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22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 1 Group Project Phase Four.

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Presentation on theme: "22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 1 Group Project Phase Four."— Presentation transcript:

1 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 1 Group Project Phase Four

2 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 2 Tasks Usability testing (2 participants per group member) Discussion of results and process Class presentation

3 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 3 Usability testing - pilot Select one participant to participate in a pilot of your usability test Conduct the test as if it were real See what worked well and what did not work well Modify testing materials as appropriate

4 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 4 Usability testing Read from script when communicating with participants –So all participants hear the same instructions Tell participants what they will be doing Tell them you are not testing them, they are testing the software Ask them to fill out pre-test demographic information form

5 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 5 Usability testing Explain to participants the concept of thinking aloud Ask them to think aloud during testing Present each task and ask them to complete it Keep track of time to complete each task After completing each task, ask participants how long they think it took Take note of whether participants complete each task completely and accurately

6 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 6 Usability testing After completing all tasks, ask participants to complete post-test satisfaction questionnaire Ask users about any particularly low scores in this questionnaire Ask users about any points at which you noticed or they told you about having difficulty while completing tasks

7 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 7 Discussion of results and process Take a big picture view –What is the overall quality of the design? –What areas work well? –What areas need improvement? –What should change? –What would it take for it to go live? –Would the system work well for the users you identified during Phase One? –What worked well in the design process? –What didn’t? –What did you learn about designing a technology?

8 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 8 Presentation You will do an 8 minute presentation of your work Presentations will be on December 10, 12 Prof. Hourcade will randomly assign groups to slots Presentation should showcase your technology Provide background on how you got to your design Demonstrate your running system Discuss feedback from usability testing Discuss your view of how the design process worked

9 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 9 Deliverables Section 1- Usability test –Method Participants –How did you select them? –Provide summary of collected demographic information Procedure –Where were the tests conducted? –How did the tests proceed? –What tasks did the participants complete? –Information on pilot test and how it led you to change materials

10 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 10 Deliverables Section 1- Usability test –Results Describe usability issues you found Provide data on actual and estimated completion times for each task (averaged over all participants) Provide data on effectiveness (were tasks completed accurately and completely?) Summarize results of satisfaction questionnaire Use charts, tables to summarize the data above –Discussion Possible solutions to usability issues Meaning of other results

11 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 11 Deliverables Section 2 – Discussion –High level discussion of design and process What is the overall quality of the design? What areas work well? What areas need improvement? What should change? What would it take for it to go live? Would the system work well for the users you identified during Phase One? What worked well in the design process? What didn’t? What did you learn about designing a technology?

12 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 12 Deliverables Who did what? (one page) Tell me the role each group member played during this phase

13 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 13 Deliverables In addition to PDF with deliverables… Upload to the ICON dropbox –Presentation file (e.g., PowerPoint) you will use for your class presentation –Zip file with all the code for your high-fidelity prototype Include a file describing how to run it –Only one group member needs to upload these files to ICON

14 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 14 Format One PDF (Adobe Acrobat) document turned in through ICON by one of the members of the group Cover should include group name, group member names and title of project First page should be a table of contents Make it neat, well-organized and visually appealing

15 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 15 Grading Completeness Quality of writing Quality of designs Depth of discussions Each group member will get an individual grade through ICON Different group members may get different grades

16 22C:082:001 Human-Computer Interaction. Fall 2013. Copyright © 2013 Juan Pablo Hourcade. 16 Due dates Due December 10, at the beginning of class

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