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Potato Clocks and Juice Clocks

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Presentation on theme: "Potato Clocks and Juice Clocks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potato Clocks and Juice Clocks
By Katerina, Avery, Curt, and Shah

2 Potato Clock Theory

3 A potato is an electrochemical battery in which a chemical reaction occurs in a liquid between two different metals.

4 The potato battery uses strips of zinc and copper in the acidic juice to run a digital clock.

5 At the zinc strip, the acid in the vegetable dissolves the zinc freeing electrons. The copper wire uses the electrons that the zinc wire frees.

6 In order to obtain enough current to power the clock, two potato cells are required and connected in series (head to tail).

7 Potato Clock Directions

8 Put potatoes in holder. Insert Zinc strip from the clock into the left potato. Insert Copper end of the loose strip into the same potato, 2 cm apart and parallel to the Zinc strip.

9 Insert Zinc end of the loose strip into the right potato.
Insert Copper strip from the clock into the same potato, 2 cm apart and parallel to the Zinc strip. The clock should be on!

10 Potato Clock Fun Facts

11 When the strips are inserted into the potato, the surrounding area of the strips turns black.

12 An average potato clock lasts about 24 hours, depending on the size of the potato.

13 A potato battery has a type of electrochemical cell.

14 Juice Clock Theory

15 Some fruits and vegetables are lightly acidic
Some fruits and vegetables are lightly acidic. This acid can be used to produce electricity.

16 The acid in the juice reacts with the copper and zinc electrodes to make electricity.

17 Each of the compartments in the liquid energy source produces about 0
Each of the compartments in the liquid energy source produces about 0.7 volts. When connected together, it makes about 3.8 volts total. Each compartment is like a cell in a battery.

18 The red and black wires are used to connect components
The red and black wires are used to connect components. They are used to transport electricity. The clock contains a small crystal.

19 When a crystal is struck by an electronic pulse, it vibrates
When a crystal is struck by an electronic pulse, it vibrates. A microelectronic circuit makes the pulse and measures the vibration rate. The vibration rate is used as a time standard.

20 Juice Clock Fun Facts

21 The Juice works better than the water
Salt provides electrolites which gives us energy.

22 Any Questions? ?

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