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Andrew Huizenga Lindsay Arnold Diane Esquivel Jeff Christians.

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Presentation on theme: "Andrew Huizenga Lindsay Arnold Diane Esquivel Jeff Christians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andrew Huizenga Lindsay Arnold Diane Esquivel Jeff Christians

2 Project Overview  Develop an Economical Microbial Fuel Cell  Improve Upon Existing Designs Increase maximum output Easy assembly and maintenance Overview DesignPrototypeTestingObstaclesNext Step

3 Project Overview  Metabolism and respiration Electron transport (ET)  Facilitate ET by providing anode where electrons can be deposited  Proton exchange membrane  Oxygen is reduced at cathode  Some bacteria are “better” at this than others

4 Project Overview

5 Design Norms  Transparency Intuitive Easy maintenance  Stewardship Cost effective Eco-friendly  Cultural Appropriateness Attainable ingredients Overview Design PrototypeTestingObstaclesNext Step

6 Design Decisions Final Prototype Architecture Pump system ○ Cultural Appropriateness Filter ○ Transparency Media Storage Chamber Small Research Prototypes Optimization Ease of testing Multiple, simultaneous experiments Overview Design PrototypeTestingObstaclesNext Step

7 Final Prototype OverviewDesign Prototype TestingObstaclesNext Step

8 Research Prototype  Simplified components Agar vs. proton exchange membrane (PEM) No pump or filter  Ease of reproducing and testing Easy to dump and refill Multiple experiments Optimization OverviewDesign Prototype TestingObstaclesNext Step

9 Testing  Learned anaerobic & sterile procedures  Media substitution experiments  Bacterial growth kinetics experiment OverviewDesignPrototype Testing ObstaclesNext Step

10 Obstacles  Output control  Over budget  Quick and easy research prototypes OverviewDesignPrototypeTesting Obstacles Next Step

11  Optimizing research prototypes  Test robustness of bacteria  ‘Kitchen’ friendly measurements  Order parts for final prototype OverviewDesignPrototypeTestingObstacles Next Step

12 Questions?

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