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Charter System Advisory Meeting November 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Charter System Advisory Meeting November 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter System Advisory Meeting November 18, 2015

2 Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Community Input Guide Advisory Committee’s Charge Revisit Norms Pulse Check – Hopes, Fears and Expectations Gearing Up for Charter System – Timeline – Progress – Community Engagement – Recruitment for LSGT/GO Team – Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities Cluster Planning – What are Cluster Plans – Cluster Plan Activities – Cluster Plan Component and Recommended Timeline Transition to Community Input Closing 2

3 Community Input & Feedback Station Community input will take place after the meeting You may also provide comments and feedback to: We ask that the public honor meeting decorum Applause, commentary, outbursts, jeering, or speech that defames individuals or stymies or blocks meeting progress is not permitted 3

4 Charge: The Charter System Advisory Committee will assist the district in developing, reviewing and monitoring the charter system application process. The committee will also provide input into successful charter system implementation strategies and drive awareness and understanding of charter system concepts. The advisory committee is comprised of community citizens, teachers, parent council leaders, two students, a district PTA representative, principals, and other district employees. The purpose of this committee is to: Review the elements associated with the charter system application, including, but not limited to, governance structure and responsibilities, school and cluster needs to understand the flexibility needed across schools, accountability and performance considerations.; Build the knowledge base to assist in developing a successful charter system application; Monitor the district's drafting of all final documents associated with the charter system application; Assist in developing successful strategies, including communication, elections and training; and Drive awareness and understanding around concepts such as, local school governance, flexibility, innovation and accountability. 4

5 Revisiting Norms We will assume good intentions. We will have a positive attitude. We will listen actively. We will come prepared for each meeting. We will participate fully in each meeting. We will invite the contributions of every member and listen to each other. We will operate in a collegial and friendly atmosphere. We will make decisions that are in the best interest of students and learning. We will be guided by the Atlanta Public Schools mission statement: With a caring culture of trust and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college and career. 5

6 Pulse Check Hopes Fears Expectations 6

7 System Framework Charter System Framework APS Charter System Governance Training Strategy and Planning Grow. Lead. Transform Ensuring substantial autonomy is given to schools (LSGT), ensuring all LSGTs are operating effectively, developing SBS and election process Ensuring the alignment of cluster and local school plans to the district’s strategic plan, creating a support network for all schools and clusters Developing leadership capacity, educating LSGTs, creating an internal leadership and instructional pipeline Effective governance, substantial support from central office, appropriate training, innovative ways to use waivers, constant monitoring, timely reporting and feedback Monitoring & Assessing Monitoring LSGTs and providing timely feedback, assessing progress of charter system model and reporting progress to the state Ensuring all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the charter system process Communicating 7

8 Develop Approach Hold Advisory Committee Meetings Collect Stakeholder Input/ Provide Info Sessions Develop Timeline/ Approach Review Recommendation Incorporate Strategic Planning Info Develop Governance Framework Develop Application Public Hearings Selection of a Model Phase 1 Recommended Approach Development Phase 2 Application Development Review Options in Detail Phase 3 Operations Develop Implementation Approach Develop Waiver and Innovation Approaches Strategic Alignment with Detailed Strategic Plan High Level Structures To Support New Op Model Operational Readiness Planning Implement Application Approach Operational Tools And Supports Stakeholder Communication and Engagement Training, Coaching and Support for New Operating Model Approve Letter of Intent Approve Application Engage and Inform Stakeholders June-November 2014 November-June 2015 June 2015-June 2016 Road-Map For Charter System Phase 4 Execution Charter System Contract Begins Monitor Progress LSGTs are Operational Continue Training, Coaching and Support Implement SBS Process July 2016 – June 2017 Stakeholder Communication and Engagement 8

9 Key Progress: Branding of our LSGTs - we will now refer to them as GO Teams LSC/Community Sessions: – Charter System Open Houses across APS Schools (October) – Charter System Information Sessions to learn more (October) – LSGT Candidate Information Sessions to gather interest (November and December) Principals and Central Office Leaders completed a Case Study in November focused on: – Building understanding and knowledge around the charter system – Identifying potential issues, concerns and implications of a proposed innovation – Detailing solutions to the identified issues – “Getting to Yes” Next Steps: Principal and Central Office will continue to train around key charter system concepts including: – Election Process – Deep dive on the Role of the LSGT and the focus for this team – The role of the Central Office; Supporting Schools in the Charter System LSC/Community Sessions: – Update Website to include LSGT Candidate Information – Continue LSGT candidate information Sessions to gather interest – LSGT Elections (January 2016) Phase 3 Building Capacity: Key Progress and Next Steps 9

10 Recruitment and Community Engagement 10

11 Recruitment and Community Engagement 11

12 Go Team Creation Process Timeline Candidate Info Sessions (now thru 12/18) Parent/Teacher Candidates declare intent to run (TBD mid-January) Online elections (1/25/16 thru 1/31/16) Elected members & principal meet, select community & swing members (early February) Go Team orientation training – all members attend 1 day Orientation Training Schedule February 20, 24 March 1, 8, 12, 15, 23, 29, 30 Orientation Training Schedule February 20, 24 March 1, 8, 12, 15, 23, 29, 30 12

13 Ready to ? Candidate Information Session Schedule DateTimeHost ClusterLocation 11/46-7:30WashingtonWashington HS 11/56-7:30JacksonML King MS 11/96-7:30TherrellFickett ES 11/166-7:30CarverCarver HS 11/196-7:30MaysMays HS 12/26-7:30Douglass & CSK/BESTDouglass HS 12/76-7:30South AtlantaLong MS 12/105:30-6:30GradyGrady HS 12/176-7:30North AtlantaRivers ES 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18 12-1:00CitywideOnline Click here to join onlineClick here to join online or call 404.802.1010, Conference ID: 248905 13

14 Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities Governance vs. Advisory LSGT: GO Team Membership 3 Parents + 3 Instructional Staff + 2 Community Members + 1 Swing Seat + Principal and Student Basic size is 9 voting members, and teams may decide to change to 7 or 11 members in Year 2 Duties/Responsibility Exercise school-level governance at the individual school level. Create, maintain, and update the school- level strategic plan. Create school- based solutions to increase student achievement at the individual school level. Governance Governance body over the individual school. Cluster Advisory Membership Principal + LSGT Rep from each School within Cluster May add community member seats, with a cap Duties/Responsibility Maintain and update the cluster- level strategic plan. Vet and provide advice upon LSGT school-based solution which affect the cluster as a whole. Governance Exercises no governance authority. It is as an advisory body for support and feedback to LSGTs on school- based solutions that impact the entire cluster. CAT Executive Committee Membership Elected representative from each LSGT in the cluster + Principal from each school in the cluster + up to three community member seats Duties/Responsibility Vet and provide advice on the Superintendent’s district-level and district-wide initiatives prior to presentation and consideration by the Local Board of Education. Identify and discuss district-wide priorities annually. Governance Exercises no governance authority. It is as an advisory body to provide input, guidance, and feedback to the Superintendent on district-level and district-wide initiatives. District Support Team Membership Special Assistant to Superintendent and Policy and Governance Advisor Duties/Responsibility Implement and manage the charter system model and plan. Facilitate and support the work of the LSGTs, CATs, and CAT Executive Committee. Manage the elections process for LSGTs. Train LSGTs, school staff, and central office staff on the work of the charter system. Governance Exercises no governance authority. Staff support team in charge of building capacity throughout the district to successfully implement the charter system model. 14

15 Cluster Planning 15

16 What Are APS Cluster Plans? The Cluster Planning process is not just a signature program but alignment of the academic program across all schools (K-12) within the cluster Signature program planning (3-5ys) Select program for the cluster Adapt curriculum to meet signature program requirements Align academic supports Vertical cluster alignment Academic programming aligned across elementary, middle and high school Cluster Advisory Governance to ensure program alignment across feeder schools Wraparound and support needs for cluster Cluster planning

17 What it is Long term Focused on preparation for all students Focus is broad Schools will have some standard practices across all schools reaching for the same goal Alignment and articulation across all schools for the signature program Implementation varies per school depending on individual school readiness and preparation What it isn’t Short term Focus on just high schools students or just high schools Focus is narrow All schools in the cluster have a cookie cutter implementation (all schools implement exactly the same in the same timeframe) Clarity Around Cluster Planning? 17

18 Cluster Plan Activities Phase 3 Detailed Plan Development Develop Performance Indicators for Success Develop FY17 and FY18 Resource Requirements Review Priorities and Strategies (3 Year Outlook) Develop Signature Program Implementation Plan Develop an Engagement and Partnership Strategy We are Here June 2015 - December 2015 Engage and Inform Stakeholders On Signature Program Approve Detailed Cluster Strategic Plan Allocate and Approve Remaining FY16 Cluster Funds October – November 2015 Full-day Principal Work Sessions Cluster Planning Team Meetings Cluster-wide Community Meetings Training and work sessions with Program Support Specialists and IB Specialists/Coordinators Central Office Support and Planning Sessions 18

19 Cluster Plan Components Story of the Cluster Data (Demographics, School Data) Cluster Planning Process District Strategy Cluster Strategy Map Signature Program Overview Signature Program Implementation Opportunities for Change Cluster Priorities and Strategies Glossary 19 Recommende d Timeline DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Clusters Draft Cluster Plans Due Community Feedback Cluster Plans Finalized

20 Signature Program Implementation Phase-in ProgramFY16FY17FY18FY19FY20 High School Middle School Elementary School 1 Elementary School 2 Elementary School 3 Elementary School 4 Elementary School 5 Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing Planning DevelopingImplementing Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing Planning Developing Implementing Planning Developing 20

21 21 Community Input

22 Strong Students. Strong Schools. Strong Staff. Strong System ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Center for Learning and Leadership (CLL Auditorium) 130 Trinity Avenue, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (All meetings are open to the public) Tuesday, September 15, 2015 *Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Wednesday, April 20, 2016 * alternate location will be identified due to work at CLL Auditorium 22

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