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What is EdVenture?  Family summer camp in Niseko, Japan  Outdoor adventure activities: Overnight camping  Hands-on learning; Sports Camp, Cooking Camp,

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Presentation on theme: "What is EdVenture?  Family summer camp in Niseko, Japan  Outdoor adventure activities: Overnight camping  Hands-on learning; Sports Camp, Cooking Camp,"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is EdVenture?  Family summer camp in Niseko, Japan  Outdoor adventure activities: Overnight camping  Hands-on learning; Sports Camp, Cooking Camp, Arts and Science camp  Daily morning excursions  Early morning fitness and yoga programs EdVenture, Niseko, Japan, July 2014

3 Is this for me?  Take a look at the following images and videos and see if you can picture yourself there! Niseko/428600577185240  What your accommodation looks like  This is a fantastic way to spend 3 weeks of your summer.  This will look fantastic on your CV and applications for university. A formal letter of reference and performance evaluation can be provided and hours can be counted towards your CAS program.  Learn something new about yourself, make some new friends and visit a place in the world you may not otherwise ever get to experience EdVenture, Niseko, Japan, July 2014

4 What do you want me to do?  To be a camp assistant for 3 weeks from July 5 th - July 26 th.  Assist with the running of all activities from Monday to Friday. Weekends will be yours to explore and enjoy the beauty of Niseko and try many of the different activities it has to offer.  Show energy, enthusiasm and a responsible nature at all times.  Assist with updating and populating Facebook and website with photos and events EdVenture, Niseko, Japan, July 2014

5 I like the sound of this!  Must be available for the 3 weeks the camp in scheduled for in July.  You will be required to pay for your own flights to Japan.  Once you are there all meals, from Monday to Friday will be covered.  You will need to meet the camp organisers so that they can get to know you and what you are made of!!  Come and speak to Mr King and let him know you are interested!! EdVenture, Niseko, Japan, July 2014

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