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Science Foundation Flower Power. Flowers Flowers might be my favorite thing in nature. They come in so many beautiful, colorful and fragrant types!

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Presentation on theme: "Science Foundation Flower Power. Flowers Flowers might be my favorite thing in nature. They come in so many beautiful, colorful and fragrant types!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Foundation Flower Power

2 Flowers Flowers might be my favorite thing in nature. They come in so many beautiful, colorful and fragrant types!

3 Why are flowers so colorful and fragrant? It’s natures way of inviting insects, birds, and even bats to stop by! Many plants need these animals and insects to help reproduce.

4 Insects love the color, scent and nectar from flowers! When a visitor drinks nectar from a flower, the flower’s pollen gets on the body of the insect.

5 As the insect travels from flower to flower, pollen from one flower lands on the other flowers. This must happen for seeds to develop.

6 Let’s watch a video of how it works… atch?v=ge3EM8AERV0

7 In many places, we spray to get rid of unwanted insects because they bother us. Insects help pollinate flowers. What do you think would happen to the flower population if we sprayed insects?

8 Homework: Notice the flowers around you. What is your favorite color, shape, size, fragrance? If it is okay to pick flowers near where you live, pick one and hang it upside down in a cool place to dry out! Dried flowers can last for many years. See you next time, Scientists!

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