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UNIT 3 Chapter 16 – People and Empires in the Americas

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1 UNIT 3 Chapter 16 – People and Empires in the Americas

2 CHAPTER 16: People and Empires in the Americas, 500–1500
Societies in the Americas range from small tribal bands to the vast empires of the Maya, the Aztecs, and the Inca. Maya Kings and Cities SECTION 2 SECTION 3 The Aztecs Control Central Mexico These are my notes for slide 2 SECTION 4 The Inca Create a Mountain Empire

3 OBJECTIVES CORE OBJECTIVE: Describe the impact and influence of early American civilizations upon the rest of the world. Objective 3.3: Trace the developments of the Incan Empire. THEME: Culture in the America’s is very different from the European societies we have studied. However, the Maya – Aztec – Incan societies will build wealthy agricultural empires which included achievements in mathematics, calendars, trade, and religious structures.

4 The Inca Create a Mountain Empire
CHAPTER 16 SECTION 4 The Inca Create a Mountain Empire The Inca build a vast empire supported by taxes, governed by a bureaucracy, and linked by extensive road systems.

5 THE INCA Snapshot of Spanish Conquest Watch first 4:30 of Crash Course

6 INCAN BEGINNINGS Inca live first in high plateau of Andes Mountains By 1200s, they have a kingdom in Valley of Cuzco Inca believe that their ruler is descended from sun god, Inti Only men from 11 noble families were chosen as leader Pachacuti Builds an Empire Pachacuti, a powerful emperor, takes control in 1438 By 1500, Inca conquer 80 provinces holding 16 million people Inca use diplomacy and military force to achieve conquests WRITE THIS DOWN!

7 CUZCO Capital is Cuzco, which has temples, plazas, palaces
WRITE THIS DOWN! Organized Rule Inca divide conquered lands into smaller units to govern easily Resistant communities were moved. Make Quechua official language of entire empire Cities and Government Inca build cities with same architecture for government buildings. All roads led to Cuzco. Capital is Cuzco, which has temples, plazas, palaces The Inca had a socialistic government They allowed little private commerce or trade. Incan Society under Pachacutec

8 BUREAUCRACY Bureaucracy is a large amount of jobs to accomplish government work The ayllu were family groups that made up the government. They are the bureaucracy. Each family group had a chief. Divides society into groups of 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000 Chain of command stretches from central government to smallest unit. Each Incan ruler had a council made from the chiefs

9 GOVERNMENT Demands mita — requirement that people work for state
WRITE THIS DOWN! Inca government controls economy and society Use ayllu — extended family group — to control how people live, work. Built irrigation canals or cut terraces Divides society into groups of 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000 Demands mita — requirement that people work for state Cares for the aged and disabled. People were fed in times of drought. This is compared to modern day SOCIALISM. Moray

10 COMMUNICATION Public Works Projects Record-Keeping
WRITE THIS DOWN! Public Works Projects Government creates public works, including 14,000-mile road network with guest inns for rest. All roads led to Cuzco. Runners (chasquis) carry messages along the roads Incan Roads: Record-Keeping Inca do not develop system of writing Use quipu — set of knotted strings — as accounting device

11 RELIGION Inca Gods Religious Practices
Inca have fewer gods than Aztecs Creator god (Viracocha) and sun god (Inti) are most important Religious Practices Women: (mamakuna) Priests draft young women to assist in ceremonies Teachers, weavers, beer makers Men: (yamacuna) were also specialized religious workers Led sacrifices and exchange of goods Cuzco has magnificent Temple of the Sun decorated in gold Other cities (Machu Picchu) might have had religious importance as well

12 EMPIRE FALLS In early 1500s, Inca Empire reaches its height under Huayna Capac Capac dies, perhaps of smallpox, while touring newly conquered Ecuador In 1520s, his sons Atahualpa and Huascar split empire Atahualpa wants control of whole empire and begins civil war Civil war weakens Inca state, Spanish conquistador Pizarro arrives, captures Atahualpa, conquer Inca in 1532 Francisco Pizarro: vs. WRITE THIS DOWN! Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa

13 THE INCA — Assessment In what way did the Inca add territory to their empire? Through the strength of their strong military A combination of military force and diplomacy Through their creative and intelligent diplomacy A combination of military force and land purchase The Incan system of government was similar to which of the following? Democracy Socialism Republic Oligarchy

14 THE INCA — Assessment In what way did the Inca add territory to their empire? Through the strength of their strong military A combination of military force and diplomacy Through their creative and intelligent diplomacy A combination of military force and land purchase The Incan system of government was similar to which of the following? Democracy Socialism Republic Oligarchy

15 THE INCA Creation Story WI

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