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HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE By Clark Jones, Michael Brunk, and Trevor Peterson.

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1 HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE By Clark Jones, Michael Brunk, and Trevor Peterson

2 Huntington’s Disease Insertion Neurodegenerative Genetic Disorder Affects muscle coordination Mental decline Behavioral symptoms

3 Huntington’s Disease Everybody has 2 copies of the Huntingtin gene (HTT), which codes for the protien Huntingtin (Htt) If the repeat is present in a healthy gene, a dynamic mutation may result in a defective gene. An altered protien is made, called mutant Huntingtin protien (mHtt) Sexually-linked

4 Huntington’s Disease Causes mood swings and depression Affects judgement, memory and other cognitive functions Uncontrollable muscle spasms Slurred speech Vital functions decreased Walking and other physical activities difficult 20 years after found symptoms they die, if they don’t die from pneumonia, heart disease, or kill themselves through suicide

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