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Published byImogen Pitts Modified over 9 years ago
Sub-linear Time Algorithms Ronitt Rubinfeld Tel Aviv University Fall 2015
Big data?
Really Big data Impossible to access all of it Potentially accessible data is too enormous to be viewed by a single individual Once accessed, data can change
Approaches Ignore the problem Develop algorithms for dealing with such data
Small world phenomenon each “node’’ is a person “edge’’ between people that know each other
Small world property “connected” if every pair can reach each other “distance’’ between two people is the minimum number of edges to reach one from another “diameter’’ is the maximum distance between any pair
6 degrees of separation property In our language: diameter of the world population is 6
Does earth have the small world property? How can we know? data collection problem is immense unknown groups of people found on earth births/deaths
The Gold Standard linear time algorithms –Inadequate…
What can we hope to do without viewing most of the data? Can’t answer “for all” or “there exists” and other “exactly” type statements: are all individuals connected by at most 6 degrees of separation? exactly how many individuals on earth are left-handed? Maybe can answer? is there a large group of individuals connected by at most 6 degrees of separation? is the average pairwise distances of a graph roughly 6? approximately how many individuals on earth are left-handed?
What can we hope to do without viewing most of the data? Must change our goals: for most interesting problems: algorithm must give approximate answer we know we can answer some questions... e.g., sampling to approximate average, median values
Sublinear time models: Random Access Queries Can access any word of input in one step Samples Can get sample of a distribution in one step, Alternatively, can only get random word of input in one step When computing functions depending on frequencies of data elements When data in random order p x 1,x 2,x 3,…
Course requirements Scribing: 25% Signup on web Must be in latex Problem sets: 35% Project: 25% Class participation (includes grading): 15%
Project Possibilities Read a paper or two or three Suggest some open problems Even better -- Make some progress on them, or at least explain what you tried and why it didn’t work Implement an algorithm or two or three Can work in groups of 2-3
Plan for this lecture Introduce sublinear time algorithms Basic algorithms Estimating diameter of a point set Property testing of monotonicity Property testing of distinctness Sublinear time sampling (if time remains)
I. Classical Approximation Problems
First: A very simple example – Deterministic Approximate answer And (of course)…. sub-linear time!
Approximate the diameter of a point set Given: m points, described by a distance matrix D, s.t. D ij is the distance from i to j. D satisfies triangle inequality and symmetry. (note: input size n= m 2 ) Let i, j be indices that maximize D ij then D ij is the diameter. Output: k,l such that D kl D ij /2 2-multiplicative approximation
Algorithm Algorithm: Pick k arbitrarily Pick l to maximize D kl Output D kl Running time? O(m) = O(n 1/2 ) Why does it work? D ij ≤ D ik + D kj (triangle inequality) ≤ D kl + D kl (choice of l + symmetry of D) ≤ 2D kl i j k l Real diameter
II. Property testing
Quickly distinguish inputs that have specific property from those that are far from having the property Benefits: –natural question –just as good when data constantly changing –fast sanity check: rule out “bad” inputs (i.e., restaurant bills) when is expensive processing worthwhile? –Machine learning: Model selection problem Main Goal: all inputs inputs with the property close to having property
Property Testing Properties of any object, e.g., Functions Graphs Strings Matrices Codewords Model must specify representation of object and allowable queries notion of close/far, e.g., number of bits/words that need to be changed edit distance
A simple property tester
Sortedness of a sequence Given: list y 1 y 2... y n Question: is the list sorted? Clearly requires n steps – must look at each y i
Sortedness of a sequence Given: list y 1 y 2... y n Question: can we quickly test if the list close to sorted?
What do we mean by ``quick’’? query complexity measured in terms of list size n Our goal (if possible): Very small compared to n, will go for clog n
What do we mean by “close’’? Definition: a list of size n is -close to sorted if can delete at most n values to make it sorted. Otherwise, -far. ( is given as input, e.g., =1/10) Sorted: 1 2 4 5 7 11 14 19 20 21 23 38 39 45 Close: 1 4 2 5 7 11 14 19 20 39 23 21 38 45 1 4 5 7 11 14 19 20 23 38 45 Far: 45 39 23 1 38 4 5 21 20 19 2 7 11 14 1 4 5 7 11 14
Requirements for algorithm: Pass sorted lists Fail lists that are -far. Equivalently: if list likely to pass test, can change at most fraction of list to make it sorted Probability of success > ¾ (can boost it arbitrarily high by repeating several times and outputting “fail” if ever see a “fail”, “pass” otherwise) Can test in O(1/ log n) time (and can’t do any better!) What if list not sorted, but not far?
An attempt: Proposed algorithm : Pick random i and test that y i ≤y i+1 Bad input type: 1,2,3,4,5,…n/4, 1,2,….n/4, 1,2,…n/4, 1,2,…,n/4 Difficult for this algorithm to find “breakpoint” But other tests work well… i yiyi
A second attempt: Proposed algorithm: Pick random i<j and test that y i ≤y j Bad input type: n/4 groups of 4 decreasing elements 4,3, 2, 1,8,7,6,5,12,11,10,9…,4k, 4k-1,4k-2,4k-3,… Largest monotone sequence is n/4 must pick i,j in same group to see problem need (n 1/2 ) samples i yiyi
A minor simplification: Assume list is distinct (i.e. x i x j ) Claim: this is not really easier Why? Can “virtually” append i to each x i x 1,x 2,…x n (x 1,1), (x 2,2),…,(x n,n) e.g., 1,1,2,6,6 (1,1),(1,2),(2,3),(6,4),(6,5) Breaks ties without changing order
A test that works The test: Test O(1/ ) times: Pick random i Look at value of y i Do binary search for y i Does the binary search find any inconsistencies? If yes, FAIL Do we end up at location i? If not FAIL Pass if never failed Running time: O( -1 log n) time Why does this work?
Behavior of the test: Define index i to be good if binary search for y i successful O(1/ log n) time test (restated): pick O(1/ ) i’s and pass if they are all good Correctness: If list is sorted, then all i’s good (uses distinctness) test always passes If list likely to pass test, then at least (1- )n i’s are good. Main observation: good elements form increasing sequence Proof: for i<j both good need to show y i < y j let k = least common ancestor of i,j Search for i went left of k and search for j went right of k y i < y k <y j Thus list is -close to monotone (delete < n bad elements)
Another simple property tester
Are all words distinct? anagram banana bananagram gramaban banagram gramaman managram manaban banaman bananaman anamana anabanana anagraman gramaman graman banana manaman gram grab grabaman grabagram bagagram bag bagaman anabag bagabag bagabanana gramabag bagana baganagram bagaban grababan
Element distinctness Task: Given inputs x 1,…,x n Are all x i distinct? Complexity: Requires at least linear time and queries e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,9,10,11
Property testing “approximation” New task: Given n elements, distinguish two cases: all distinct number of distinct elements < (1- )n (If neither case holds, algorithm can output arbitrarily) Can we do it in sublinear time? Deterministic sublinear time? What is a good algorithmic idea?
Property testing: element distinctness Task: Given n elements, distinguish two cases 1. all distinct 2. number of distinct elements < (1- )n Proposed algorithm: take several independent samples if there is a duplicate output “fail” else output “pass” Analysis for case 1: If all elements distinct, will always output “pass”
Property testing: element distinctness Case 2: number of distinct elements < (1- )n Proposed algorithm: take several samples and “fail” if there is a duplicate After how many samples will you see a duplicate? e.g., input 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, …,n/2, n/2 in random order is O(sqrt(n)) enough for this input? is O(sqrt(n)) enough in general? can we do better than sampling?
Some analytical challenges: How to analyze failure probability of: Pick two elements, output “fail” if they are identical Do we sample with or without replacement? How are duplicates distributed? All same symbol? e.g., 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,… All different symbols? e.g., 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,…
Plan: Analysis: Pair off the duplicates Argue that O(sqrt(n)) samples likely to hit both members of some pair Gives lower bound on probability of detecting some duplicate
Recall from probability courses… Indicator variables, expectations, expectations of sums of indicators… How likely are you to be close to the expectation? Tool #1: Markov’s inequality: applies to positive variables Probability of exceeding expectation by more than factor of c at most 1/c
Recall from probability courses… (cont.) How likely are you to be close to the expectation? (cont.) Tool #2: Chebyshev’s inequality need upper bound B on standard deviation Probability of deviating from expectation by more than (c × B) is at most 1/c 2
Recall from probability courses… (cont.) How likely are you to be close to the expectation? (cont.) Tool #3: Chernoff/Hoeffding Bounds Bounds probability that the sum of independent variables deviates from its expectation See course website for pointers Chernoff Bound: Sum = x 1 + x 2 + … + x n where x i ‘s are independent 0/1 variables Pr [Sum > (1+ δ) E[Sum]] < e - δ 2 E[Sum]/3 Pr [Sum < (1- δ) E[Sum]] < e - δ 2 E[Sum]/2
Plan: Analysis: Pair off the duplicates (order matters!) Argue that O(sqrt(n)) samples likely to hit both of some pair More details: Imagine samples divided in two phases Phase 1 samples likely to hit the first member of lots of pairs Phase 2 samples likely to hit the second member of a pair hit in phase 1
Property testing: element distinctness (when number of distinct elements < (1- )n ) (cont.) Slightly modified version of algorithm: S 1 sqrt(n) samples If see duplicate, stop and output “fail” S 2 c sqrt(n)/ samples If see duplicate with samples in S 1 output “fail” else “pass” (note: duplicate refers to same value in different location)
Property testing: element distinctness (cont.) Claim: If number of distinct elements 2/3 Why? For each element that appears at least twice, divide occurrences into disjoint pairs The plan: Show that there are lots of disjoint pairs Show that S 1 hits a lot of these pairs (most of the work) Show that if S 1 hits a lot of pairs, S 2 has a good chance of hitting at least one of the pairs hit by S 1 (the other occurrence of the same element)
How many pairs? Recall: assume that number of distinct elements <(1- )n For elements that appear at least twice in dataset, divide occurrences into pairs If number of occurrences is odd, then throw out one Number of pairs > n/4 (actually even somewhat more) Worst case? E.g., each nondistinct element appears 3 times
This is where we reached in lecture 1! the rest will be in lecture 2
Showing that S 1 hits first element of a lot of ordered pairs: Number of pairs > n/4 (actually even slightly more) Then Pr[a random sample hits first element of a pair] > /4 indicator variable y i 1 if ith sample hits first element of a pair and 0 otherwise, E[y i ] =Pr[y i =1] > /4 E[# samples in S 1 that hits first element of a pair] = E[ Σ y i ] = Σ E[ y i ] > ( /4)sqrt(n)
Showing that S 1 hits first element of a lot of pairs: We just showed: E[# samples in S 1 that hits first element of a pair] > ( /4)sqrt(n) Not enough! Need to show that [large number of samples in S 1 that hits first element of a pair] is very high What do we mean by large? ( /8) sqrt(n) is good enough What do we mean by high? 11/12 What if samples repeatedly hit the same pair?
Probably lots of samples hit first elements of pairs: From previous slide: write as sum of independent indicator variables y i is 1 if sample i hits first element of a pair and 0 otherwise. Independent. Sum = y 1 + y 2 + …y sqrt(n) is the number of samples that hits first element of a pair E[Sum] > sqrt(n)/4 Chernoff Bound: Pr [Sum < E[Sum]/2] < Pr [ Sum <( /8) sqrt(n)] < e -E[Sum]/8 << 1/12 Thus, unless we are unlucky (which happens with probability < 1/12), we can assume Sum ( /8) sqrt(n)
Samples hit a lot of different pairs Now would like to conclude that with high probability at least ( /8) sqrt(n) pairs to be hit … but, maybe we hit the same pair more than once? If we hit both elements of the same pair, test fails and we are done! But what if we hit the same element in a pair twice? If sample i and sample j from phase one hit the same element (i.e., same location in input), call it a sample collision and let SumOfCollisions be the number of sample collisions Number of pairs hit is at least the number of samples that hit a pair minus the number of sample collisions i.e., ≥ Sum – SumOfCollisions (why?) We already established that Sum is likely to be large, just need to show that SumOfCollisions is likely to be small
S 1 hits a lot of pairs (cont. 2) Bounding SumOfCollisions: z ij is 1 if samples i j hit the same element and 0 otherwise (z ii =0) E[z ij ] = Pr[z ij is 1 ] = 1/n for i ≠j SumOfCollisions =z 11 + z 12 + …z 1sqrt(n) + z 21 + …z 2sqrt(n) + … z sqrt(n) sqrt(n) E[SumOfCollisions] < sqrt(n) 2 /n =1 (linearity of expectation) If expectation < 1, then by Markov’s inequality: Pr[SumOfCollisions> 12] < 1/12
S 1 hits a lot of pairs (wrapup) Number of pairs hit > Sum – SumOfCollisions Pr[Sum <( /8) sqrt(n)] <<1/12 Pr[SumOfCollisions > 12] <<1/12 So, with probability > 5/6 (by union bound) Number of distinct pairs hit > ( /8) sqrt(n) – 12 > ( /16) sqrt(n)
Property testing: element distinctness (cont.) What’s left: If number of distinct elements 2/3 Analysis part 2: From previous: Pr[number pairs hit by S 1 < ( /16)n 1/2 ] <1/6 Each sample in S 2 collides with a “partner” of member of S 1 with prob > ( /16) n 1/2 /n = /(16n 1/2 ) Pr[ no sample in S 2 collides with S 1 ] = (1- /(16n 1/2 )) c 16sqrt(n)/ < 1/e c <<1/6 All independent
Recalling the plan Show that S 1 hits first member of a lot of these pairs Fails with probability < 1/6 When S 1 hits a lot of pairs, S 2 has a good chance of hitting the second member of one of the same pairs hit by S 1 Fails with probability < 1/6 Total failure probability < 1/3
Theorem Given list of elements x 1,…,x n, there is an O(n 1/2 /ε) time algorithm which satisfies: If list is distinct then the algorithm outputs “pass” If there are 2/3 (can be improved to (n/ε) 1/2 by setting sizes of S 1 and S 2 to (n/ε) 1/2 )
Why do we need sqrt(n)? Claim: No algorithm can do better than sampling Proof? Recall example
Related question: Estimating support size of a distribution Coming soon to theatres near you!
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