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Charter System Advisory Committee December 16, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Charter System Advisory Committee December 16, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter System Advisory Committee December 16, 2015

2 Meeting Agenda Welcome and Introductions Community Input Guide Gearing Up for Charter System – Progress – Recruitment and Election Process for GO Team – Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities Cluster Planning – Cluster Plan Activities – Cluster Plan Component and Recommended Timeline Transition to Community Input Closing 2

3 Cluster Planning 3 Update

4 APS 2015-16 Charter System Timeline and Activities 4 Principal & Central Office Training DOE interview SBOE approval Organize District Support Team Develop DST support plans and processes Charter System Advisory Committee Meets Provide Updates to Atlanta Board of Education August Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June Develop bylaws and training Develop agendas and toolkits Develop strategic planning templates Develop 2016 work plan Community Engagement State Approval System Readiness Go Team Creation (Governance) Recruit Candidate Bank LSC sessions Candidate Info Sessions Tiered support to schools Begin strategic planning Create CAT Prepare online election platform Election/ approval Candidate orientation Input/ Communi -cation Candidates file

5 Go Team Creation Process Timeline Candidate Info Sessions (now thru 12/18) Parent/Teacher Candidates declare intent to run Online elections (3/8-3/14/2016) Elected members & principal meet, select community & swing members (March) Orientation training – all members attend 1 day (revised schedule TBD) On-going training: Strategic Planning (Spring/Summer) School-based Solutions (Fall) Budgeting (Spring 2017) 5 REVISED

6 Recruitment and Community Engagement 6

7 Cluster Candidate Bank Breakdown 7 ClusterTotal # of Interested Stakeholders Carver97 Citywide (BEST/CSK/Crim)39 Douglass103 Grady115 Jackson117 Mays70 N Atlanta120 S Atlanta71 Therrell75 Washington81 Where needed38

8 Recruitment and Community Engagement 8 Intensive community research and outreach Recruiting and matching unaffiliated, qualified candidates Monitoring and sharing Candidate Bank, guidance for recruitment and selection Tiered Support for Recruitment Outreach to NPU and neighborhood organizations Community opportunity research and outreach (churches, business, non-profit organizations)

9 Cluster Candidate Bank Breakdown 9 More than enough interested GO Team candidates Just enough interested GO Team candidates Not enough interested GO Team candidates B.E.S.T., Bolton, Brandon, Brown Bunche, Burgess, Carver Early College, Carver HS, Connally, CSKYWLA, Deerwood, Douglass, Fickett, Grady, Grove Park, Harper-Archer, Hope-Hill, Inman, Jones, Kimberly, King, Long, M.H Jackson, Mary Lin, Mays, Morningside, N. Atlanta, Parkside, Perkerson, Rivers, Smith, Slater, S. Atlanta, Springdale, Sutton, Sylvan Therrell, Toomer, Usher, Venetian, Washington, Young Total – 42 schools (57%) Bethune, Continental, Finch, Gideons Total – 4 schools (5.5%) Adamsville, Beecher*, Benteen, Cascade, Cleveland, Crim, D. H. Stanton, Dobbs*, Dunbar, Fain*, F. L. Stanton, Forrest Hills, Garden Hills, Heritage, Humphries, Hutchinson, Jackson Elem, Miles, Peyton Forest, Price*, Scott, Thomasville, Towns, West Manor, Whitefoord*, Woodson Total – 27 schools (37.5%) Enough candidates = 9 for ELEM/MS and 10 for HS *- needs 1 candidate to reach next group

10 Candidate Registration Information 10 Parents/guardians and instructional staff representatives must declare their intent to run for a GO Team seat. The declaration window is open December 10th, 2015 To declare your intent to run for a GO Team seat, to share your interest in serving as a Community Member, or to get more information, please visit

11 Total number of parents who have declared their intent to run 11

12 Total number of staff who have declared their intent to run 12

13 Ready to ? Candidate Information Session Schedule DateTimeHost ClusterLocation 11/46-7:30WashingtonWashington HS 11/56-7:30JacksonML King MS 11/96-7:30TherrellFickett ES 11/166-7:30CarverCarver HS 11/196-7:30MaysMays HS 12/26-7:30Douglass & CSK/BESTDouglass HS 12/76-7:30South AtlantaLong MS 12/105:30-6:30GradyGrady HS 12/176-7:30North AtlantaRivers ES 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/4, 12/11, 12/18 12-1:00CitywideOnline Click here to join onlineClick here to join online or call 404.802.1010, Conference ID: 248905 13

14 Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities Governance vs. Advisory LSGT: GO Team Membership 3 Parents + 3 Non-Supervisory Instructional Staff + 2 Community Members + 1 Swing Seat + Principal and 1 Student (High School Level) Basic size is 9 voting members, and teams may decide to change to 7 or 11 members in Year 2 Duties/Responsibility Exercise school-level governance at the individual school level. Create, maintain, and update the school- level strategic plan. Create school- based solutions to increase student achievement at the individual school level. High school student representative will have selective voting powers Governance Governance body over the individual school. Cluster Advisory Team Membership Principal + LSGT Rep from each School within Cluster May add community member seats, with a cap Duties/Responsibility Maintain and update the cluster- level strategic plan. Vet and provide advice upon LSGT school-based solutions which affect the cluster as a whole. Governance Exercises no governance authority. It is as an advisory body for support and feedback to LSGTs on school- based solutions that impact the entire cluster. CAT Executive Committee Membership Chair of each Cluster Advisory Team Duties/Responsibility Vet and provide advice on the Superintendent’s district-level and district-wide initiatives prior to presentation and consideration by the Atlanta Board of Education. Identify and discuss district-wide priorities annually. Governance Exercises no governance authority. It is as an advisory body to provide input, guidance, and feedback to the Superintendent on district-level and district-wide initiatives. District Support Team Membership Special Assistant to Superintendent and Policy and Governance Advisor Duties/Responsibility Implement and manage the charter system model and plan. Facilitate and support the work of the LSGTs, CATs, and CAT Executive Committee. Manage the elections process for LSGTs. Train LSGTs, school staff, and central office staff on the work of the charter system. Governance Exercises no governance authority. Staff support team in charge of building capacity throughout the district to successfully implement the charter system model. 14

15 Cluster Planning 15

16 What Are APS Cluster Plans? The Cluster Planning process is not just a signature program but alignment of the academic program across all schools (K-12) within the cluster Signature program planning (3-5ys) Select program for the cluster Adapt curriculum to meet signature program requirements Align academic supports Vertical cluster alignment Academic programming aligned across elementary, middle and high school Cluster Advisory Governance to ensure program alignment across feeder schools School Turnaround Implement initiatives from the School Turnaround Strategy, where applicable Wraparound and support needs for cluster Cluster planning 16

17 Cluster Plan Activities Phase 3 Detailed Plan Development Develop Performance Indicators for Success Develop FY17 and FY18 Resource Requirements Review Priorities and Strategies (3 Year Outlook) Develop Signature Program Implementation Plan Develop an Engagement and Partnership Strategy We are Here June 2015 - January 2016 Engage and Inform Stakeholders On Signature Program Approve Detailed Cluster Strategic Plan Allocate and Approve Remaining FY16 Cluster Funds December 2015 – January 2016 Cluster Planning Team Meetings Reviewing Detailed Cluster Plans Plans Available for Review* Central Office Support and Planning Sessions 17 *Content for most plans will be available for review

18 Cluster Plan Components Story of the Cluster Data (Demographics, School Data) Cluster Planning Process District Strategy Cluster Strategy Map Signature Program Overview Signature Program Implementation Opportunities for Change School Turnaround Efforts (where applicable) Cluster Priorities and Strategies Glossary 18

19 Signature Program Implementation Phase-in ProgramFY16FY17FY18FY19FY20 High School Middle School Elementary School 1 Elementary School 2 Elementary School 3 Elementary School 4 Elementary School 5 Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing Planning DevelopingImplementing Authorized, Certified Planning Developing Implementing School Turnaround Efforts Developing Implementing Developing 19 Planning School Turnaround Efforts Planning

20 Community Input 20

21 Strong Students. Strong Schools. Strong Staff. Strong System ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Center for Learning and Leadership (CLL Auditorium) 130 Trinity Avenue, SW, Atlanta, GA 30303 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (All meetings are open to the public) Tuesday, September 15, 2015 *Wednesday, October 21, 2015 Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Wednesday, December 16, 2015 Wednesday, January 20, 2016 Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Wednesday, April 20, 2016 * alternate location will be identified due to work at CLL Auditorium 21

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