What are the learning needs of your class? What’s your evidence for the learning needs? What are you trying to achieve with this interaction with your class? What would count as criteria for success? What evidence would count as meeting the criteria?

15 Inquiry Framework 1. Develop an inquiry 2. Develop a working hypothesis - If…then… 3. Develop the success criteria to monitor/measure the hypothesis. What evidence will be collected and how will it be collected? 4. Implement the plan 5. Analyze the evidence/artifacts in relation to the success criteria 6. Reflect on the learning using the evidence – what is your new learning? 7. Share your learning 8. Identify/determine ‘next practice’ for the inquiry cycle to continue


17 Ladder of Inference

18 Coaching Stance Questions It’s all about the questions we ask!

19 LSA Research Article Cultivating a Culture of Co-Learning, Collaboration and Inquiry Dr. Mag Gardner & Dr. John Malloy Pages 3 - 7

20 Ontario Leadership Framework


22 Personal Leadership Resources Cognitive Resources Social Resources Psychological Resources

23 Steven Katz’s Six Questions Who is your class? What are the learning needs of your class? What’s your evidence for the learning needs? What are you trying to achieve with this interaction with your class? What would count as criteria for success? What evidence would count as meeting the criteria?

24 Inquiry Framework 1. Develop an inquiry 2. Develop a working hypothesis - If…then… 3. Develop the success criteria to monitor/measure the hypothesis. What evidence will be collected and how will it be collected? 4. Implement the plan 5. Analyze the evidence/artifacts in relation to the success criteria 6. Reflect on the learning using the evidence – what is your new learning? 7. Share your learning 8. Identify/determine ‘next practice’ for the inquiry cycle to continue

25 My Reflections…. What I value and how I spend my time, must align.


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