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Greek Roots 1-40. Greek Root #1: An, An Root: A, An Meaning: Without, Not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic: without color Amoral: unethical.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Roots 1-40. Greek Root #1: An, An Root: A, An Meaning: Without, Not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic: without color Amoral: unethical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Roots 1-40

2 Greek Root #1: An, An Root: A, An Meaning: Without, Not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic: without color Amoral: unethical manner Anarchy: a state of disorder due to the absence of authority or government. Your Turn: Anesthesia

3 Greek Root #2: Ant, Anti Root: Ant, Anti Meaning: Against, Counter Visual Representation:Word List: Antagonist Antacid Antigravity Your Turn: Antibiotic

4 Greek Root #3: Ec, Ex Root: Ec, Ex Meaning: Out Visual Representation:Word List: Exit Exterior Exclude Eccentric Your Turn: Exchange

5 Greek Root #4: En Root: En Meaning: In Visual Representation:Word List: Enroll Enact Encompass Encourage Your Turn: Entrust

6 Greek Root #5: Hypo Root: Hypo Meaning: Under, Below Visual Representation:Word List: Hypothermia Hypocrite Hypochondria Your Turn: Hypoglycemia

7 Greek Root #6: Hyper Root: Hyper Meaning: Over, Above Visual:Word List: hyperactive hypercritical hyperbole hypersensitive Your Turn: hyperventilate

8 Greek Root #7: Peri Root: Peri Meaning: Around Visual:Word List: Perimeter Periscope Peripheral Your Turn: Periodic

9 Greek Root #8: Pro Root: Pro Meaning: Before, In Front Of Visual:Word List: Profound Program Prospects Your Turn: Provision

10 Greek Root #9: Syn, Sym Root: Syn, Sym Meaning: With, Together Visual:Word List: Symphony Symmetry Synonym Sympathy Your Turn: Synchronize

11 Greek Root #10: Phil Root: Phil Meaning: Good, Love Visual:Word List: Philanthropist Philosophy Philharmonic Your Turn: Philology

12 Greek Root #11: Mis, Miso Root: Mis, Miso Meaning: Bad, Hate Visual:Word List: Misadventure Misanthrope Misogamy Misogyny Your Turn: Misunderstanding

13 Greek Root #12: Phon Root: Phon Meaning: Sound Visual:Word List: Phonics Phonetic Microphone Megaphone Your Turn: Phonograph

14 Greek Root #13: Graph, Gram Root: Graph, Gram Meaning: Write, Draw, Record Visual:Word List: Biography Autobiography Photograph Geography Diagram Your Turn: Grammar

15 Greek Root #14: Scop, Scept Root: Scop, Scept Meaning: Look at, Examine Visual:Word List: Telescope Microscope Speculate Your Turn: Skeptic

16 Greek Root #15: Tel, Tele, Telo Root: Tel, Tele, Telo Meaning: Far, Distant Visual:Word List: Telephone Television Telescope Telecommunication Your Turn: Telepathy

17 Greek Root #16: Arch, Archi Root: Arch, Archi Meaning: Rule, Govern, Extreme Visual:Word List: Monarchy Anarchy Hierarchy Matriarch Patriarch Your Turn: Architect

18 Greek Root #17: Dem Root: Dem Meaning: People Visual:Word List: Democracy Demagogue Demeanor Your Turn: Demographic

19 Greek Root #18: Log Root: Log Meaning: Study, Speech, Idea Visual:Word List: Logic Biology Psychology Analogy Your Turn: Anthology

20 Greek Root #19: Hetero Root: Hetero Meaning: Different, Various Visual:Word List: Heterogeneous Heterosexual Heterochromatic Heteromorphy Your Turn: Heterography

21 Greek Root #20: Homo Root: Homo Meaning: Same, Like Visual:Word List: Homosexual Homonym Homophobia Your Turn: Homogeneous

22 Greek Root #21: Poly Root: Poly Meaning: Many Visual:Word List: Polygamy Polytheist Polynomial Your Turn: Polygraph

23 Greek Root #22: Geo Root: Geo Meaning: Earth Visual:Word List: Geology Geometry Your Turn: Geography

24 Greek Root #23: Chron Root: Chron Meaning: Time Visual:Word List: Chronological Chronic Chronicle Your Turn: Synchronize

25 Greek Root #24: Chrom Root: Chrom Meaning: Color Visual:Word List: Achromatic Monochromatic Your Turn: Polychromatic

26 Greek Root #25: Meter Root: Meter Meaning: Measure Visual:Word List: Altimeter Speedometer Pedometer Your Turn: Perimeter

27 Greek Root #26: Cycl Root: Cycl Meaning: Circle Visual:Word List: Bicycle Unicycle Cyclical Your Turn: Cyclops

28 Greek Root #27: Path Root: Path Meaning: Feeling, Disease Visual:Word List: Empathy Pathology Psychopath Apathy Your Turn: Sympathy

29 Greek Root #28: Derm Root: Derm Meaning: Skin Visual:Word List: dermatitis dermatology pachyderm Your Turn: hypodermic

30 Greek Root #29: Neuro Root: Neuro Meaning: Nerve Visual:Word List: neuron neurosis neurosurgeon Your Turn: neurology

31 Greek Root #30: Bio Root: Bio Meaning: Life Visual:Word List: biology biography biopsy Your Turn: autobiography

32 Greek Root #31: Psych Root: Physch Meaning: Mind, Soul Visual:Word List: psychology psyche psychic Your Turn: psychopath

33 Greek Root #32: Astr Root: Astr Meaning: Star Visual:Word List: Astronaut Astronomy Asterisk Your Turn: Astrology

34 Greek Root #33: Polis, Polit Root: Polis, Polit Meaning: City VisualWord List: Cosmopolitan Metropolitan Police Your Turn: Political

35 Greek Root #34: Auto Root: Auto Meaning: Self Visual:Word List: Autograph Autobiography Automobile Automatic Autonomous Your Turn: Autocracy

36 Greek Root #35: Morph Root: Morph Meaning: Shape VisualWord List: Metamorphosis Morphology “Morphine Power” Morpheus (God of Dreams— Greek) Your Turn: Amorphous

37 Greek Root #36: Mim Root: Mim Meaning: Imitate Visual:Word List: Mimic Mime Pantomime Your Turn: Mimicry

38 Greek Root #37: Therm Root: Therm Meaning: Heat Visual:Word List: Thermal Thermostat Thermos Your Turn: Thermometer

39 Greek Root #38: Hydr Root: Hydr Meaning: Water Visual:Word List: Hydrant Hydraulic Hydropower Hydroplane Your Turn: Hydrophobia

40 Greek Root #39: Phot, Phos Root: Phot, Phos Meaning: Light Visual:Word List: Photograph Photon Phosphorous Your Turn: Photosynthesis

41 Greek Root #40: Pyr Root: Pyr Meaning: Fire Visual:Word List: Pyre Pyromaniac Pyretic Your Turn: Pyrotechnics

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