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 There should not be a boss. Everyone should be responsible  Keep to the time line  There are no excuses  Have specific roles  training is needed.

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Presentation on theme: " There should not be a boss. Everyone should be responsible  Keep to the time line  There are no excuses  Have specific roles  training is needed."— Presentation transcript:


2  There should not be a boss. Everyone should be responsible  Keep to the time line  There are no excuses  Have specific roles  training is needed  Ask for help  Use experience of previous teams, captain and leader

3 ddesigning of the car UUnderstanding the rules TTesting the car- proving that car is fast RRedesigning the car IInnovations – getting an edge mmanufacturing of the car TTrialling the car MMaking back up cars MMaking models to show progression

4  Who are the business team and what are their roles?  What is the challenge all about?  Do they have a feasible plan?  What are the prospects of success?  Timeline for completion  What do supporters get?  How do I know that it is on track and successful?

5  Timeline ◦ Detailed enough to be week by week ◦ Detailed enough to show who is doing what ◦ Ticked off each week to show that you are up to date ◦ Plans for other commitments ◦ Everyone must complete agreed tasks – NO EXCEPTIONS  Linked to minutes taken from each meeting  Importance of regular email correspondence  Cc Meg and Mr Adams

6  Partners and well as sponsors ◦ Who needs help?  What does a good sponsor look like?  Always use letter head for correspondence  Only use school address and telephone number  Large sponsors make it easy – who?  Partners have expertise – who?  Merchandizing is for fund raising  Keep partners and sponsors up to date

7  Keep good records  Take photographs and videos  Plan the overall layout  Make it factual not a diary ( prac report )  Include illustrations  Both written and video form

8  Logo and colours  Letterhead  Business cards  Business plan  Posters  Certificates  Uniform ◦ Must look like F1 but should have a gimmick  Car colouring  Folio  booth

9  Check dimensions  Draw or construct model  Must be colourful  Must fill whole area  Must feature engineering  Can be reworked within the rules  Must stand out as being different  Check photos for ideas

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