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Bell Work: 9/5/14 THERE WILL BE NO BELL WORK TODAY! Please prepare for your presentation—get your prototype ready! We will begin in 5 minutes…

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: 9/5/14 THERE WILL BE NO BELL WORK TODAY! Please prepare for your presentation—get your prototype ready! We will begin in 5 minutes…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: 9/5/14 THERE WILL BE NO BELL WORK TODAY! Please prepare for your presentation—get your prototype ready! We will begin in 5 minutes…

2 Standards Distinguish between the intended benefits and the unintended consequences of a new technology. Differentiate between adaptive and assistive bioengineered products (e.g., food, biofuels, medicines, integrated pest management).

3 Essential Questions to ponder… What societal needs have led to the creation of certain technologies? What are the intended benefits and unintended consequences of new technologies? Are we able to describe, explain & develop adaptive & assistive bioengineered products?

4 As a group, plan your presentation. Your presentation must include: –Your research –Your working prototype –Your persuasive essay –A conclusion that describes what happened during your challenge—the good, the bad, & the ugly!

5 STEM Article Choose an article from the Science World magazine. How is the article related to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)? Are there any intended benefits or unintended consequences mentioned in the article? If so, what are they? Are there any created technologies? If so, are they assistive or adaptive? Explain. Does the technology serve a need in society? If so, what need does it serve? Summarize the article in one paragraph.

6 Use a Post-It Note to “tweet” about the following question: On a scale of 1-10, rank your presentation. Explain. Tweet a response…

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