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PLATO Srbija SME Kick-Off Kovacica 16-17 October 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "PLATO Srbija SME Kick-Off Kovacica 16-17 October 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLATO Srbija SME Kick-Off Kovacica 16-17 October 2009

2 Overall objectives To get to know each other To acquire an understanding of the Plato- philosophy To build a team with common goals and agreements on interactions To agree on an initial action plan for the next 12 months

3 Programme Overview Thursday 9h30 Welcome and introduction PLATO linking Flanders and Serbia 10h30 Start workshop I 12h30 Lunch 14h00 start workshop II 19h00 dinner Friday 9h00 workshop II 12h30 conclusion and celebration

4 Plato – Linking Flanders and Serbia Voka and Plato – Karel Uyttersprot Plato International Wim Keynaert Plato philosophy, experiences and values What are Plato learning networks? Plato Serbia - Alexander Overall objectives The Serbian set-up Roles and responsibilities

5 Flanders in the world





10 Flanders: some figures 6 million people Highest concentration of ports in the world 175 billion euro of exports (80% Belgian exp ) High level of education 19th century: textile industry Now: biotech, IT, niche markets

11 Know any Belgians?

12 Voka The Flemish network of companies

13 Voka, the Flemish network of companies

14 Alliance of the Flemish Economic Union and the eight Flemish Chambers of Commerce Founded 01/01/2004 17,000 members 280 employees Politically independent 60% of the added value and employment in Flanders

15 Voka- East Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce -3000 members -50 employees in 4 offices Our structure: 6 competence centres -Services - Lobbying -Communication -Networking -Training & Education -International Entrepreneurship

16 Voka- East Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce Chamber of Ghent est 1729 2000: Chamber of Commerce East Flanders est. 2004: VOKA VEV Offices in Ghent, Oudenaarde, Aalst and Dendermonde: keeping touch with each sub region

17 Voka- East Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce 3000 members ( Volvo, Honda, Arcelor Mittal,… ) 50 employees in 4 offices Second largest Belgian Chamber Accredited ISO certified

18 The importance of learning networks: long-life learning! MinervaPLATO GLOBUS Athena Kameracademie StartingGrowingBlooming Start Mentorshipprojects!

19 The Plato Concept

20 Plato history 1990 Plato starts at Voka East Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce Since 1990: 1700 SME’s have joined the Plato Project in the Province of East Flanders. ( 7500 in Flanders ) 300 managers of 70 multinational companies participated Since 2000: Plato International Plato networks in Ireland, Denmark, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia and South Africa

21 Why do companies participate in learning networks? SME owners are responsible for EVERYTHING in their company: Finances management, HR, purchasing,, marketing, … But the entrepreneur has a LACK OF TIME AND MEANS For expensive and time- consuming trainings The project deals with BOTTLENECKS and practical questions The entrepreneur has a NEED for information and contact with colleagues PLATO

22 What is Plato? Goal: professionalization of SME owners Goal: establishment of networks of SME owners Groups of 15-20 Entrepreneurs meet monthly Under the guidance of mentors/godfathers

23  Mentors from multinationals guide a fixed group of 15 to 20 S(M)ME owners during 2 years, via monthly sessions.  Starting point are the bottle necks and practical questions of the group members  Size and sector decide upon the group composition. The members are no competitors  Exchange of experiences on marketing, sales, production, accountancy, HR, strategy,… Plato = Mentorshipproject 15 SME group 15 SME group 15 SME group 15 SME group MC

24 Plato is a learning network Learning networks = networks of entrepreneurs that meet regularly Plato members decide themselves the topics they discuss during the meetings : a topic/problem mapping occurs during the SME TB Plato members can't be competitors – discussions remain confidential

25 Aim of the PLATO project Professionalize SME management Creation of a dynamic, informal network where people can discuss their problems and solutions in a confidential way Linking of Plato company networks in different countries Cooperation bond between the different Chambers of Commerce / Business Associations.

26 PLATO Srbija

27 Plato Srbija 60 Companies located in: Pancevo Pozarevac Subotica Mentors: US Steel, Hemofarm, Bambi….

28 Plato Srbija Economic missions to Serbia & Flanders Economic seminars on trade partner countries Links with education centers Plato can stimulate SME development in other regions in Serbia Links with Serbian & Belgian government. New projects coming up: Plato Koopera EU cross border project Croatia-Serbia

29 Kick-Off Programme

30 Programme day 1 (pt 1) 10h30: Training approach and split-up Regional groups Personal introduction Team exercise - Spider web / Tower build Debrief Core themes for team success Objectives and SMART Lunch assignment – find out about… 12h30: lunch

31 Programme day 1 (pt2) 14h00Introduction cornerstones for business success (in plenum) Mission Stakeholders 14h30 Mission writing exercises (in regional groups) Outdoor activity - Warp speed 16h00 Coffee break

32 Programme day 1 (pt3) 16h15 Introduction stakeholder (plenum) Stakeholder workshop (regional groups) Stakeholders (Who are they?/What do they expect?) 17h00-18h00 Round up of the day (plenum) Team exercise (volleyball/toxic waste/flying carpet) 19h00 dinner (+ party?)

33 Programme day 2 9h00: Introduction activity planning (plenum) Exercise (Our hands are tied/Warp speed) Activity planning (6 months) 10u30: coffee Exercise (Teddy bear toss) Agreements on working together (regional groups) Communication, practicalities, organisation Round-up exercise 12h30: Conclusion and celebration

34 Kick-Off Programme step by step


36 Regional subgroups

37 Personal introduction Who am I? Present the unique item and explain; Why this product? What does it tell about me as a person (my strenghts/weaknesses) What does it tell about me and my company? What do I bring to this group

38 Programme day 2 9h00: Introduction activity planning (plenum) Exercise (Our hands are tied/Warp speed) Activity planning (6 months) 10u30: coffee Exercise (Teddy bear toss) Agreements on working together (regional groups) Communication, practicalities, organisation Round-up exercise 12h30: Conclusion and celebration

39 Spiderweb exercise Alt. Tower build

40 Spiderweb Debrief What went well/what not What would you do differently Teamwork elements Goals Relationship

41 Team success focus Task Relationship

42 SMART Specific Measurable Acceptable Realistic Timely

43 Mission statement Why does your company exist? What does it want to achieve? In groups of 3 or 4 Individual – present to small group – present to full Plato-team

44 Day 1 - Afternoon

45 Our stakeholders Who has an interest in our company/products/services? What are the expectations of our specific stakeholders?

46 Warp speed

47 Where can Plato help your business? You as a Plato stakeholder. Which topics would you like to cover in the Plato program?

48 Day 1 - Round-up Team exercise

49 Outdoor exercise Volleyball (?) Toxic waste or Flying carpet

50 Day 2 - Morning

51 Activity Our hands are tied

52 Day 2 – Morning (early afternoon) Activity (our hands are tied) Activity planning (6 months) Themes extracted from the brainstorm Timing Who is responsible for what/who has access to the knowledge?

53 Priority ranking Process List your top 3 Devide your votes (5/3/2) and vote Top 10 ranking Specification / grouping / final ranking

54 Activity planning Top 10 ranking of activities Create time line and indicate; What Where Date Individual responsibilities

55 Activity Teddy bear toss

56 Activity planning Top 10 ranking of activities Create time line and indicate; What Where Date Individual responsibilities

57 Team rules Agreements regarding; How we keep each other informed Roles and responsibilities

58 Exercise Footbridge/Flying carpet Drinks and celebration

59 Thank you for your attention Contact Voka - Chamber of Commerce of East-Flanders Wim Keygnaert +32-9-2661451

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