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1 Scheme (Section 11.2) CSCI 431 Programming Languages Fall 2003.

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1 1 Scheme (Section 11.2) CSCI 431 Programming Languages Fall 2003

2 2 Functional Programming The design of imperative languages is based directly on the von Neumann architecture.The design of imperative languages is based directly on the von Neumann architecture. Efficiency is the primary concern, rather than the suitability of the language for software development.Efficiency is the primary concern, rather than the suitability of the language for software development. The design of functional languages is based on mathematical functions. A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the range set.The design of functional languages is based on mathematical functions. A mathematical function is a mapping of members of one set, called the domain set, to another set, called the range set. –e.g., cube(x) = x * x * x The objective of the design of a functional programming language is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible.The objective of the design of a functional programming language is to mimic mathematical functions to the greatest extent possible. In a functional programming language the evaluation of a function always produces the same result given the same parameters. This is called referential transparency.In a functional programming language the evaluation of a function always produces the same result given the same parameters. This is called referential transparency.

3 3 Functional Programming The process of computation is fundamentally different in a functional programming language than in an imperative language.The process of computation is fundamentally different in a functional programming language than in an imperative language. The key idea: do everything by composing functions.The key idea: do everything by composing functions. –no mutable state –no side effects. So how do you get anything done in a functional language?So how do you get anything done in a functional language? –Recursion (esp. tail recursion) takes the place of iteration. In general, you can get the effect of a series of assignmentsIn general, you can get the effect of a series of assignments x := 0 stuff1 x := expr1 stuff2 x := expr2 stuff3 x := 0 stuff1 x := expr1 stuff2 x := expr2 stuff3 from f3(f2(f1(0))), where each f expects the value of x as an argument,f1 returns expr1, and f2 returns expr2.from f3(f2(f1(0))), where each f expects the value of x as an argument,f1 returns expr1, and f2 returns expr2.

4 4 Functional Programming Necessary features, many of which are missing in some imperative languages:Necessary features, many of which are missing in some imperative languages: –1st class functions –serious polymorphism –powerful list facilities –recursion –structured function returns –fully general aggregates –garbage collection Lisp (and Scheme) also hasLisp (and Scheme) also has –homoiconography –self-definition –read-eval-print

5 5 Scheme Scheme's top level is called the Read-Eval-Print loop:Scheme's top level is called the Read-Eval-Print loop: –Reads a Scheme expression from the keyboard –EVALuates it to determine its value –PRINTs it to the screen Examples:Examples:5 Scheme returns 5

6 6 S-expressions To understand Scheme you need to know:To understand Scheme you need to know: 1. What kind of expressions Scheme understands 2. What the evaluation rules are Everything in Scheme (data and programs) is expressed in terms of symbolic expressions, s- expressionsEverything in Scheme (data and programs) is expressed in terms of symbolic expressions, s- expressions s-expressions come in 2 basic typess-expressions come in 2 basic types –atoms –lists

7 7 Atoms and Lists Atoms are constant primitive data objects; there are different kindsAtoms are constant primitive data objects; there are different kinds numbers: 1 1.3 strings: "a string" symbols: foo Lists are the most important data structure. They consist of 0 or more s-exp's enclosed in parentheses:Lists are the most important data structure. They consist of 0 or more s-exp's enclosed in parentheses: (a list) (a list containing (a list)) () (((((lots of irritating parentheses!)))))

8 8 Evaluation rules for atoms Most atoms are constants and evaluate to themselves:Most atoms are constants and evaluate to themselves: 5 Scheme returns 5. "hello" Scheme returns "hello" Symbols are variables and evaluate to their values:Symbols are variables and evaluate to their values:#t Scheme returns #t foo Scheme returns: Error: the variable FOO is unbound

9 9 Evaluation rules for lists Scheme will assume that list structures denote application of functions to their arguments.Scheme will assume that list structures denote application of functions to their arguments. Function calls are of the following form:Function calls are of the following form: open-paren operator arguments close-paren ( + 1 2 ) ( + 1 2 ) Extra spaces are ignored, so this expression has exactly the same effect as a more compact spacing: (+ 1 2)Extra spaces are ignored, so this expression has exactly the same effect as a more compact spacing: (+ 1 2) Scheme always evaluates the operands and applies the operation to the result.Scheme always evaluates the operands and applies the operation to the result. The number of operands or arguments depends on the operator.The number of operands or arguments depends on the operator. Each argument can itself be a Scheme expression.Each argument can itself be a Scheme expression.

10 10 Scheme Tutorial Scheme Tutorial Scheme TutorialScheme TutorialScheme Tutorial

11 11 All Values are Pointers All values are conceptually pointers to data objects on a heap, and you don't ever have to explicitly free memory.All values are conceptually pointers to data objects on a heap, and you don't ever have to explicitly free memory. The uniform use of pointers makes lots of things simplerThe uniform use of pointers makes lots of things simpler Most Scheme implementations optimize away a lot of pointersMost Scheme implementations optimize away a lot of pointers –Rather than putting integer values on the heap, most implementations put the actual integer bit pattern directly into variables. –A short value (like a normal integer) stored directly into a variable is called an immediate value –Each value in each variable actually has a few bits devoted to a type tag which says what kind of thing it is--e.g., whether it's a pointer or not.

12 12 Objects on the Heap Most Scheme objects only have fields that are general- purpose value cells---any field can hold any Scheme value, whether it's a tagged immediate value or a tagged pointer to another heap-allocated object.Most Scheme objects only have fields that are general- purpose value cells---any field can hold any Scheme value, whether it's a tagged immediate value or a tagged pointer to another heap-allocated object. A pair (also known in Lisp terminology as a "cons cell") is a heap-allocated object with two fields. Either field is a general- purpose value cell.A pair (also known in Lisp terminology as a "cons cell") is a heap-allocated object with two fields. Either field is a general- purpose value cell. The first field of a pair is called the car field, and the second field is called the cdr field.The first field of a pair is called the car field, and the second field is called the cdr field. In most implementations, each heap-allocated object has a hidden "header" field. This extra field holds type information, saying exactly what kind of heap allocated object it is.In most implementations, each heap-allocated object has a hidden "header" field. This extra field holds type information, saying exactly what kind of heap allocated object it is.

13 13 Pair Representation Pair-ID 15 10 header car cdr

14 14 Objects have Type, Variables Don’t In Scheme, all variables have the same type: "pointer to anything."In Scheme, all variables have the same type: "pointer to anything." Scheme is dynamically typed, meaning that variables don't have fixed types, but objects do.Scheme is dynamically typed, meaning that variables don't have fixed types, but objects do. An object carries its type around with it--an integer is an integer forever, but a variable may refer to an integer at some times, and a string (or something else) at other times.An object carries its type around with it--an integer is an integer forever, but a variable may refer to an integer at some times, and a string (or something else) at other times. The language provides type-checking at run time to ensure that you don't perform the wrong operations on objects--if you attempt to add two strings, for example, the system will detect the error and notify you.The language provides type-checking at run time to ensure that you don't perform the wrong operations on objects--if you attempt to add two strings, for example, the system will detect the error and notify you.

15 15 Pairs and Lists Suppose we have a variable foo holding a pointer to a list containing the integers 22, 15, and 6. Here's two ways of drawing this situation.Suppose we have a variable foo holding a pointer to a list containing the integers 22, 15, and 6. Here's two ways of drawing this situation. pair pair pairfoo15 10 30 * 30 10 15 foo *

16 16 Shared Structure boo 2 foo * 1 35 (define boo (append (list ‘2) (cdr foo))) (define boo (cons ‘2 (cdr foo)))

17 17 Equal? vs. Eq? We can say that the cdr of foo and the cdr of boo "are eq?," because the expression (eq? (cdr foo) (cdr boo)) returns true We can say that the cdr of foo and the cdr of boo "are eq?," because the expression (eq? (cdr foo) (cdr boo)) returns true foo * boo 2 1 3 5 boo * 2 35 foo * 1 3 5 We say that (cdr boo) and (crd foo) “are equal?” because (equal? (crd boo) (cdr foo)) returns true

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