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Based on the LC RDA Training Module 2 (Parts 1 and 2) : Recording Attributes of Manifestations and Items & updates Modified by: Mary Curran, University.

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Presentation on theme: "Based on the LC RDA Training Module 2 (Parts 1 and 2) : Recording Attributes of Manifestations and Items & updates Modified by: Mary Curran, University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on the LC RDA Training Module 2 (Parts 1 and 2) : Recording Attributes of Manifestations and Items & updates Modified by: Mary Curran, University of Ottawa, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing member Reviewed and updated Sept.6 and Oct. 3, 2012, and Jan 18, 2013 for OLA Jan. 30, 2013 Preconference by: Mary Curran

2 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS On behalf of the Pan-Canadian RDA trainers, I would like to thank the Library of Congress for allowing use and modification of their training modules and supplementary RDA training materials (for RDA Test at LC, June 2010 and Georgia Public Library Cataloging Summit (August 2011)) and RDA Refresher Training at LC (October 2011) available at Thank you also to the copyright holders of RDA Toolkit for permission to copy screens and the RDA logo for educational purposes. All screens copied are identified with: “Screen image from the RDA Toolkit ( used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals”. Mary Curran RDA Module - Manifestations/Items1

3 Mary Curran: responsible for Canadian development and of Module: Recording Attributes of Manifestations and Items RDA Module - Manifestations/Items2

4 Outline and Objectives RDA chapters covered Pre-cataloguing decisions CORE – CORE IF – LC CORE attributes media, carrier and content types (MARC 21 336-338 fields) examples of changes from AACR2 and MARC21 exercises RDA Module - Manifestations/Items 3

5 RDA chapters for this module 0: Introduction 1: General guidelines 2: Identifying manifestations and items 3: Describing carriers (manifestations) 4: Providing Acquisition and Access Information 6:, Recording Content Type (works & expressions) (work-level attribute but fits with Media and Carrier Types) and a cursory glance at other format-specific LC core or core if elements in Chapter 7 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items4

6 After workshop: use instruction numbers to explore the Toolkit RDA Module - Manifestations/Items5 Screen image from the RDA Toolkit ( used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals)

7 Finding relevant instructions RDA instructions organized according to bibliographic entities RDA instructions are generalized for all resources specific instructions are added only when necessary, after the general instruction no “chapter” for “books,” “sound recordings,” etc. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items6


9 Pre-Cataloguing Decisions - 1.4 Language and script 0.11.2 : One-time decision/ local policy transcribe specified elements (list at 1.4) title and statement of responsibility, edition, publication and series statements, etc. as they appear on the source of information allowed to transliterate record other elements (e.g. extent) or supplied elements in language preferred by local cataloguing agency Canada: other elements (extent, notes, etc.) in English and/or French as preferred by local agency RDA Module - Manifestations/Items8

10 Pre-Cataloguing Decisions form of numerals ( 0.11.3 and 1.8.2): form preferred by agency alternatives: - form as it appears on the source of information - form as it appears plus equivalent in form preferred by the agency LC (LCPS 1.8.2 ) will use Alternative 1: calendar (0.11.4): Christian calendar, Appendix H units of measurement (0.11.5): generally metric for dimensions of carriers and containers encoding (0.12): initial implementation = MARC21 (mainly) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items9

11 ICP’s Representation Principle RDA 1.7.1: transcription Capitalization as per appendix A Punctuation, abbreviations, inaccuracies, symbols, initials, numbering: generally follow form on source Alternatives in 1.7.1 for transcribed info follow ICP principle of representation = “Take what you see” and “accept what you get” as in AACR2, some elements are recorded rather than transcribed (e.g. date of publication, extent) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items10

12 Capitalization and abbreviations Appendix A for capitalization –instructions for some specific situations + instructions by language – alternative at 1.7: follow style guide chosen by the agency –2 nd alternative at 1.7: accept capitalization as found –LC: cataloguer’s judgement to apply appendix or transcribe found capitalization Appendix B for abbreviations –“take what you see” –a few other instructions RDA Module - Manifestations/Items11

13 Found capitalization? RDA Module - Manifestations/Items12 Changing found capitalization: 245 10 $a Cairo : $b the city victorious / $c Max Rodenbeck. 250 ## $a First Vintage Departures edition. Accepting found capitalization: 245 10 $a Cairo : $b THE CITY VICTORIOUS / $c Max Rodenbeck. 250 ## $a FIRST VINTAGE DEPARTURES EDITION.

14 Pre-cataloguing decisions: Type of description (1.5) “What am I cataloguing?” (RDA 1.5) Comprehensive description: the whole (a single-part unit, a multipart monograph, a serial, an integrating resource, a collection) Analytical description: a part or parts (a volume in a series, a chapter, a single song) Hierarchical description: the whole and parts together RDA Module - Manifestations/Items13

15 Manifestation and Item in MARC21 007 a ǂ b j ǂ d c ǂ e a ǂ f n ǂ g z ǂ h n 034 1# a ǂ b 5500000 ǂ d E0340000 ǂ e E0620000 ǂ f N0320000 ǂ g N0120000 050 #4 G7521.H8 1957 ǂ b.A8 → Call number as a whole = Item entity; Class number alone = Work entity 245 00 Arabian Peninsula, petroleum concessions, oil fields, and installations, Jan. 1957 : ǂ b concession area ownership including offshore concessions. → Manifestation entity 250 ## First revised 2-57. → Manifestation entity 255 ## Scale approximately 1:5,500,000 ǂ c (E 34°--E 62°/N 32°- -N 12°). → Expression entity 264 #1 [Washington, D.C. : ǂ b U.S. Department of State?, ǂ c 1957] → Manifestation entity 300 ## 1 map : ǂ b color ; ǂ c 41 x 47 cm. → Manifestation entity except for “color” = Expression RDA Module - Manifestations/Items14

16 336 ## cartographic image ‡b cri ‡2 rdacontent → Expression entity 337 ## unmediated ‡b n ‡2 rdamedia → Manifestation entity 338 ## sheet ‡b nb ‡2 rdacarrier → Manifestation entity 500 ## Includes table with an index of "Operating Companies" and their "Controlling Interests," and additional legend for boundaries. → Work entity 500 ## "25338 3-56 (First Revision 2-57)." 500 ## "SSO -- 176-2/57." 710 1# United States. ‡b Dept. of State. → Work entity Location Call No. Copy/Vol. No. Loan Period Status (Invented) Regenstein Library, Bookstacks G 7521.H8 1957n.A8 c.1 Regular loan Not checked out → Item Entity RDA Module - Manifestations/Items15

17 MARC bibliographic record and FRBR: Manifestation, mainly! 1XX/240 = work, expression 245-264, 490 = manifestation 300 = expression, manifestation other 3XX = work, expression, manifestation 5XX = work, expression, manifestation 700-730 = work, expression 760-787 = work, expression, manifestation 8XX = work, expression [& manifestation] item level = exemplar owned locally RDA Module - Manifestations/Items16

18 CHAPTER 2 : IDENTIFYING MANIFESTATIONS AND ITEMS (USER TASK = IDENTIFY) Part 1: initial identification RDA Module - Manifestations/Items17

19 Search – Record found? New description needed? (1.6) Changes requiring a new description (RDA 1.6) >>> new reasons: Change in mode of issuance: all resources Change in media type: all resources Change in edition statement: serials and integrating resources Re-basing of an updating loose-leaf RDA Module - Manifestations/Items18

20 Am I cataloguing a reproduction? RDA 1.11 includes reprints, facsimiles, republications in a different carrier, etc. LC changed its policy : catalogue the reproduction when making separate records –RDA not a change from AACR2 as written but is a change from current U.S. practice –Give information about the original as a related resource RDA Module - Manifestations/Items19

21 Basis for identification of the resource (2.1) Depends on type of description (comprehensive, etc.) Depends on mode of issuance Depends on number of parts RDA Module - Manifestations/Items20

22 Comprehensive description (2.1.2) Single Unit – choose a source representing the resource as a whole ( Multipart – (one of following as appropriate) lowest numbered issue or part available if unnumbered, use earliest date of issue if no numbering (e.g. kit) treat like single unit if no ordered parts and no info identifying the resource as a whole, find source for main part if there is one; if none, treat the sources of info for its individual contents as a collective source of information ( RDA Module - Manifestations/Items21

23 Comprehensive Description Integrating Resource (e.g. updating website, updating loose-leaf) choose a source of information identifying the current iteration of the resource as a whole RDA Module - Manifestations/Items22

24 Analytical Description Single Part: source of info identifying the particular part being described Multipart: same as for multipart comprehensive description Integrating: same as for integrating comprehensive – current iteration RDA Module - Manifestations/Items23

25 Sources of information (2.2) basis of description + presentation format preferred source: source of title proper (not “chief source”) more eligible sources for information in general, whole resource with sources in priority order then, any other source Presentation formats: #1: Pages, leaves, etc., or images of pages … #2: Moving images #3: All other resources RDA Module - Manifestations/Items24

26 #1 Pages, leaves, etc., images of pages, leaves, etc. Preferred Source: Title page, title sheet or title card or image thereof If none of above >>> the first of the following that has a title: cover caption masthead colophon RDA Module - Manifestations/Items25

27 #1 Pages, leaves, etc., images of pages, leaves, etc. if still none, another source within the resource that has the title presented formally if still none, a source within the resource that has the title LCPS: apply alternative to use an eye-readable label for digital resources Exception: early-printed resources has different priority order of sources RDA Module - Manifestations/Items26

28 #1b Resource issued in more than one part RDA Module - Manifestations/Items27

29 #2: Moving images ( Preferred source: (in priority order) title frame(s), or title screen(s), If none, a permanent label bearing the title affixed to resource proper, or embedded metadata that contains a title, If none of above, a source with info formally presented RDA Module - Manifestations/Items28

30 #3: All other resources ( Preferred source: a permanent label bearing the title affixed to resource proper, (not to acc. material or container) or embedded metadata that contains a title If none of above, source with info formally presented More than one preferred source: special instructions at 2.2.5 (not elaborated on here) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items29

31 Other Sources of Information (2.2.4) If nothing within actual resource as specified above, in order or preference: a) accompanying material b) container not issued as part of resource (e.g. made by owner) c) other published descriptions of the resource d) any other available source (e.g., a reference source) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items30

32 CHAPTER 2: IDENTIFYING MANIFESTATIONS AND ITEMS Part 2: Describing the manifestation using core elements

33 Begin to catalogue: Brenndorfer’s Step 1 1. Look at the physical book. Record the things that help people identify the book. Generally transcribe statements as found... 1. Look at the physical book. Record the things that help people identify the book. Generally transcribe statements as found... RDA Module - Manifestations/Items32

34 Chapter 2: elements that identify Sources: any source Exception: other title information from same source as title proper >>> Square brackets if not on resource Most chapter 2 elements are transcribed Chapter 2 elements that are recorded: Numerals in numbering of serials and for series; dates of production, publication, distribution, manufacture; copyright date Some alternatives for early printed resources RDA Module - Manifestations/Items33

35 Core elements from Chapter 2 RDA 1.3 CORE elements for section 1 list of core (or mandatory) elements to include in a bibliographic record core if = record under certain circumstances for example, 2.11 Copyright date is a core element IF neither the date of publication nor the date of distribution is identified. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items34

36 1. Identify the Manifestation identifier for the manifestationcore RDA title proper core RDA 2.3.2 parallel title LC coreRDA 2.3.3 other title information LC coreRDA 2.3.4 variant title use as neededRDA 2.3.6 statement of responsibility core (1st one)RDA 2.4 designation of edition and named revision core RDA 2.5.2 and 2.5.6 place of publication core (1st one)RDA 2.8.2 publisher’s name core (1st one)RDA 2.8.4 date of publicationcore RDA 2.8.6 copyright dateLC core RDA 2.11 seriescore RDA 2.12 also distribution (2.9) and manufacture (2.10) statements when needed RDA Module - Manifestations/Items35

37 Title proper (2.3.2) Scope =the chief name of a resource (i.e., the title normally used when citing the resource) Sources: –Preferred source of information: RDA 2.2.2- 2.2.3 –If no title within the resource: RDA 2.2.4 MARC 245 $a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items36

38 Title proper - transcription (2.3.1) General guidelines on titles proper: RDA 2.3.1 Principle of representation (RDA –Don’t correct errors for monographs = no more “[sic]” or “[i.e., ____ ]” – give note to explain –Do correct errors for serials and integrating resources to have a stable title Changes in title proper: RDA - same as AACR2 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items37

39 Examples: Error in title proper RDA Module - Manifestations/Items38 Monograph: 245 00 $a Teusday's tasks 246 1# $i Corrected title: $a Tuesday’s tasks Serial: 245 00 $a Zoology studies 246 1# $i Misspelled title on number 1: $a Zooology studies

40 Parallel title proper (2.3.3) Sources expanded to any source LC Core: generally transcribe all MARC 245 $b RDA Module - Manifestations/Items39

41 Other title information (2.3.4) From same source as title proper Supply only for cartographic resources and moving image resources LC Core: generally transcribe all MARC 245 $b RDA Module - Manifestations/Items40

42 Earlier title proper 2.3.7 for integrating resource only a title proper different from that on the current iteration MARC 247 field Not in RDA: earlier title proper of a serial or multipart monograph if description not based on first issue or part –LC will continue policy to give earlier title proper in MARC 246 field when not recataloguing RDA Module - Manifestations/Items41

43 Later title proper (2.3.8) Multipart monograph: use for a title proper appearing on the current part that is different from that on the first/earliest part Serial: use for a title proper appearing on the current issue that is a minor title change from that on the first/earliest issue MARC 246 field RDA Module - Manifestations/Items42

44 Key title and Abbreviated title (2.3.9 -2.3.10) Key title: core at LC if in conjunction with ISSN assignment Abbreviated title: core at LC for an abbreviated key title if in conjunction with ISSN assignment MARC 222 and 210 fields RDA Module - Manifestations/Items43

45 Statement of responsibility relating to title proper (2.4.2) Scope = a statement associated with the title proper of a resource that relates to the identification and/or function of any persons, families, or corporate bodies responsible for the creation of, or contributing to the realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of the resource RDA Module - Manifestations/Items44

46 If multiple statements if not giving all statements of responsibility, give preference to those identifying creators of intellectual or artistic content (RDA –Only first recorded statement is core RDA Module - Manifestations/Items45 On source: “introduction by ______” “written by _____” If only transcribing one in 245 $c -- give “written by ____”

47 Statement of responsibility … title proper 2.4.1 Sources expanded: RDA –Same source as title proper –Another source within the resource –Another source: RDA 2.2.4 General guidelines: RDA 2.4.1 Noun phrase is part of statement of responsibility: research and text by Colin Barham MARC 245 $c RDA Module - Manifestations/Items46

48 Rule of 3 is gone single statement naming more than one person, family, or corporate body –transcribe as found (no longer the AACR2 “rule of 3”) –Optional omission: omit all but the first of each group give a summary of the omission Don’t need to transcribe to justify additional access points and vice versa RDA Module - Manifestations/Items47

49 Statement of responsibility example RDA Module - Manifestations/Items48 245 $a … / $c by Susan Brown, Melanie Carlson, Stephen Lindell, Kevin Ott, and Janet Wilson. Or, if option applied: 245 $a … / $c by Susan Brown [and four others] (no longer “[et al.]”)

50 Information in statements of responsibility ( Transcribe as found do not omit: –titles of nobility, address, honour, etc. –initials of societies, dates of founding, mottoes, etc. but, an option to abridge a statement of responsibility if essential information not lost RDA Module - Manifestations/Items49

51 Information in statements of responsibility: example RDA record: 245 $a... / $c Dr. Logan Carroll, Harvard Medical School AACR2 record: 245 $a... / $c Logan Carroll Exercise Break: 1a and 2a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items50

52 Designation of edition 2.5.2 and … named revision of an edition 2.5.6 Designation of edition = a word, character, or group of words and/or characters, identifying the edition to which a resource belongs Designation of a named revision … = particular revision of a named edition both are CORE MARC 250 $a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items51

53 Designation of edition and named revision of an edition (2.2.4) sources for Designation of edition: –same source as title proper –another source within the resource –another source sources for Named revision …: –same source as Designation of edition –another source within the resource –another source RDA Module - Manifestations/Items52

54 Edition Transcribe as found: do not abbreviate or convert numerals RDA Module - Manifestations/Items53 250 $a Third revised edition 250 $a 2nd enlarged ed., revised

55 Music presentation statements Transcribe as edition statements –not in MARC 254 fields –in AACR2 records, such information had to be given in MARC 245 field if a statement of responsibility was present because MARC 254 field lacked subfield $b Exercise Break #1b and #2b RDA Module - Manifestations/Items54 250 $a Full score. 250 $a Vocal score / $b arrangement by Otto Singer.

56 Numbering of serials: for first or only sequence (2.6.2-2.6.5) Core Numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence – RDA 2.6.2 Chronological designation of first issue or part of sequence – RDA 2.6.3 Numeric … of last issue or part of sequence – RDA 2.6.4 Chronological … of last issue or part of sequence – RDA 2.6.5 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items55

57 Numbering of serials Sources: –the source on the first/last issue or part of that sequence that bears the title proper –another source within the first/last issue or part of that sequence –one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 Can give numbering as formatted field (MARC 362 0#) or as an unformatted note (MARC 362 1#) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items56

58 Numbering of serials General guidelines 2.6.1: –transcribe terms and months as on the resource –substitute numerals for numbers expressed as words (1.8.3) –LC will follow alternative: record as found RDA Module - Manifestations/Items57 362 0# $a Volume X, number 1- 362 0# $a January 2010-

59 Numbering lacking on first issue or part ( and if later issues have numeric and/or alphabetic designation and/or chronological designation, supply this information for the first issue indicate that the information was taken from a source outside the resource itself so can use the convention [Part 1] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items58

60 Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacturing Production statement - RDA 2.7 CORE FOR unpublished resources Publication statement - RDA 2.8 CORE IF AVAILABLE Distribution statement - RDA 2.9 CORE IF no Publication Statement Manufacture statement - RDA 2.10 CORE if no Pub or Dist Statement Copyright date - RDA 2.11 CORE IF no Publication or Distribution Date RDA Module - Manifestations/Items59

61 Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacturing New MARC 264- repeatable R 264 field1 st indicator blank=NA/No info/Earliest 2=Intervening 3=Current/latest \ RDA Module - Manifestations/Items60

62 Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacturing New MARC 264 264 field2 nd indicator 0=production 1=publication 2=distribution 3=manufacture 4=copyright notice date RDA Module - Manifestations/Items61

63 Date of production (2.7.6) For a resource in unpublished form – resources on the Web considered published for example: archival resources: specific date span of time See “Date of publication” slide for changes about supplied dates RDA Module - Manifestations/Items62

64 Place of publication (2.8.2) if more than one, only the first recorded is required no “home country” provision LC encourages to supply a probable place whenever possible for benefit of users and cataloguers optional addition: supply the name of the larger jurisdiction RDA Module - Manifestations/Items63

65 Supplying place Known local place: [Toronto] Probable local place: [Munich?] [Göteborg?, Sweden] Known country, state, etc.: [Canada] Probable country, state, etc.: [Spain?] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items64

66 Place of publication (2.8.6) If no probable place, give [Place of publication not identified] not [S.l.] Do not correct fictitious or incorrect information; make a note to explain MARC 264 $a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items65

67 Examples: place of publication RDA Module - Manifestations/Items66 264 #1 $a [Place of publication not identified] 264 #1 $a Minneapolis 500 ## $a Actually published in St. Paul 264 #1 $a London On resource: London -- Toronto -- Boston

68 Publisher’s name (2.8.4) if more than one, only the first recorded is required do not shorten the form of name but can omit corporate hierarchy if no publisher identified, give [publisher not identified] not [s.n.] MARC 264 $b RDA Module - Manifestations/Items67

69 Examples: publisher’s name RDA Module - Manifestations/Items68 264 $b J.J. Wilson Publishing Company not: 264 $b Wilson Pub. Co. 264 $b Humanities Association, Renaissance Literature Section on source: Humanities Association, Literature Division, Renaissance Literature Section 264 $b [publisher not identified ] 264 #1 $a Toronto : $b Pilkington Pub. Co on source: Toronto -- Pilkington Pub. Co. Houston -- Davidson Publishers

70 Publication information on resource changes Place of publication or publisher may change in a later issue, part, or iteration LC will also give current place and publisher 264 1 st indicator # - Not applicable/No information provided/Earliest 2 - Intervening 3 - Current/latest RDA Module - Manifestations/Items69

71 Date of publication (2.8.6) If no publication date on resource, supply a probable date whenever possible If no probable date (very rare) for single-part monographs, give [date of publication not identified] MARC 264 $c RDA Module - Manifestations/Items70

72 Supplying dates: 5 categories (1.9) 1) a ctual year known [2010] 2) either one of two consecutive years [2009 or 2010] 3) probable year [2010?] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items71

73 Supplying dates – 5 categories (1.9) 4) probable range of years [between 2008 and 2010?] 5) earliest and/or latest possible date known (“not before,” “not after,” or “between ___ and ___”) [not before January 15, 2010] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items72 Note: No longer using “ca.” (approximately) with year

74 Publication Dates for multipart monographs, serials, and integrating resources ( give beginning and ending dates of publication if have first/last issue, part, or iteration RDA Module - Manifestations/Items73 264 $c 2001-2009.

75 Publication Dates for Multipart monographs, serials, and integrating resources ( If the first and/or last issue, part, or iteration is not available, supply an approximate date or dates of publication If date or dates cannot be approximated, don’t record date(s) of publication – do not give [date of publication not identified ] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items74 264 $c 1998-[2010?]

76 Importance of supplying place and date of publication LCPS: supply place and date whenever possible Not supply = distribution information is used as a substitute if present if distribution information not present, then manufacture information is used as a substitute if present instead, use distribution or manufacture information to help supply place and date of publication RDA Module - Manifestations/Items75

77 More on supplying publication information If only using one 264 it is usually more helpful to user to supply a probable place and a date of publication If giving any distribution or manufacture information, give as complete a statement as possible If using multiple 264s, information is clearer but lengthier to record RDA Module - Manifestations/Items76

78 Distribution information used instead (2.9.2) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items77 264 #1 $a [Place of publication not identified]: $b ABC Publishers 264 #2 $a Seattle : $b distributed by Iverson Company, $c 2009. On source: ABC Publishers, 2009 Distributed by Iverson Company, Seattle Simpler to supply a place of publication: 264 #1 $a [Seattle?] : $b ABC Publishers, $c 2009.

79 Date of Publication: Distribution information instead? 2.9.6 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items78 264 #1 $a Omaha, Nebraska : $b Means Pub. Co., $c [date of publication not identified] 264 #2 $c 2009. On title page: Means Pub. Co., Omaha, Nebraska On title page verso: 2009 distribution Simpler to supply a date of publication: 264 #1 $a Omaha, Nebraska : $b Means Pub. Co, $c [2009?]

80 No Probable Publisher: Record Distributor 2.9.4 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items79 do not supply a “probable” publisher sometimes must give distribution information On jewel box: Published in 2010 in Providence; distributed in Boston and Ottawa by KL, Inc. 264 #1 $a Providence : $b [publisher not identified] 264 #2 $a Boston : $b KL, Inc. [distributor], $c 2010.

81 No Probable Publisher or Distributor: Record Manufacturer (2.10.4) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items 80 264 #1 $a [Place of publication not identified] : $b [publisher not identified], $c [1912?] 264 #3 $a Moncton, N.B. : $b Imprimerie de l’Évangéline, $c 1912. 500 ## $a Le 20 août, 1912. Source: Introduction: Le 20 août, 1912. Title page verso: Moncton, N. B., Imprimérie de l’Évangéline *Cannot supply a probable publisher or place of publication, no distribution information.

82 Copyright date 2.11 Core if element: if neither the date of publication nor the date of distribution is identified LC Policy: always give copyright date but record it in a separate 264 field precede by copyright symbol (©) or phonogram symbol (  ) Example: 264 #1 $a Toronto : $b Schott, $c [2011] 264 #4 $c ©2011. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items81

83 Examples: Copyright date RDA Module - Manifestations/Items82 264 #1 $a Montréal,Québec : $b XYZ Éditeur, $c [2010] 264 #4 $c ©2010. On source: Copyright 2010 264 #1 $a Chicago : $b ELC Publishers, $c [date of publication not identified] 264 #4 $c  2010. On disc label: ELC Publishers, Chicago,  2010 Exercise Break 1c and 2c

84 Title proper of Series and … of Subseries (2.12.2 & 2.12.10) Title proper of series = the chief name of a series (i.e., the title normally used when citing the series) Title proper of subseries = chief name of a subseries... both CORE MARC 490 $a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items83

85 Title proper of series (2.12.2) and … of subseries (2.12.10) sources for both elements: –the series title page –another source within the resource itself (see RDA 2.2.2) –one of the other sources of information specified under 2.2.4 Basic instructions on recording titles in RDA 2.3.1 apply to these titles, including “take what you see” and the agency’s policy on capitalization RDA Module - Manifestations/Items84

86 ISSN of series (2.12.8) and subseries (2.12.16) LC Core MARC 490 $x now repeatable 490 $a Title of main series, $x ISSN of main series. $a Title of subseries, $x ISSN of subseries RDA Module - Manifestations/Items85

87 Numbering within series and … subseries (2.12.9 & 2.12.17) Numbering within series = a designation of the sequencing of a part or parts within a series Numbering within subseries =... within a subseries CORE MARC 490 $v RDA Module - Manifestations/Items86

88 Series + subseries numbering any source within the resource guidelines = generally the same as those for Numbering of serials: transcribe as found, retain Roman numerals, convert numerals expressed as words to the numerals RDA Module - Manifestations/Items87 490 $a … $v volume 32 490 $a … $v CB 240 490 $a … $v Band LXXXVIII

89 Mode of issuance (2.13) Scope = whether a resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and its intended termination MARC Leader Bibl. Level (templates) –“m” for both “single unit” and “multipart monograph” –“s” for “serial” –“i” for “integrating resource” not a core element but determines basis of description RDA Module - Manifestations/Items88

90 Frequency (2.14) LC Core Scope = intervals at which the issues or parts of a serial or the updates to an integrating resource are issued use terms in list ( –if appropriate term not in list or the frequency is irregular, use note on manifestation or item (2.20.12) –for former frequency, use note (2.20.12) MARC 310/321 for current/former frequency RDA Module - Manifestations/Items89

91 Identifier for the manifestation (2.15) Scope = a character string associated with a manifestation that serves to differentiate that manifestation from other manifestations CORE If there is more than one identifier for the manifestation, prefer an internationally recognized identifier, if applicable. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items90

92 Identifier for the manifestation (2.15) Categories of identifiers: –ISBN, ISSN, and others registered based on internationally recognized schemes –those assigned by publishers, distributors, government agencies, clearing houses, etc., based on internal schemes –“fingerprints” (i.e., identifiers constructed by combining groups of characters from specified pages of a printed resource) –music publisher numbers and plate numbers –not URLS (RDA 4.6) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items91

93 Examples: identifier for the manifestation RDA Module - Manifestations/Items92 020 ## $a 9789070002343 022 ## $a 0046-225X 024 2# $a M705015058 086 0# $a I 19.16:818 028 22 $a H.32.610 $b A. Leduc

94 Note on issue, part used as basis for identification... (2.20.13) LC Core Source: any source Multipart monographs and serials: if not based on first issue or part Integrating resources: latest iteration consulted Online resource: date resource viewed MARC 588 field RDA Module - Manifestations/Items93

95 Note on title (2.20.2) Source: any source Several categories of notes possible but core for LC = source of title, if applicable (RDA MARC 500 field; include in 588 if present RDA Module - Manifestations/Items94

96 Changes over time Changes over time in multipart monographs and serials not requiring a new description: –LC: cataloguer judgment to give specific information or a general note Changes over time in integrating resources: redo the description –LC: cataloguer’s judgement to give specific information or a general note RDA Module - Manifestations/Items95

97 CHAPTER 3 & 6: RECORDING CONTENT, MEDIA AND CARRIER TYPES AND EXTENT User tasks: Select and Identify RDA Module - Manifestations/Items96

98 Replacement for GMD Developed with ONIX publishing community: –Content type -- RDA 6.9 -- MARC 336 field –Media type -- RDA 3.2 -- MARC 337 field –Carrier type -- RDA 3.3 -- MARC 338 field LC: in templates; macros for copy records extensible, flexible, careful categorization not necessarily for display as recorded RDA Module - Manifestations/Items97

99 Media type 3.2 Scope = a categorization reflecting the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource broad categories correlation with carrier types (RDA 3.3) Examples: audio, computer, microform, unmediated, and video RDA Module - Manifestations/Items98

100 Carrier type 3.3 Scope =a categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, etc., the content of a resource Don’t confuse with term used in Extent (MARC 300 $a) Examples: audio disc, computer disc, microfiche, volume, videodisc RDA Module - Manifestations/Items99

101 Content type 6.9 Scope = fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived For images, also whether in two or three dimensions and the presence or absence of movement Examples: performed music, still image, text RDA Module - Manifestations/Items100

102 Controlled vocabularies Closed vocabulary lists vocabulary available: RDA, open metadata registry and at: 12-11.html 12-11.html if more than one term appropriate, two choices: –give all –pick the term representing the predominant or most substantial content, media, carrier if no term appropriate, give “other” and notify LC via a message to RDA Module - Manifestations/Items 101

103 MARC encoding in each field (336-338): –$a: term or –$b: code for term LC will accept if in record but will add $a –$2: source of term= “rdacontent” or “rdamedia” or “rdacarrier” as appropriate –$3: materials specified - give if appropriate Libraries may use as search limits, display as icons rather than as terms in fields or apply programs to generate terms that are appropriate for their users. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items102

104 More than one carrier type LC: resources with more than one carrier type: >>> pick one as predominant; treat others as accompanying material: MARC 300 $e, or repeated MARC 300 field, or MARC 500 note RDA Module - Manifestations/Items103

105 One 336-338 example for now RDA Module - Manifestations/Items104 Book: 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier [Other examples after slides on Extent]

106 Brenndorfer’s Step 2 2. Look at the physical book again. Record the physical characteristics that would help people in selecting this particular book. 2. Look at the physical book again. Record the physical characteristics that would help people in selecting this particular book. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items105

107 Chapter 3: Describe the carrier (to select) media type LC CORE RDA 3.2 carrier type CORE RDA 3.3 extent of text CORE (if complete …)RDA 3.4 dimensionsRDA 3.5 examples of other elements describing the carrier: production method RDA 3.9 layoutRDA 3.11 book format RDA 3.12 font size RDA 3.13 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items106

108 Extent 3.4 Scope = “the number and type of units and/or subunits making up a resource ” –Unit = a physical or logical constituent of a resource (e.g., a volume) –Subunit = a physical or logical subdivision of a unit (e.g., a page of a volume) MARC 300 $a RDA Module - Manifestations/Items107

109 Recording extent Extent is Core and recorded if the resource is complete or if the total extent is known Give number of units and appropriate term (RDA –Sometimes a term from RDA (carrier type list) –Another term to designate the type of unit (RDA if term not in list or prefer a term in common use –Several categories covered by special sections (e.g., text, still images, notated music, cartographic resources) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items108

110 Some changes in recording extent No abbreviations for terms (e.g., “pages,” “volumes”) Use “approximately” (not “ca.”) and “that is” (not “i.e.”) Use “unnumbered” rather than square brackets enclosing the numeral RDA Module - Manifestations/Items109

111 Extent of text misleading numbering 48, that is, 96 pages RDA incomplete volume xiv, 179 pages (incomplete) RDA complicated paging RDA 368 pages in various pagings 54 pages, 78 pages, 96 unnumbered pages 1 volume (various pagings) LC practice RDA Module - Manifestations/Items110

112 Recording extent Some changes in vocabulary from AACR2 for example: –RDA: use “condensed score” and “study score” NOT “close score” and “miniature score” –RDA: use “computer disc” for both “computer disk” and “computer optical disc” –RDA: use “sheet,” NOT “broadside” Check terms in vocabulary lists RDA Module - Manifestations/Items111

113 MARC 300 $a, 336-338 examples RDA Module - Manifestations/Items112 Book: 300 $a 123 pages, 28 unnumbered pages 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Music CD: 300 $a 1 audio disc {or: 1 CD} 336 $a performed music $2 rdacontent 337 $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $a audio disc $2 rdacarrier

114 MARC 300 $a, 336-338 examples RDA Module - Manifestations/Items113 Score: 300 $a 1 vocal score (xii, 300 pages) 336 $a notated music $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $2 rdacarrier Map: 300 $a 1 map 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 338 $a sheet $2 rdacarrier

115 MARC 300 $a, 336-338 examples RDA Module - Manifestations/Items114 DVD: 300 $a 1 DVD {or: 1 video disc} 336 $a two-dimensional moving image $2 rdacontent 337 $a video $2 rdamedia 338 $a video disc $2 rdacarrier Online PDF: 300 $a 1 online resource (39 pages) 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a online resource $2 rdacarrier

116 MARC 300 $a, 336-338 examples RDA Module - Manifestations/Items115 Website (with maps, text, and photographs): 300 $a 1 online resource 336 $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $a cartographic image $2 rdacontent 336 $a still image $2 rdacontent 337 $a computer $2 rdamedia 338 $a online resource $2 rdacarrier LC will not repeat subfield $a in one field: 336 $a text $a cartographic image $a still image $2 rdacontent

117 336-338 “accompanying” RDA Module - Manifestations/Items116 Example: book with CD (lecture) 300 $a 244 pages... + $e 1 CD 336 $3 book $a text $2 rdacontent 336 $3 CD $a spoken word $2 rdacontent 337 $3 book $a unmediated $2 rdamedia 337 $3 CD $a audio $2 rdamedia 338 $3 book $a volume $2 rdacarrier 338 $3 CD $ audio disc $2 rdacarrier Possible to record accompanying resource as 2 300s or in a note.

118 336-338 subfield b (coded) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items117 300 $a 123 pages, 28 unnumbered pages 336 $a text $b txt $2 rdacontent 337 $a unmediated $b n $2 rdamedia 338 $a volume $b nc $2 rdacarrier Exercise Break: 1d, 1e and 1f and 2d, 2e and 2f

119 Other Core Elements RDA Module - Manifestations/Items118 Source of information for these elements is any source unless different instruction is given.

120 Dimensions 3.5 Scope = measurements of the carrier or carriers and/or the container of a resource centimetres/millimetres cm and mm = symbols, not abbreviations use ISBD full stop after symbol if 490 LC CORE but not used for serials and online resources LCPS: inches for discs and all audio carriers (0.11.5 – allowance to adopt other units) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items119

121 Cartographic resources: layout (3.11.2) RDA: distinct element Scope = arrangement of a cartographic image or images in a resource consisting of one or more sheets Terminology: “both sides” and “back to back” LC COREMARC 300 $b RDA Module - Manifestations/Items120

122 Duration (7.22) Scope = playing time, running time, etc., of the content of a resource Also, performance time for a resource containing notated music or notated movement ( LC CORE MARC 300 $a: use abbreviations per RDA appendix B RDA Module - Manifestations/Items121

123 Dissertation or thesis information (7.9) Scope =information relating to a work presented as part of the formal requirements for an academic degree > academic degree > faculty/institution > date LC CORE 502 field(new subfields in 2008) LCPS: i f some information lacking, use 500 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items122

124 502 Subfields (2008) $a - Dissertation note (NR) $b - Degree type (NR) $c - Name of granting institution (NR) $d - Year degree granted (NR) $g - Miscellaneous information (R) $o - Dissertation identifier (R) Example: 502## $b M.A. $c McGill University $d 1972 $g Inaugural thesis. or 502## $aThesis (M.A.)--University College, London, 1969. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items123

125 500 versus 502 field But “Other notes indicating the relationship between the item being cataloged and the author's dissertation or thesis, such as statements indicating that the work represents or is based on the author's thesis... are recorded in field 500 (General Note). Notes concerning abstracts, abridgements, or revisions of theses are also recorded in field 500.” Example 500## $a Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--Sorbonne, Paris, 1969. [Not the original thesis] RDA Module - Manifestations/Items124

126 Supplementary content (7.16) Scope =content (e.g., an index, a bibliography, an appendix) designed to supplement the primary content of a resource LC CORE IF: core for indexes and bibliographies in a monograph (see LCPS) MARC 504 field RDA Module - Manifestations/Items125

127 Language of the content (7.12) Scope =language used to express the content of a resource Not programming language Not subfield $l in authorized access point LC COREMARC 041 and 546 fields Examples: 546 ## $a Articles chiefly in French; one article each in English and Italian. 041 ## $a eng $b fre $b ger $b rus 546 ## $a Text in English with summaries in French, German, and Russian. No “Polyglot” RDA Module - Manifestations/Items126

128 Script (7.13.2) Scope = set of characters and/or symbols used to express the written language content of a resource LC CORE IF: apply if script is not the primary script of the language General LC practice: use the English language names of scripts found at: Generally do not include the parenthetical information found in the list when recording the script name. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items127

129 Script (7.13.2) LC practice If a resource is in a language that is commonly written in more than one script, name both the language and the script. Examples: 546 ## $a Serbian; $b Latin. 546 ## $a Serbian; $b Cyrillic. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items128

130 LC Core If elements (7.7 and 7.10) RDA 7.7: Intended audience LC CORE IF: resources intended for children MARC 008/22 as applicable; MARC 521 field RDA 7.10: Summarization of content LC CORE IF: only for children’s fiction MARC 520 RDA 7.15: Illustrative content LC CORE IF: resources intended for children RDA Module - Manifestations/Items129

131 Cataloguer judgment whether used Examples of other commonly used elements Variant titles -- RDA 2.3.6 Colour content -- RDA 7.17 (U.S, use spelling “color” per LCPS, Canada, colour) Performers... -- RDA 7.23 and 7.24 Epoch and equinox -- RDA 7.5 and 7.6 Sound content for moving image resources -- RDA 7.18 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items130


133 Brenndorfer’s Step 3 3. Consider the book in terms of acquisition and access. Record the things that affect people in obtaining the book. 3. Consider the book in terms of acquisition and access. Record the things that affect people in obtaining the book. RDA Module - Manifestations/Items132

134 Chapter 4: Acquisitions and access (to obtain) terms of availability(020 $c)RDA 4.2 contact information(270)RDA 4.3 restrictions on access(506)RDA 4.4 restrictions on use(540)RDA 4.5 uniform resource locator(856)RDA 4.6 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items133

135 Contact Information (4.3) RDA 4.3 (not core or core if or LC Core) Scope: “information relating to an organization, etc., from which a resource may be obtained.” Typically includes name, address of the publisher, distributor, etc. of a resource For published resources: if considered important for acquisition or access For archival resources and collections: record name and location of holding repository, include other contact information if considered important for access MARC 270 field RDA Module - Manifestations/Items134

136 Uniform Resource Locator (4.6 -- LC Core) Scope = address of the remote access resource being cataloged LC: record all; more details in LCPS MARC 856 field RDA Module - Manifestations/Items135

137 Other Characteristics for Special Formats RDA Module - Manifestations/Items136 Mainly from Chapters 3 and 7 Quick Summary

138 Other characteristics Sound resources – Type of recording – Recording medium – Playing speed – Groove characteristic – Track configuration3.16.6.3 – Tape configuration – Configuration of playback channels – Special playback characteristics RDA Module - Manifestations/Items137

139 344 Sound characteristics Subfield Codes $a - Type of recording (R) $b - Recording medium (R) $c - Playing speed (R) $d - Groove characteristic (R) $e - Track configuration (R) $f - Tape configuration (R) $g - Configuration of playback channels (R) $h - Special playback characteristics (R) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items138

140 Other characteristics Moving image resources – Presentation format (film) 3.17.2 – Projection speed (film) 3.17.3 – Video format (videorecording) 3.18.2 – Broadcast standard (videorecording) 3.18.3 – Regional encoding (videorecording) 3.19.6 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items139

141 345 Projection Characteristics of Moving Image RDA Module - Manifestations/Items140 Subfield Codes $a - Presentation format (R) $b - Projection speed (R)

142 346 Video Characteristics Subfield Codes $a - Video format (R) $b - Broadcast standard (R) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items141

143 Other characteristics Cartographic resources – Layout 3.11 LC CORE – Digital file characteristics 3.19 LC CORE – Longitude and latitude 7.4.2 LC CORE – Horizontal scale 7.25.3 CORE – Vertical scale 7.25.4 CORE – Additional scale information 7.25.5 LC CORE – Projection of cartographic content 7.26 LC CORE RDA Module - Manifestations/Items142

144 Other characteristics Electronic resources (digital files) – File type 3.19.2 – Encoding format3.19.3 – File size 3.19.4 – Resolution 3.19.5 – Regional encoding 3.19.6 – Transmission speed3.19.7 – Date resource viewed – Equipment or system requirement 3.20 RDA Module - Manifestations/Items143

145 347 Digital File Characteristics Subfield Codes $a - File type (R) $b - Encoding format (R) $c - File size (R) $d - Resolution (R) $e - Regional encoding (R) $f - Transmission speed (R) RDA Module - Manifestations/Items144

146 Other characteristics Music resources – Form of musical notation (scores) 7.13.3 LC CORE – Format of notated music (scores) 7.20 LC CORE – Medium of performance of musical content 7.2 LC CORE Final Exercise Break: Exercise 3 time permitting, if not do this after the workshop –more on 336-338 fields RDA Module - Manifestations/Items145

147 References Bibliographic Framework Transition LC RDA Training Site (includes all documents used in this presentation and LC Training Handouts, see also acknowledgements on this presentation and on the handouts) s.html RDA Module - Manifestations/Items146

148 References RDA Toolkit and print edition: LC RDA Website (including all training modules specified on the acknowledgement slide RDA in MARC RDA presentations by Chris Oliver, Thomas Brenndorfer and Paige Andrew as acknowledged on applicable slides RDA Module - Manifestations/Items147

149 Other RDA Training Resources “Selected Readings and Resources” in Chris Oliver’s Introducing RDA: a guide to the basics. Chicago : ALA Editions, 2010. NCSU RDA Website at MNC/RDA MNC/RDA RDA Module - Manifestations/Items148

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