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Welcome to Year One! Year 1 Teachers Miss West – 1A Miss Roylance – 1B Support in Year 1 Miss Hindson Mrs Efstathiou Mrs Poizer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year One! Year 1 Teachers Miss West – 1A Miss Roylance – 1B Support in Year 1 Miss Hindson Mrs Efstathiou Mrs Poizer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year One! Year 1 Teachers Miss West – 1A Miss Roylance – 1B Support in Year 1 Miss Hindson Mrs Efstathiou Mrs Poizer

2 How to get in touch Speak to a member of staff on the door at the end of the day. Send a note in with your child requesting an appointment. Arrange an appointment via the office/ over the phone. Parent’s Consultations – Monday 23 rd, Tuesday 24 th and Wednesday 25 th November.

3 Behaviour Expectations 6 Golden Expectations – Brookburn’s Code of Conduct Traffic Light Systems Golden Certificates Lunchtime rewards- raffle tickets

4 Homework Weekly pieces of homework - Literacy/Maths Set on Wednesday to be returned the following Monday. Sometimes homework will relate to science or topic work. Reflects what the children have been learning in class. Presentation of homework – use pencil, use the paper provided, write on the lines. Homework is always acknowledged but not necessarily marked in detail – purpose is to reflect and reinforce children’s learning in school.

5 Wow Challenge Curriculum Autumn 1 UK Travel and Transport (Geography) Autumn 2 Toys in the Past and Present (History) Spring 1 Where do leaves go in the winter? (Geography) Spring 2 Why can’t a meerkat live in the North Pole? (Geography) Summer Term Famous Olympians (History)

6 Science Taught discreetly although links are made where possible -Animals, including humans. - Everyday Materials -Seasonal Changes -Living Things and their Habitats -Growing Plants.

7 Literacy - Reading Weekly Guided Reading session during assembly time Daily Phonics sessions (differentiated across the cohort) Home reading books changed twice weekly (Monday/Thursday)- one level below guided level for consolidation and enjoyment. £5 to replace lost books. Reinforced in Literacy homework.

8 Literacy - Writing Nelson handwriting scheme Formation/Orientation of letters/Finger spaces Different Genres Narrative – traditional tales, stories with repetitive structures, stories from other cultures, stories by the same author, fantasy stories. Non-Fiction – lists, recounts of familiar events, instructions, non chronological report. Poetry Emphasis on Speaking & Listening, Group Work and Drama Independent writing area Daily Phonics

9 Maths Starting a new scheme called Maths – No Problem! Based on research from Singapore. Emphasis is on reasoning and being able to explain how you have reached an answer rather than rote learning of number facts.

10 PE and Dolphin Den Wednesday-PE. Tuesday/Thursday-Den. Please can children have a full PE kit in school every day. Plain white t-shirt. Black leggings, jogging bottoms or shorts. Black pumps. Trainers for outdoor games. Girls need to tie their hair back. Please provide Den shoes that can be left at school.

11 Assessing Children’s Progress Assessment fortnight / Pupil conferencing Followed by Parent’s evenings so that we can share individual targets with parents. Parents’ evenings -23 rd, 24 th, 25 th November -14 th, 15 th, 16 th March -A final opportunity, after reports go out to parents in July.

12 Staying Safe Online Internet and social media safety is taught to all year groups throughout the year. We have school-wide safety features, but if anything gets past the filters, students are taught to switch off the screen and report to a member of staff immediately. Our digital code – Zip it, Block it, Flag it. We value your support in keeping children safe online by urging you to supervise your child’s on line presence at home and to regularly check your privacy settings on social media sites.- for more info see the IT section of our website under the curriculum tab.

13 Attendance and Punctuality School doors open from 8.50am and close promptly at 9am. Once the door is locked, all children must enter school via the main entrance to be recorded as late. Doors open to dismiss children at 3.25pm and are locked at 3.40pm. Any children not collected will be sent to the office where their parents will be contacted. Each Year 1 class will leave through a different door. Persistently late/poor attendance- a record is kept in the class register, parents are contacted.

14 Other Info Blog access – keep up to date with what your child is doing in school – check for dates, homework tasks and photographs. Pantomime date – Monday 7 th December How to get involved if parents want to volunteer to help.

15 Thanks for listening Please complete the feedback sheet Any questions?

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