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COLD WAR CONFLICTS: VIETNAM MAY 1 & 4, 2015. VIETNAM Objective: To understand the cause & effects of the Vietnam War and the controversies of continual.

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Presentation on theme: "COLD WAR CONFLICTS: VIETNAM MAY 1 & 4, 2015. VIETNAM Objective: To understand the cause & effects of the Vietnam War and the controversies of continual."— Presentation transcript:


2 VIETNAM Objective: To understand the cause & effects of the Vietnam War and the controversies of continual Cold War conflicts. Purpose: To understand the magnitude of this controversial conflict and the changing of public opinion in relation to wartime, peace, and Domino Theory. Standard(s): 5.1 - Students will describe and interpret the causes and the effects of World War I and World War II on the relationship between the United States and Europe by utilizing one of the big 11 social studies skills. H4.[9-12].1 - Describe and interpret the causes and effects of World War I and World War II on the relationship between the United States and Europe.

3 WARM-UP: ACTIVATING PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Grab a Cartoon Analysis worksheet. Answer both sides of the cartoon questions, #1 & 2. Turn into basket when finished. 10 minutes.


5 - VIDEO – BRAIN POP: VIETNAM WAR Watch Video: Think about this: What position might you have had on the war had you been living during the time period? Even now, was it necessary, or not?

6 Domino Theory – Fear that if one Southeast Asian nation fell to Comm. The others would fall also. Ho Chi Minh – Sympathized with Comm. Vietminh – League of Independent Vietnam. Against French control. French formed Republic of Vietnam. Geneva Accords – Divided near the 17 th parallel. U.S. and 7 other nations formed SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). Pres. Eisenhower pledged support to S. Vietnam resist N. Vietnam. V.W. Begins. VIETNAM WAR: CAUSES

7 Domino Theory – Fear that if one Southeast Asian nation fell to Comm. The others would fall also. Ho Chi Minh – Sympathized with Comm. Vietminh – League of Independent Vietnam. Against French control. French formed Republic of Vietnam. Geneva Accords – Divided near the 17 th parallel. U.S. and 7 other nations formed SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization). Pres. Eisenhower pledged support to S. Vietnam resist N. Vietnam. V.W. Begins. VIETNAM WAR: CAUSES


9 Student activism – Kent State Riots: 4 students shot & killed. Vietnamization – Paris Peace Talks – Gradual removing of American forces & replacing them with South Vietnamese soldiers. Major bombing raids during pull-out. War spreads to Cambodia. S. Vietnam falls to N. Vietnam / Communism. Mixed-Feelings. Less support/respect for veterans. PTSD Issues – Survival Guilt. N. Vietnamese forced thousands of S.V. into “re-education camps.” VIETNAM WAR: EFFECTS




13 WWIIVietnam 1. U.S. Territory Attacked Foreign country attacked 2. World War – Germany, Italy, Japan Vs. U.K., U.S., Russia Civil War – North Vs. South 3. To protect U.S. & its Allies To fight communism & protect allies 4. Declaration of War Cong ress never officially declared war 5. Americans supportive of the war Controversial; anti-war protests 6. Clearly Defined Combat Zones Enemy could be anywhere: Well hidden, guerrilla tactics; In Jungle. 7. Goal: To Gain as much ground as possible To push back the enemy / Prevent the spread of Communism. 8. Enemy easily recognized – Distinct uniforms, weaponry, equipment, etc. Enemy not well identified 9. Average age 26 Average age 18 10. Excellent G.I. Bills – Books, Tuition, Living Expenses Reduced G.I. Benefits Education opportunities decreased – Only 25% of veterans used their edu. Benefits Exposure to Agent Orange VIETNAM WAR: COMPARING WARS

14 - VIDEO – BRAIN POP: VIETNAM WAR Watch Video: Think about this: What position might you have had on the war had you been living during the time period? Even now, was it necessary, or not?

15 MAP ACTIVITY 1. Receive worksheet 2. First: Fill in map using key terms 3. Second: Answer questions using map and Chapter 31.


17 WARM-UP: CNN STUDENT NEWS Receive Notebook and write NAME & CLASS PERIOD # on the front (if possible) and back. Write down 5 IMPORTANT facts as you watch the video. 1 point = 1 correctly written fact. I need to see at least (a minimum of) 5 facts.

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