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Experience of Tukums Municipality Regarding Sustainable Development and Climate Change Zane Siliņa Chief project manager Development department of Tukums.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience of Tukums Municipality Regarding Sustainable Development and Climate Change Zane Siliņa Chief project manager Development department of Tukums."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience of Tukums Municipality Regarding Sustainable Development and Climate Change Zane Siliņa Chief project manager Development department of Tukums Municipality Phone: +371 63107238 29166142

2 Structure of Presentation Introducing to Municipality Providing of sustainable development in the sphere of climate change in Tukums Municipality International project example on climate change in Tukums Municipality

3 Tukums Municipality

4 Main Facts of Tukums Municipality Total area: 1199.7km² Population: 33 693 Density of population: 28.07 per km² Territorial units: - Tukums town (20 000 inhabitants) - 10 rural municipalities (Degole, Džūkste, Irlava, Jaunsāti, Lestene, Pūre, Sēme, Slampe, Zentene and Tume)

5 Objectives Stated by European Union for Density of Renewable Energy Resources till 2020 20% of total energy end consumption in EU 10% of fuel consumption in the sector of transport to use renewable energy sources 20% to decrease amount of CO² emissions

6 Providing of Sustainable Development in the Sphere of Climate Change in Tukums Municipality modernization of heating supply heat insulation of buildings reconstruction of roads modernization of lighting of the streets modernization of water management modernization of waste management

7 Woodchip Boiler Plant in Tukums – the Biggest in the Baltic States Switched from heavy oil to biomass fuel Total capacity – 10 MW Consumption of resources – 64 thousands m3 woodchips per year 1/3 of necessary resources supplied from the Tukums District

8 Biomass Related Issues in the Region Price of woodchips has grown rapidly in last years (from ca. 3 EUR m3 in 2001 to 9 EUR m3 in 2009). Providing necessary amount of wood resources. Supply of necessary resources from neighboring districts. Indirect influence of export markets – export of woodchips to Lithuania from neighboring districts.

9 Attraction of Investments for Bioenergy Development in Tukums Municipality in 2010 Reconstruction of head boiler plant in Tukums - LVL 2,000,000 (CF, recources of the company); Reconstruction of heating supply net in Slampe and Degole rural municipalities - LVL 350,000 (ERDF, municipality)

10 Main Issue of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings Most of the buildings in Tukums have been built in 1960s and 1980s – 65 % and they are in bad technical condition; Heightened energy consumption in dwelling houses; Undigested water consumption registration system

11 Heat Insulation Projects in Tukums Municipality “Heat insulation of the living- house in Celtnieku Street 3, Tukums”, ERDF funding LVL 140,000 “Heat insulation of Slampes rural municipality „Cultur Palace” and kindergarten „Pienenīte””, ERDF funding LVL 472,222 “Heat insulation of social living house “Lāmas””, ERDF funding LVL 73,255 “Heat insulation of Tumes rural municipality secondary school”, state investment LVL 399,912

12 Road Reconstruction Projects with Target to Increase CO2 Emissions “Reconstruction of the cross of Meža and Raudas Streets in Tukums” „Reconstruction of the cross of Meža, Kurzemes, Spartaka Streets in Tukums”, ERDF funding – 150,000 LVL (51.21%) “Improvement of road safety for pedestrians and cyclists in Tukums " ERDF funding – 139,333 LVL (28.21%); “Development of infrastructure of cycle tourism in Tukums” ERDF funding – 700,000 LVL (55.91%); “Construction of bikeway in Irlava rural municipality”, EU funding – 16,854 LVL ( 62%);

13 International Project Example on Climate Change in Tukums Municipality Covenant of Mayors – commitment to local sustainable energy. Signed by Tukums town Mayor Juris Šulcs. Baltic Biomass Network (BBN) – spatial planning of bioenergy in region. Collaboration partners - Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany. (INTERREG IIIB) Baltic Urban Forum (BUF) – implementing sustainable strategies in city development. Collaboration partners – 10 cities from Eastern Europe, 10 cities from Western Europe, 14 universities, the Union of Baltic Cities. (INTERREG IIIB)

14 International Project Example on Climate Change in Tukums Municipality Management of Domains related to Energy in Local authorities (MODEL). Exchange of local experience to provide an efficient energy development, development of Municipality Energy Plans in pilot cities. Collaboration partners – Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia.

15 Thank you ! Zane Siliņa Chief project manager Development department Tukums municipality Phone: +371 63107238 +371 29166142 E-mail:

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