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Definition: any natural material that is used by humans Definition: any natural material that is used by humans Examples: water, petroleum, minerals,

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2 Definition: any natural material that is used by humans Definition: any natural material that is used by humans Examples: water, petroleum, minerals, forests, animals Examples: water, petroleum, minerals, forests, animals

3 We get lumber to build houses with and paper to write on from trees in forests We get lumber to build houses with and paper to write on from trees in forests We get gasoline to make our cars go from petroleum in the earth’s crust We get gasoline to make our cars go from petroleum in the earth’s crust We get electrical energy from wind and sun that turns turbines We get electrical energy from wind and sun that turns turbines

4 Definition: a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed. Definition: a natural resource that can be replaced at the same rate at which the resource is consumed. Examples: trees, fresh water Examples: trees, fresh water We must be careful not to use them too quickly before more can be made (trees) We must be careful not to use them too quickly before more can be made (trees)

5 Definition: a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate at which it is consumed. (it cannot be replaced) Definition: a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than the rate at which it is consumed. (it cannot be replaced) Examples: coal (takes millions of years to make), petroleum, natural gas Examples: coal (takes millions of years to make), petroleum, natural gas

6 Even if resources are renewable, we should conserve (not waste) them. Even if resources are renewable, we should conserve (not waste) them. Example: don’t leave the water running hen you brush your teeth, this conserves water. Example: don’t leave the water running hen you brush your teeth, this conserves water.

7 We can also conserve resources by taking care of our environment. We can also conserve resources by taking care of our environment. Example: don’t pollute! Polluted lakes and rivers can affect the water that we drink! Polluted water can also harm plants and animals that we eat! Example: don’t pollute! Polluted lakes and rivers can affect the water that we drink! Polluted water can also harm plants and animals that we eat! What are some examples of pollution? What are some examples of pollution?

8 The energy we use to heat our homes, drive our cars and charge our cell phones is nonrenewable! The energy we use to heat our homes, drive our cars and charge our cell phones is nonrenewable! We can choose to use that energy wisely so that it is available for longer We can choose to use that energy wisely so that it is available for longer If you don’t limit your use now, you might not have this kind of energy when you are older! If you don’t limit your use now, you might not have this kind of energy when you are older!

9 Brainstorm some ways you can conserve energy: Brainstorm some ways you can conserve energy: Turn off the lights when you leave a room Turn off the lights when you leave a room Only run the dishwasher when it is full Only run the dishwasher when it is full Ride your bike or walk somewhere instead of driving Ride your bike or walk somewhere instead of driving

10 Recycling: process of reusing items Recycling: process of reusing items Recycling reduces the amount of natural resources that we have to get from the earth. Recycling reduces the amount of natural resources that we have to get from the earth. Example: recycling paper reduces the amount of trees we have to cut down Example: recycling paper reduces the amount of trees we have to cut down Recycling also conserves energy. It takes less energy to recycle a soda can than it does to make a new one Recycling also conserves energy. It takes less energy to recycle a soda can than it does to make a new one

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