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Welcome to MM570 Applied Statistics for Psychology

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MM570 Applied Statistics for Psychology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MM570 Applied Statistics for Psychology
Unit 1 Seminar Dr. Bob Lockwood

2 Getting the Seminar Setup!
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3 Seminar Outline Welcome!
My Contact Information Syllabus Highlights Discussion

4 Instructor Contact Information Instructor: Robert E. Lockwood [Dr. Bob] Office hours are by appointment. We can meet using Google Chat, on the phone or in a seminar room. Phone Number: (be kind I live in the Central time zone)

5 Syllabus Highlights All learning activities for a unit are due by Tuesday 11:59 pm ET. Late penalties Projects: 2% per day late Discussion Threads: 10% per week late All late assignments due by: 11:59 pm ET Sunday ending Week 10

6 The Two Branches of Statistical Methods
Descriptive statistics Summarize/organize scores from a research study Inferential statistics Draw conclusions/make inferences that go beyond the scores from a research study

7 Basic Concepts Variable Value Score
A characteristic that can have different values Value A possible number or category that a score can have Score A particular person’s value on a variable

8 Levels of Measurement Numeric (quantitative) variables
Equal-interval [SPSS Scale] variables (Interval and Ratio) e.g., GPA Rank-order (Ordinal) variables e.g., class rank Categorical (qualitative) variables e.g., gender (Nominal)

9 A Frequency Table 8, 7, 4, 10, 8, 6, 8, 9, 9, 7, 3, 7, 6, 5, 0, 9, 10, 7, 7, 3, 6, 7, 5, 2, 1, 6, 7, 10, 8, 8

10 Grouped Frequency Table
A frequency table that uses intervals

11 Frequency Histogram [page 11]

12 Shapes of Frequency Distributions

13 Symmetrical and Skewed Distributions

14 Controversies and Limitations of Graphs
Failure to use equal interval sizes Exaggeration of proportions

15 Using SPSS Frequency Table

16 SPSS Frequency Table 1

17 SPSS Frequency Table 2

18 Creating Histograms in SPSS (Continuous Data)

19 SPSS Histogram 1

20 SPSS Histogram 2

21 Creating Bar Charts in SPSS (Discrete Data)

22 SPSS Bar Graph 1

23 SPSS Bar Graph 2

24 Questions??

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