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1 Groundwork London in Europe. 2  Interreg IIC  1999 - 2001  Understand NUL  Identify development potential of NUL  How to integrate social & cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Groundwork London in Europe. 2  Interreg IIC  1999 - 2001  Understand NUL  Identify development potential of NUL  How to integrate social & cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Groundwork London in Europe

2 2  Interreg IIC  1999 - 2001  Understand NUL  Identify development potential of NUL  How to integrate social & cultural aspects  Formulate conceptual planning answers to NUL (new planning concepts; new planning instruments; new planning procedures)  International exchange, networks New Urban Landscapes

3 3  Sustainable & Accessible Urban Landscapes  Practical investigation of NUL  Interreg IIIB North West Europe  Jan 2003 – June 2008  Budget €23.4M, ERDF €10.7M The SAUL project

4 4 The SAUL Partners

5 5  Regional demonstration projects  Socially inclusive spaces – leisure, recreation, quality of life, social equity, economic prosperity  Planning through partnerships  Regional planning & regional identity  The Learning Region SAUL

6 6

7 7  Application process requires considerable time and effort from all partners – deadlines are absolute, advice from Secretariat is minimal If successful:  Complex financial & audit requirements – finance & audit expertise required by all partners  Cashflow delays  Exchange rate movements  Communication & translation Interreg Challenges

8 8  Individual learning  Organisational learning  Experience and advice to regional projects  Partnership reputation & development (local, regional, national, EU)  Funding Interreg Benefits

9 9  1 st call Sept 07 – Vital City Regions 1  Innovative approaches to place- making through new green infrastructure as part of integrated urban development policy, aiming to build spatial and social capital for the new European economy.  (1) Waterways (2) climate change (3) social capital (4) economic growth  Feedback – lack of focus; innovation; transnationality; budget reduction Interreg IVB NWE

10 10  2 nd call May 08 – Vital City Regions 2  To change attitudes, behaviours and practical responses to the challenges that climate change raises  (1) Adapting spatial planning strategies (2) adaptation responses for multi- functional urban open space (3) mitigation responses for multi-functional open space (4) engaging communities and stakeholders in climate change.  Feedback – budget reduction; even more focus; more innovation; clearer transnationality Interreg IVB NWE

11 11  3 rd call Oct 08 – C-CHANGE  A 'sea-change' in attitudes, behaviours and practical responses to climate change.  (1) Ensure spatial planning strategies prepare city regions economically, socially and environmentally to adapt to climate change and mitigate their contribution (2) demonstrating how multi-functional urban open space can be developed for practical responses to urban living in a changing climate (3) demonstrating how to engage stakeholders. Interreg IVB NWE

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