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Important Considerations in Lending Operations

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1 Understanding Microfinance Best Practices through Loan Product Features and Policies

2 Important Considerations in Lending Operations

3 Microfinance Best Practices
The practices that MFIs follow in providing financial services to low-income clients that have led to success and profit. Best practices should be reflected from product design stage to implementation to monitoring.

1. Loan Purpose Client Selection - Additional working capital for micro-enterprise operations - Micro-enterprise operation must be generating daily or weekly income Reduce Risk 2. Loan Amount Start small and increase gradually Be conservative in analyzing client’s cash flow Increase loan size based on repayment behavior and repayment capacity

3. Loan Term Short-term, from 3 to 6 months Micro-enterprise operations are characterized by fast rotation of business/goods, hence, working capital has a fast turnover 3 to 6 months loan term is not too short nor too long to extend credit to a client who lacks credit history Reduce Risk 4. Frequency of Payment Small and frequent amortization payments Weekly for new clients; semi-monthly or monthly for mature, valued clients who have established a good repayment record Easier on client’s pocket Quality Service

5. Interest Rate / Service Charge Sufficient to cover all cost and provide good profit Bank’s microfinance Operation is a business, not a charitable service Interest rate charged by the bank is still lower and cheaper compared to those of informal lenders Reduce Risk Quality Service 6. Guarantee / Collateral Substitute collateral Co-maker; serialized assets, stock inventory, savings hold-out Low-income households have little, or no assets at all Perception of low-income clients that formal financial institutions are only for those who can offer hard collateral (CM/REM)

7. Savings Client-friendly design Low opening amount and maintaining balance; small regular deposits For mature, valued clients with good repayment record, transition from mandatory to voluntary savings Reduce Risk Minimize Cost Quality Service 8. Client Eligibility Criteria Client Selection Clearly defined target market 1. Micro-entrepreneurs with daily or weekly income 2. Micro-enterprise operation is at least 1 year 3. Resident of the community for at least 2 years (if renting) and 1 year (if owns the house) 4. Can offer at least 1 Co-maker & willing to save 5. No delinquent account with the bank, or other financial institutions, or collection case with commercial establishments, or collection case filed with the barangay courts

8 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 1. Bank Philisophy and Image Provide high quality, appropriate and friendly service to micro-entrepreneurs - Clients should feel welcome in the bank - Rapid access - Simple procedures - Frequent contact with the client Microfinance operations is a business, not a charitable service Bank has clear objectives for its microfinance operation Viability and sustainability of operations

9 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 2. Disbursement and Monitoring Decentralize loan approval at the branch-level credit committee As much as possible, MF staff should come from the community Clearly defined geographic areas assigned to account officers Account officers are responsible for loans they have recommended for approval Frequent contact with clients Delinquency alarm signals are consistently followed Performance-based incentive scheme for the MF staff Minimize Cost Quality Service

10 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 3. Culture of Zero Tolerance Loans with payments delayed by just one (1) day are considered delinquent Portfolio at Risk (PAR), not past due define portfolio quality Pursue delinquent clients, whatever the cost, to establish and maintain zero tolerance The culture of zero tolerance, or strict credit discipline, should start with top management and communicated to the staff and clients Reduce risks Minimize costs

11 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 4. Management Information System (MIS) Critical for tracking the performance of the microfinance portfolio At a minimum, should be able to track missed payments, account officers responsible for their collection, and portfolio at risk Should show the performance of each account officer Reduce risks

12 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 5. Loan Loss Provisioning (as mandated by Bangko Sentral) Acceptable and sound banking practice to cushion probable losses Based on the aging of portfolio at risk (PAR) Current Loans % 1 – 30 days % 31 – 60 days/restructured once % 61 – 90 days % More than 90 days/ restructured twice % Promote portfolio quality

13 Best Practice / Principle
Other Microfinance Best practices that should be observed by Institutions Procedure/ Policy Best Practice / Principle Rationale 6. Internal Control Pick-up collection of loan payments (a valued service demanded by microfinance clients) could lead to internal control problems Bank should be able to track missed payments through MIS MFU Supervisor should verify cases of delayed/non-payment of installments immediately when they occur Other checkpoints: - Loan review & approval by CreCom - Regular random check of clients by MFU Supervisor or audit personnel Reduce risks Quality service

14 Keys to Success in Microfinance
Strong institutional commitment Demand-oriented loan and savings products Good client service Good client selection process Sufficient interest rates to cover costs Zero tolerance against delinquency Good MIS Adequate loan-loss provisioning Adequate internal control measures

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