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The Roman House By: Caitlin Harley. The Atrium The Atrium is a large open area in the Roman House, it was often used for family gatherings, vending, and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman House By: Caitlin Harley. The Atrium The Atrium is a large open area in the Roman House, it was often used for family gatherings, vending, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman House By: Caitlin Harley

2 The Atrium The Atrium is a large open area in the Roman House, it was often used for family gatherings, vending, and worship. In the center of the Atrium there was a large hole in the ceiling, (Compluvium) below it, is a small pool known as an Impluvium.

3 The Cubiculum The Cubicula, were small rooms that were found all over the Roman House. In the back of the house and on the second floor they would have functioned as bedrooms but near the atrium they may have been used for meetings.

4 The Culina The Culina served as the kitchen in the Roman House, it was usually a very small, dark room, and extremely hot. The Culina was often found at the back of the house.

5 The Exedra The Exedra was a lavish dining area, usually located near the Peristylium. This room was used to host parties and was often decorated with a garden theme carried over from the Peristylium.

6 The Peristylium The Peristylium is essentially a garden within the walls of the Roman House. It was often decorated with small fish pools, a statue of a particular God or Goddess, and elaborate wall paintings.

7 The Taberna The Taberna found in the Roman House, were usually used as shops that were rented out to venders. Taberna also served as a buffer zone for smell and noise of the busy Roman streets.

8 The Tablinum The Tablinum was used to store family records and family finances. Rich Roman families may have even displayed famous ancestors in this room. It was also used by the head of the house to greet his guests

9 The Triclinium The Triclinium was the Roman Dining Room. It was named for the three couches (Lecti) usually found inside the room.

10 The Vestibulum Long Narrow hallway which led to the Atrium is the area known as the Vestibulum.


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