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Pre-placement Meeting for B.Ed Yr 3 19 th January 2016 Welcome to the joint school, student and link tutor meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Pre-placement Meeting for B.Ed Yr 3 19 th January 2016 Welcome to the joint school, student and link tutor meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pre-placement Meeting for B.Ed Yr 3 19 th January 2016 Welcome to the joint school, student and link tutor meeting

2 The journey so far… Yr 1 – 3 short placements in pairs (Focused observation, supporting teachers) Yr 2- 2 assessed placements moving from teaching groups to teaching whole class. Substantial pedagogy and Subject knowledge input across all NC subject areas Specialism in a core and non-core subject

3 Focus for Yr 3 placement BEd Final Medium Term Plans Managing whole class Pupil progress – all children Overcoming barriers to learning Engaging with parents Assessment

4 How will students progress? Student Progress Applying theory to practice Professional dialogue Focused Observations of children Critical reflection of practice Precise target setting High quality relationships

5 Support for Students Mentor Class teacher Link Tutor Personal Tutor BEd course leader Partnership co- ordinator

6 Organisation of Yr 3 Final Placement

7 Yr 3 Final Placement overview Attachment days (21st-22 nd Jan) Introductory 3 weeks (25 th Jan – 12 th Feb) 5 Week block (22 nd Feb – 24 th March)

8 Documentation Folder and handbooks for schools Guidance for Planning & Pupil Assessment – on Moodle & student copy All documentation can also be found at and on Moodle

9 2 attachment days* and intro week 1 (21 st, 22 nd January*, w/b 25 th January) School induction Students to find out about: general context of class/school (Moodle form – ‘Context for teaching’) pupils’ attainment and progress, groupings, individual needs when and what they will teach Negotiate date to visit pre-school, secondary school, different Key Stage (to be arranged with school) Agree key dates Agree focus for Professional Studies enquiry Access to key school policies – complete Placement Information Documents (see checklist) Share targets for professional development

10 Planning & evaluation requirements Individual lesson plans with evaluations for everything taught to at least half term Daily (focused) evaluations once students are working from daily/weekly plans Weekly evaluations and target setting against Teachers’ Standards in PDP – students to discuss with mentor/classteacher. Assessment records and actions evident in planning documents Medium Term Plans as detailed in Planning Guidance booklet Homework Display Weekly timetable All planning must be concerned with moving children’s learning forward

11 Pupil assessment - written requirements Lesson evaluations – consider progress of groups and individuals Notes on individual pupils/observation Class records in line with school practice to track progress and inform planning Target group records 4 pupil profiles (to incl. 1 underachieving / SEN pupil) 2 draft reports for parents (use school format) Plus marking, oral feedback to pupils, questioning, discussions with pupils, etc

12 Intro weeks 2 and 3 (1st Feb – 12 th Feb) Students will: Observe pupils and teachers daily (incl. subject leaders in other classes) Take responsibility for managing whole class – build up to at least 50% Begin to assess pupils and develop record keeping – note progress to inform planning, start to collate evidence to inform 4 pupil profiles Teach collaboratively & some independently – indivs, groups & class Plan independently by end of this period Discuss school’s Science & non-core Medium Term Plans/EY MTPs Engage in weekly evaluation Schools/Link tutors will: Undertake first observation (joint if possible/appropriate) Begin File Monitoring Form

13 February ½ term (KS1/2) Science & non-core MTPs with cover sheets prepared for 5 week block – should include planning for PE At least 2 ‘from scratch’ Weekly timetable (a week at a time) Highlighted level descriptors/weekly evaluations – discuss Mid-point review ‘Readiness to commence’ form completed with LT Link Tutor will also look at PDP Any concerns should be reported at this stage to the Link Tutor.

14 February ½ term - FS Ideas web for topic(s) to be covered Cover sheets (1 for each Area of Learning and Development) Sequence of learning (if appropriate) Weekly overview sheet for own teaching in first week Daily timetable for first 1 or 2 days More detailed plans (for adult-led activities) for first 1 or 2 days Be able to talk to their LT about their outline plans for the following weeks and demonstrate that they have thought about resourcing issues Highlighted level descriptors/weekly evaluations – discuss Mid-point review ‘Readiness to commence’ form completed with LT Link Tutor will also look at PDP

15 English/Maths Weekly Planning For the 5 week block At the mid-point review, all students should know which English and Maths topics/units they are covering, and when, for the remainder of the placement. They should also know whether they are ready to move to teaching from weekly plans rather than individual lesson plans.

16 After half term Teach for up to 80% of the week Non-contact 20% (10% PPA + 10% Professional development incl Dissertation prep.) Pupil assessment records in line with guidance Meet regularly with mentor and/or Class Teacher to discuss progress (record on pro forma – Moodle) Weekly evaluations against Level Descriptors (Teachers’ Standards) in PDP in discussion with mentor and link to evidence Continue to respond explicitly to feedback 2 reports to parents, shared with class teacher (and mentor) by 18th March

17 Impact of teaching on children’s learning Lesson appraisal feedback part 1 Progress within individual lesson …..evidence? Professional discussion with mentor & LT during final extended LT visit “What are you teaching?” “What do the children already know/understand?” “What are the children learning?” “How do you know?”

18 Assessment data Teachers’ Standards 2, 5 & 6: Students to engage in discussion with teachers in order to understand how to use local & national statistical information to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, to monitor the progress of those they teach and to raise levels of achievement

19 Find opportunities for... Communicating with parents and carers Working as part of a team, including managing others, such as TAs and volunteers Setting homework Display Engaging fully in the wider life of the school

20 Role of school (Mentor/Classteacher) Support, advise and facilitate in line with requirements for placement Monitor progress and communicate any concerns to student, Link Tutor & University as soon as possible Share/discuss Medium Term Plans in advance of February holiday Arrange for a weekly tutorial to review progress/targets Complete mid-point review Formally observe and feedback (written) at least 4 times* - include non-core strength & early reading/phonics (where appropriate) Verify the student’s evidence of progress against the Teacher’s Standards Assess and write report with Link Tutor

21 Assessment of students Formal observations with verbal and written feedback including (where appropriate) phonics/reading, Maths, foundation subject strength 2 joint formal observations by Link Tutor and School Staff for moderation purposes Student may be observed on more occasions Formative discussion and completion of Level Descriptors at mid point review, supported by evidence. Final Link Tutor visit - professional discussion Final School Report with grades evidenced against the Teaching Standards. Students or schools must inform the partnership office as soon as possible if there are any concerns about these procedures.

22 Placement Report Written jointly by Link Tutor and School staff during Link Tutor’s final visit Report to be shared by school staff with student during the final week of the placement following moderation meeting on 21 st March. Student to receive copy of report after this feedback and copy e-mailed to link tutor, who will check, sign and forward to University

23 Professional discussion at end of placement Student, Link Tutor, Mentor/Class Teacher Final LT ‘extended’ visit Student to demonstrate ability to articulate/analyse and reflect upon his/her progress – informed by evidence (Students should gather and signpost to evidence throughout the placement in reviews and evaluations)

24 Moderation of assessment Lesson observation notes/student evidence Triangulation of evidence from Mentor, Link Tutor and Student Visits from University moderators Possible visit from External Examiners All judgements are evidence-based. Moderation meeting (21 st March, Park campus, 9.30 – 12.00 plus lunch, followed by the Partnership afternoon conference)

25 Extract from the Placement Report form HIGH EXPECTATIONS, MANAGING BEHAVIOUR, WIDER PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES (Teachers’ Standards: 1, 7, 8) Overall Grade TS 1 TS 7 TS 8 StrengthsAreas for Development

26 Trainee course grade Description 4 – Point Scale 1 High Level of achievement Good level with features of High Level Grade 1 Demonstrates excellent practice in some standards and not less than good 2 Good level of achievement Achieving QTS with features of Good Grade 2 Exceeds the minimum level of practice and at a good level 3Minimum level of practice for Achieving the Teachers’ Standards for QTS Grade 3 Meets the minimum level of practice for QTS 4 Teachers’ Standards for QTS not achieved Grade 4 Does not meet the minimum level of practice for QTS

27 Concerns Students giving cause for concern will be informed as soon as possible and offered support and guidance from school staff and the LT If concerns continue, the student will be informed in writing, with clear targets and deadlines set to support progress (Statement of Serious Concerns) Students who fail to make the desired progress by the given deadline will receive a visit from a University Moderator. This may result in the termination (i.e. fail) of the placement. In exceptional circumstances a Headteacher may request an immediate withdrawal of a student from school.

28 From good to outstanding 80%+ grades likely to be good or very good Students’ self-evaluation and on-going formative feedback – challenging targets Outstanding planning, deployment of other adults…..impact on pupil learning Lead meetings, share research/assignment findings, run extra-curricular activities, teach strengths in other classes…………..

29 Dissertation Focus to be confirmed with school staff during intro days Must be manageable within the school context Focus on in-depth evaluation of teaching and learning Appropriate ethical code must be adhered to (school to sign ethical statement agreement) Mid-point review – monitoring stage Dissertation Supervisor support Submitted in May

30 BE6002 Inclusion: individuality and diversity Students to have opportunity to apply own learning to classroom teaching Identify an underachieving / exceptionally gifted child as 1 of 4 profile pupils A critical, analytical evaluation of a child case study Impact on teaching and learning? Qualitative evidence in appendices Submitted in April

31 General information Professionalism Students with SEN Interviews PPA time Ofsted inspection in school Residential trips Absences INSET days, ‘Theme days’ Facebook, e-safety, mobile phones University ‘events’ Snow…

32 Communication Placement queries: – Mentor – Link Tutor – Partnership Lead – Fiona Hunt ( – Course Leader – Emma Howell( Absence: – Students to contact School + Link Tutor + Personal Tutor + Partnership office. Absence is also recorded on the final placement report.

33 Professional Studies enquiry, Jobs and Supporting Vulnerable Children Joint Event All students need to attend University on Wednesday 16 th March

34 And finally... Thank you!

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