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EEF SESSION #4 APRIL 2013 Reflecting on the Year and Planning for the Future Please have a seat and get started on the “I Used to Think…”

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Presentation on theme: "EEF SESSION #4 APRIL 2013 Reflecting on the Year and Planning for the Future Please have a seat and get started on the “I Used to Think…”"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEF SESSION #4 APRIL 2013 Reflecting on the Year and Planning for the Future Please have a seat and get started on the “I Used to Think…”

2 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …There was an inherent challenge creating a system that satisfies what I think are the 2 main purposes of teacher evaluation: 1-to ensure teacher quality 2- to promote professional learning. And now I think… …The profession is better served when the requirements for these 2 purposes are embedded within the same system.

3 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …evaluation would be a positive experience for more people once they understood the process. And now I think… …people have so much to do that they are focused on people who are struggling & ignoring the people who are doing well. My hope for the future is… …things will improve after this first year.

4 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …evaluation was about supervising teachers, i.e. “Do this and you’ll be great.” And now I think… …it’s about growing teacher practice in a number of ways, and working as a team to build consensus about what is effective.

5 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …doing evaluation well meant sacrificing quality in other areas of an administrator’s responsibility. And now I think… …I am even more certain of this. My hope for the future is… …we find a way to take something off administrators’ plates, and to help them manage their time.

6 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …evaluation was a punitive process that was aimed at ridding the system of teachers. And now I think… …it provides opportunities for meaningful, evidence based conversations, and for the growth of the evaluator and the teacher. My hope for the future is… … more support for teachers and evaluators.

7 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …the emphasis on evaluation was a misguided investment of scarce resources that would further de-professionalize teachers by relying on improper measures to judge teachers unfairly. And now I think… …that evaluation, as a cycle of observation, feedback, and support for growth, is key to ensuring that teachers have the necessary supports to improve their craft in partnership with other teachers and school leaders.

8 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …that evaluation was the absolute center of the universe. And now I think… …that it is still imperative that we implement well, and it needed to be the first step, but there’s no power in it without real support and strong leadership.

9 Thoughts from OEE I Used to think… …there were a number of paths to improving teaching & learning, and evaluation was just the trendiest. And now I think… …that evaluation - clarity of expectations, mutual accountability, and ongoing reflection & support - is essential to making schools places where teachers can learn and grow.

10 Today’s Agenda Welcome & Check-ins Gallery Walk: Reflecting on Successes & Challenges Immunity to Change Closing

11 Norms & Community Agreements Start and end on time. Limit technology to break time. Include everyone in conversations. Vegas Rule: Confidentiality

12 Defining the Scope EEFs will: Be conduits for feedback Contribute expertise to develop resources for the district Disseminate information and best practices Lead conversations around effective instructional practice

13 EEF Series Objective EEFs will be able to identify, discuss, and cultivate effective instructional practices within their school communities using the tools provided by the evaluation system.

14 Session 4 Objectives Today we will: Share questions, challenges, & best practices Continue to build expertise in the evaluation system Develop plans for work with colleagues Examine underlying challenges

15 Facilitation Moves Keep an eye on: Shared facilitation Praxis: action with reflection & learning by doing

16 Session #3 Homework Thanks for completing “Reflecting on Progress Toward a Team Goal”

17 Session #4 Homework Please encourage your colleagues to complete the 20-question Evaluation Survey! Complete online by April 26 Participants can win gift cards to B&N or Starbucks Schools with 100% completion can win a catered breakfast

18 Upcoming meetings EEF Make-up Session: Tuesday, April 30 3-6 pm @ MPHS Green Tile Area Superintendent-Teacher Share Monday, May 6 4:30-6:30 @ City Year Stay tuned for info about upcoming All-Facilitator Sessions

19 Checking In I Used to think… …And Now I think…

20 Today’s Agenda Welcome & Check-ins Gallery Walk: Reflecting on Successes & Challenges Immunity to Change Closing

21 Planning for the Future Gallery Walk Overview: 1. Reflect on successes and challenges 2. Place your reflections in the appropriate spot in the gallery. 3. In groups, identify common themes and strategies. 4. Tour the gallery and note take-aways and wonderings

22 Reflect on Successes and Challenges Note evaluation-related successes and challenges you encountered … Prior to the year Early in the year Middle of the year End of the year Data inquiry cycles throughout the year Consider…  reflections from your homework  expectations set by evaluators  questions from colleagues

23 Share your reflections Walk around & share your reflections on the appropriate chart paper. Feel free to read over other people’s thoughts and add more of your own.

24 Identify Strategies Join one of the five groups and… 1. Find common themes 2. Synthesize successful strategies 3. Brainstorm solutions for addressing challenges Feel free to write on the chart paper provided.

25 Gather Takeaways and Wonderings Walk around to see each group’s work. Note… any useful ideas that you see questions you want to pose to colleagues back at your school

26 Debrief What are you taking back to your school? How will you get it done? Who will you enlist as allies? What impact will this have on the students and culture at your school?

27 Break

28 Today’s Agenda Welcome & Check-ins Gallery Walk: Reflecting on Successes & Challenges Immunity to Change Closing

29 Is change possible? Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution that did not last beyond Jan. 1 st ? Have you ever created a plan for a diet and by lunch time you were already off track? Have you ever tried to change a bad habit but could not?

30 Immunity to Change Immunity to Change: having one foot on the gas and one foot on the brake. It’s having a sincere desire to do something, but also having “brilliant” practices in place that keep you from your goal.

31 Immunity Map 1 pg. 43 Visible Commitment Doing/ not doing instead Hidden competing commitments I am committed to losing weight. I eat too much. I eat when I’m not even hungry. I eat food with too much fat. I eat food with too many carbs. Person A: I am committed to not being bored, to feeling stimulated and energized. I am committed to not feeling empty. Person B: I am committed to feeling connected to my family, to receiving love when it is offered to me.

32 Immunity to Change: How it relates to our work What underlying issues might be getting in the way of change at your school? What are the parking lot conversations? -Personal experience How do we address the underlying issues keeping us from our student learning and professional practice goals? -Fears around being dismissed, not being exemplary, etc…

33 Immunity to Change: Activity Humanities DepartmentOutpatient Clinic We have not promoted a person from the junior ranks in 11 years! Read pages 88-93 Q. 1 What does the group want? Q. 2 What was equally powerful and under- acknowledged? We are soft on drug-seeking patients Read pages 105-108 Q. 1 What is the problem? Q. 2 Were they able to change?

34 Immunity to Change: Share Humanities DepartmentOutpatient Clinic We have not promoted a person from the junior ranks in 11 years! Brief overview Q. 1 What does the group want? Q. 2 What was equally powerful and under- acknowledged? We are soft on drug-seeking patients Brief overview Q. 1 What is the problem? Q. 2 Were they able to change?

35 Immunity to Change: Next Steps Chapter 11 – Protocol for creating a collective immunity map Chapter 9 – Diagnosing your own immunity to change Chapter 10 – Overcoming your immunity to change Our goal today was to share a process to surface and give language to the underlying factors that are powerful and may keep us from real change.

36 Immunity to Change: How it relates to our work What changes are you working towards at you school? What underlying issues might be inhibiting change at your school? How do we address the underlying issues? Do you think change is possible in your school?

37 Today’s Agenda Welcome & Check-ins Gallery Walk: Reflecting on Successes & Challenges Immunity to Change Closing

38 Session #4 Homework Please encourage your colleagues to complete the Evaluation Survey!  Complete by April 26 to compete for prizes Other resources to share:  Evaluation Tips: Spring 2013  Example from the Edison

39 Study Groups Make the group whatever you want it to be! Potential TopicsPotential Coordinators Feedback conversations Leading effective meetingsJanice Hanrahan Teacher teamingKatie De La Rosa Tom Gould Janice Hanrahan, Data-driven inquiryKatie De La Rosa School changeTom Gould Jayson Smith Other?

40 Upcoming meetings EEF Make-up Session: Tuesday, April 30 3-6 pm @ MPHS Green Tile Area Superintendent - Teacher Share Monday, May 6 4:30-6:30 @ City Year Stay tuned for info about upcoming All-Facilitator Sessions

41 Feedback Please complete the Feedback sheet  Did we meet our goals?  Ideas for future work together

42 Thank you


44 Resources: on the Weebly

45 Office of Educator Effectiveness Ross Wilson, Assistant Superintendent for Educator Effectiveness ( Jared Joiner, Implementation Specialist (jjoiner) Emily Kalejs Qazilbash, Implementation Specialist (eqazilbash) Angela Rubenstein, Implementation Specialist (arubenstein) Kris Taylor, Implementation Specialist (ktaylor2) Jenna Costin, EDFS On-line System Coordinator (jcostin) Chason Ishino, Consultant (cishino) Shakera Walker, Senior Manager, Teacher Leadership (swalker)

46 Timelines and Requirements Type of Educator Plan Self-Directed Growth Plan 1 school year* Directed Growth Plan Less than 1 school year Improvement Plan 30 calendar days to 1 school year Developing Educator Plan 1 school year Announced observations None required 1 1 Unannounced observations 1 2 2 if plan is less than 6 months 4 if plan is between 6 months and 1 year 4 Required Dates Oct. 1: Educator submits self-assessment & proposes 2 goals Nov. 1: Evaluator completes educator plans by approving goals & action steps May 15: Evaluator completes Summative Evaluation Report June 1: Evaluator meets with educators whose overall Summative Evaluation ratings are moved from Proficient or Exemplary to Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory Dates established in educator plan. Oct. 1: Evaluator meets with 1 st year educators to assist with self-assessment and goal-setting. Other dates are same as above for 1-year Self-Directed Growth Plan.

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