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“God” “Glory” “Gold”. 2. Why did he come? 3. Immediate impact on the Native people? Widespread death from European diseases 1. The First European to explore.

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Presentation on theme: "“God” “Glory” “Gold”. 2. Why did he come? 3. Immediate impact on the Native people? Widespread death from European diseases 1. The First European to explore."— Presentation transcript:

1 “God” “Glory” “Gold”

2 2. Why did he come? 3. Immediate impact on the Native people? Widespread death from European diseases 1. The First European to explore Georgia: Hernando de Soto(1540) Gold & Silver

3 Hernando de Soto 2. Why did he come? Looking for _____ 3. Immediate impact on the Native people? Widespread death from European d _________ 1. The First European to Explore Georgia: H______ de S____

4 COLONIZATION: THE SPANISH PLAN The Presidio Why the plan failed in GA The Mission

5 The Presidio 1.Frontier Fort 2.Fort occupied by Spanish soldiers and Native American allies 3.Purpose: to defend Spanish interests in colony

6 The Presidio 1.Frontier F____ 2.Fort occupied by S____ soldiers and Native A____ 3.Purpose: to d____ Spanish interests in colony

7 The Mission Indoctrinate: convert to the Spanish way of life The mission was a location from which Catholic missionaries, called friars (missionaries are people who teach others about their beliefs to make new converts) went about to convert and educate Native Americans. The Goal: to make the Native Amer’s good subjects of Spanish king. Two missions in what is today GA: Guale & Mocama, both located at or near the coast in the Coastal Plain region

8 The Mission In________: convert to the S____ way of life The m_____ was a location from which C____ m______ (people who teach others about their b____ to make new converts) went about to convert and educate Native A_____. The Goal: to make the Native Amer’s good s_____ of S______ king. Two missions in what is today GA: G_____ & M______, both located at or near the c____ in the C_____ P___ region

9 1.Eventually French and English enter competition for “New World” 2.Each country tried to make allies w/ Creeks & Cherokees 3.Ultimately, Native American Allies of English drove out the Spanish Why did the Spanish plan fail in Ga? England

10 1.Eventually F_____ and E_____ enter competition for “New World” 2.Each country tried to make allies w/ Cr____ & Ch_____ 3.Ultimately, Native American Allies of E_____ drove out the S_____ Why did the Spanish plan fail in Ga? England

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