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 An outline of a character’s life such as physical appearance, where they live, occupation, possessions, education, personality, hobbies, interests,

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2  An outline of a character’s life such as physical appearance, where they live, occupation, possessions, education, personality, hobbies, interests, and other traits.  Make your fictional character become realistic, your reader needs to visualize your character.

3  Appearance is one of the easiest traits to describe your character.  Describe how they look: physical stature, hair color and length, color of eyes, and the type/style of clothes they wear.  Personality is more difficult to describe, but think of the character as a real person and describe their personality

4  Reveal the character’s interests and create them realistically.

5  Name  Gender  Age  Hair color  Eye color  Height  Weight  Body structure  Friends  Temperment  Enemies  Career  Dreams  Hobbies  Likes  Loves  Dislikes  Fears  Good qualities  Bad habits

6  Happiest AND saddest moments  What is this character’s major goal?  Why is this goal so important?  Are there any events in the past that may affect this goal?  What is one thing your character should avoid?  What is one thing that your character would do anything in the world to have?

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