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T-76.115 Project Review MalliPerhe Iteration 3 Implementation2 1.12.2004.

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Presentation on theme: "T-76.115 Project Review MalliPerhe Iteration 3 Implementation2 1.12.2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-76.115 Project Review MalliPerhe Iteration 3 Implementation2 1.12.2004

2 2 T-76.115 Project Review Agenda  Project status  achieving the goals of the iteration  project metrics  Work results  presenting the iteration’s results  Used work practices

3 3 T-76.115 Project Review Introduction to the project  Goal of the project is to build a modeling tool for Configurable Software Product Families (CSPF)  Customer is SoberIT  An engineering tool  Both the architectural and the feature-based view are modelled  And the relations between the different entities  Modeling tool must support the Kumbang language  The customer already has a configurator tool for Kumbang

4 4 T-76.115 Project Review Introduction to the domain  Software Product Family  Products share common assets and architecture  Configurable SPF  significant part of the deployment process is done without adding new code by configuring existing assets  Kumbang  Synthesis of two earlier modelling languages

5 5 T-76.115 Project Review Status of the iteration’s goals  Goal 1: Finish the basic functionalities  Partial.  Some of the menu actions are still not placed  Goal 2: Creating and editing models  Partial.  Some editing functions are not linked to the user interface  Goal 3: Good awareness of product quality  Partial.  Cannot be fully assessed until the missing functionalities are in place.

6 6 T-76.115 Project Review Status of the iteration’s deliverables  Code of the product  Quite good  some known bugs  no unknown errors  Some intended functionalities were not implemented  Updated Project plan  OK  Updated Requirements document  OK  Technical specification  OK  Test cases  ??  Test report and test log  ??  Progress report  OK  SEPA diaries  OK  Quality Assurance plan  OK

7 7 T-76.115 Project Review Realization of the tasks  Less Testing than planned  Diagram View took much longer than expected

8 8 T-76.115 Project Review Working hours by person  Antero and Rauli used less hour than planned, these were moved to DE iteration  Juha will use extra hours for the last iteration Realized hours in this iteration Plan in the beginning of this iteration Latest plan (inc. updated hours:increased/decreased)

9 9 T-76.115 Project Review Changes to the project  In the beginning of the finalization phase there will be one more implementation phase.  Stopped using the audio logs  No one used them  Dependance on a single device which was not always available

10 10 T-76.115 Project Review Quality metrics  In the end of implementation 2 there were still unfinished features. Javadoc documentation wasn't good enough and especially userinterface features lacked them. Test cases were run and didn't reveal any critical bugs so quality of the code seems atleast decent. Though tests aren't thorough enough yet.  Underlying actions which connect the user interface to Kumbang model were tested with unit tests. Found problems were fixed immediately so UserInterface development had a functional foundation that didn't cause problems.

11 11 T-76.115 Project Review Quality assesment 2File management... 3Eclipse plugin Implemented features seem to work, but there are still many non-implemented ones 2User Interface CommentsQualityCoverageFunctional area Plugin features are tested throughly. Installing requires a test or two. Implemented features seem to work, but there are still many non-implemented ones

12 12 T-76.115 Project Review Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)  Any remarks on this metric?  lots of new functinality was implemented  refactoring reduced LOC 441310290 Total (NCLOC + COM) 0 Comments (COM) 3561713 User Interface 8523160 Actions DEI3I2I1PP 524 100

13 13 T-76.115 Project Review Risks  Materialized risks  Internal deadlines didn't hold because of unrealistic estimates for schedule  Unidentified risks materialized risks  Problems in using the CVS-version management system  Losing code due to hardware failure

14 14 T-76.115 Project Review Results of the iteration  The actions needed to handle the model have been implemented  The user interface has evolved  Added perpective  File selection  Properties sheet  Framework for menu actions

15 15 T-76.115 Project Review Basic Architecture  Events attached to GUI elements  Events encapsulate Transporter (parameters) and Action  EventHandler provides queuing and synchronization  Actions modify the model

16 16 T-76.115 Project Review Requirements  Customer's requirements have been identified  Quality over features and usability  Basic use cases extracted  Load/save/create models  Modify components and features  Browse the model  Add bindings and constraints

17 17 T-76.115 Project Review Practises  Iteration planning  Iteratative development  Time reporting  Trapoli  Defect tracking  Bugzilla and Excel  Documenting  Reviews  Internal and project  Requirements management  Version control  CVS  SEPAs  Progress tracking and control  Static methods  Heuristic evaluation  Refactoring

18 18 T-76.115 Project Review Tools  Tools  Eclipse  CVS  Bugzilla  Trapoli  JavaNCSS  IRC/ICQ

19 19 T-76.115 Project Review Questions?

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