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Phen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, and Po-Whei Huang

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Presentation on theme: "Phen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, and Po-Whei Huang"— Presentation transcript:

1 Phen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, and Po-Whei Huang
A Hierarchical Digital Watermarking Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery Phen-Lan Lin, Chung-Kai Hsieh, and Po-Whei Huang Pattern Recognition Vol. 38, Issue 11, December 2005, pp

2 Outline Introduction The Proposed Method Experimental Results
Watermark Embedding Hierarchical Tamper Detection Tampered Image Recovery Experimental Results Conclusions Comments

3 Introduction Watermarking Method for Image Tamper Detection and Recovery

4 Block mapping sequence generation algorithm (4 ×4 pixels/block)
1-1 mapping : X ' = [ f ( X ) = ( k × X ) mod N ] + 1, X , X ' are the block number (∈ [0, N− 1 ]) k is a secret key, (a prime and ∈ Z − {N 's factors }) N is the total number of blocks in the image The original block The mapping of blocks X '=13× X mod 64 +1 4

5 Watermark Embedding (1/2)
avg_As=(I1+I2+I3+I4)/4 1 2 9 10 3 4 11 12 5 6 13 14 7 8 15 16 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 r avg_Bs=(I1+I2+I3+I4)/4 Block A 1 2 9 10 3 4 11 12 5 6 13 14 7 8 15 16 avg_B=(I1+I2+…+I16)/16 Block B

6 Watermark Embedding (2/2)
Block A num: # of 1s in the 6 MSBs of avg_Bs 69 78 82 97 35 46 210 102 51 33 73 44 173 83 145 126 avg_As=( )/4=57=( )2 r = Block B 104 22 99 207 39 55 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 avg_Bs=( )/4=53=( )2 avg_B=( …+164)/16=97 v=0, p=1 104 104 Set 2LSBs to 0 1 1 22 22 104 20 96 204 36 52 60 132 40 64 224 196 144 164 39 39 55 54

7 Hierarchical Tamper Detection (1/3)
Level 1: for each sub-block B's of 2×2 pixels within block B' , verify v and p avg_B’s=( )/4=53= 104 22 99 207 39 55 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 avg_B’=( …+164)/16=97 v'=0, p'=1 if v' is not equal to v OR if p' is not equal to p  This sub-Block is marked erroneous 1 1 v=0, p=1 After Level 1 detection, each sub-block is marked valid of erroneous

8 Hierarchical Tamper Detection (2/3)
Level 2: For each block of size 4 × 4 pixels, mark this block erroneous if any of its sub-block is marked erroneous; otherwise, mark it valid. 104 22 99 207 39 55 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 104 22 99 207 39 55 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 After Level 2 detection, each block is marked valid of erroneous Level 3: For each valid block of size 4×4 pixels, mark the block erroneous if there are five or more erroneous blocks in its 3×3 block-neighborhood, Error B Most surrounding blocks of some valid block are erroneous, this block hardly remains valid.

9 Hierarchical Tamper Detection (3/3)
Level 4: only required for resisting against VQ attack, assume mapping sequence: B C 104 20 99 207 39 54 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 1 valid Block C r = (00) = 56 = avg_Cs 69 78 82 97 35 46 210 102 51 33 73 44 173 83 145 126 avg_B’s=( )/4=55 valid 57= = =56 avg_B’s  avg_Cs Block B’

10 Tampered Image Recovery
Mapping sequence: A  B 104 20 99 207 39 54 61 132 42 66 3 23 227 198 145 164 1 valid Block B r = (00) = 56 56 82 97 210 102 51 33 73 44 173 83 145 126 69 78 82 97 35 46 210 102 51 33 73 44 173 83 145 126 erroneous Tamped Block A Recovered Block A

11 Experimental Results (1/7)

12 Experimental Results (2/7)

13 Experimental Results (3/7)
M1: Covering the whole image with leaf patterns, as depicted in Fig. 8(b). M2: Covering the whole image with another image, as depicted in Fig. 8(c). M3: Covering the whole image with fruit patterns, as depicted in Fig. 8(d). M4: Spreading plenty of mist to the whole image, as depicted in Fig. 8(e).

14 Experimental Results (4/7)

15 Experimental Results (5/7)

16 Experimental Results (6/7)

17 Experimental Results (7/7)

18 Conclusions A hierarchical digital watermarking scheme for image tamper detection and restoration is proposed. The proposed method uses parity check and intensity comparison with 3-Level detection for tamper detection. The proposed method uses 2-LSBs of each pixel to restore the check bits and restore information.

19 Comments Level 4 detection resists against VQ attack (collage attack)
Something is wrong with Level 4 detection Reversible watermarking such as DE or histogram shifting is not suitable for tamper detection and recovery, this is because the bit-rate is low.

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